

Why Did Moses Cry?
An Essay on Parshat Devarim
Moses was a man whose every act influenced our world and the realm of heaven, yet the people would slander him to his face and behind his back.
Avoiding the Idols of Today
An Essay on Parshat Vaetchanan
What is idolatry? Why is the Torah so concerned about it, why does the Torah caution so much against it, and what is the source of its attraction?
A New Generation
An Essay on Parshat Eikev
Moses’ words are like a father’s parting words to his maturing children, when he explains to them that from now on they are going to live in a different world, by no means a worse world but a world that is certainly different.
Preparation for Life in the Holy Land
An Essay on Parshat Re'eh
The great majority of the subjects treated in the Parshah are connected to Jerusalem or to other places within the Land of Israel.
On Simplicity
An Essay on Shoftim
What does it mean to “Be wholehearted with God your Lord”? It is not so simple to determine what type of person qualifies as tamim.
On Attempting to
An Essay on Ki Teitzei
One end of the Torah is here on earth and the other end is in heaven, and it is on this bridge that G-d wants us to walk.
Blessings and Curses
An Essay on Ki Tavo
Why does the Torah cite only the curses and not use the positive language of the blessings?
The Joy of Judaism
An Essay on Parshat Nitzavim
Parshat Nitzavim speaks of teshuvah, conveying the message that all is not lost, and that there is a way to set things right.
Choose Life So That You May Live
An Essay on Vayelech
There is nothing worse than perceiving the Torah as an inherited burden, because there is absolutely nothing that one can do about it.
On the Essence of Shabbat Shuvah
An Essay on Shabbat Shuvah
There is an essential problem in the combination of Shabbat and teshuvah.
Moses’ Blessing and Jacob’s Blessing
An Essay on V'Zot HaBeracha
Parshat V’zot HaBerachah has two focuses: the blessing that Moses bestows on Israel before his death and the account of his death.