Chapter 30

1And Rachel saw that she had not borne [any children] to Jacob, and Rachel envied her sister, and she said to Jacob, "Give me children, and if not, I am dead."   אוַתֵּ֣רֶא רָחֵ֗ל כִּ֣י לֹ֤א יָֽלְדָה֙ לְיַֽעֲקֹ֔ב וַתְּקַנֵּ֥א רָחֵ֖ל בַּֽאֲחֹתָ֑הּ וַתֹּ֤אמֶר אֶל־יַֽעֲקֹב֙ הָֽבָה־לִּ֣י בָנִ֔ים וְאִם־אַ֖יִן מֵתָ֥ה אָנֹֽכִי:
and Rachel envied her sister She envied her good deeds. She said, “If she had not been more righteous than I, she would not have merited children” (Gen. Rabbah 71:5).   וַתְּקַנֵּא רָחֵל באחותה  קִנְּאָה בְמַעֲשֶׂיהָ הַטּוֹבִים, אָמְרָה אִלּוּלֵי שֶׁצָּדְקָה מִמֶּנִּי לֹא זָכְתָה לְבָנִים (בראשית רבה):
Give me Did your father [not] do that for your mother? Did he not pray for her?- [from Gen. Rabbah 71:7]   הָֽבָה־לִּי  וְכִי כָּךְ עָשָׂה אָבִיךָ לְאִמְּךָ? וְהֲלֹא הִתְפַּלֵּל עָלֶיהָ:
I am dead From here [we learn] that whoever has no children is counted as dead. — [from Gen. Rabbah 71:6]   מֵתָה אָנֹֽכִי  מִכָּאן לְמִי שֶׁאֵין לוֹ בָנִים שֶׁחָשׁוּב כַּמֵּת (בראשית רבה):
2And Jacob became angry with Rachel, and he said, "Am I instead of God, Who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?"   בוַיִּֽחַר־אַ֥ף יַֽעֲקֹ֖ב בְּרָחֵ֑ל וַיֹּ֗אמֶר הֲתַ֤חַת אֱלֹהִים֙ אָנֹ֔כִי אֲשֶׁר־מָנַ֥ע מִמֵּ֖ךְ פְּרִי־בָֽטֶן:
Am I instead of God Am I in His place?   הֲתַחַת  וְכִי בִמְקוֹמוֹ אֲנִי?
Who has withheld from you You say that I should do as my father did. I am not like my father. My father had no sons [at the time he prayed], but I have sons. [It is thus apparent that] He has withheld [children] from you, not from me. — [from Gen. Rabbah 71:7]   אֲשֶׁר־מָנַע מִמֵּךְ  אַתְּ אוֹמֶרֶת שֶׁאֶעֱשֶׂה כְאַבָּא, אֲנִי אֵינִי כְּאַבָּא, אַבָּא לֹא הָיוּ לוֹ בָנִים, אֲנִי יֵשׁ לִי בָּנִים; מִמֵּךְ מָנַע וְלֹא מִמֶּנִּי:
3So she said, "Here is my maidservant Bilhah; come to her, and she will bear [children] on my knees, so that I, too, will be built up from her."   גוַתֹּ֕אמֶר הִנֵּ֛ה אֲמָתִ֥י בִלְהָ֖ה בֹּ֣א אֵלֶ֑יהָ וְתֵלֵד֙ עַל־בִּרְכַּ֔י וְאִבָּנֶ֥ה גַם־אָֽנֹכִ֖י מִמֶּֽנָּה:
on my knees As the Targum renders: and I will rear [them].   עַל־בִּרְכַּי  כְּתַרְגּוּמוֹ וַאֲנָא אֱרַבֵּי:
so that I, too, will be built up What is [the meaning of] “too” ? She said to him, “Your grandfather Abraham had sons from Hagar; yet he girded his loins (he prayed fervently) on Sarah’s behalf.” He replied, “My grandmother brought her rival into her house.” She said, “If this matter is holding things up (prevents me from having children), here is my maidservant.” - [from Gen. Rabbah 71:7]   וְאִבָּנֶה גַם־אָֽנֹכִי  מַהוּ גַּם? אָמְרָה לוֹ זְקֶנְךָ אַבְרָהָם הָיוּ לוֹ בָנִים מֵהָגָר וְחָגַר מָתְנָיו כְּנֶגֶד שָׂרָה, אָמַר לָהּ זְקֵנָתִי הִכְנִיסָה צָרָתָהּ לְבֵיתָהּ, אָמְרָה לוֹ אִם הַדָּבָר הַזֶּה מְעַכֵּב, הִנֵּה אֲמָתִי:
so that I, too, will be built up from her like Sarah. — [from Gen. Rabbah 71:7]   וְאִבָּנֶה גַם־אָֽנֹכִי  כְּשָׂרָה:
4So she gave him her maidservant Bilhah for a wife, and Jacob came to her.   דוַתִּתֶּן־ל֛וֹ אֶת־בִּלְהָ֥ה שִׁפְחָתָ֖הּ לְאִשָּׁ֑ה וַיָּבֹ֥א אֵלֶ֖יהָ יַֽעֲקֹֽב:
5And Bilhah conceived, and she bore Jacob a son.   הוַתַּ֣הַר בִּלְהָ֔ה וַתֵּ֥לֶד לְיַֽעֲקֹ֖ב בֵּֽן:
6And Rachel said, "God has judged me, and He has also hearkened to my voice and has given me a son"; so she named him Dan.   ווַתֹּ֤אמֶר רָחֵל֨ דָּנַ֣נִּי אֱלֹהִ֔ים וְגַם֙ שָׁמַ֣ע בְּקֹלִ֔י וַיִּתֶּן־לִ֖י בֵּ֑ן עַל־כֵּ֛ן קָֽרְאָ֥ה שְׁמ֖וֹ דָּֽן:
God has judged me He judged me, declared me guilty, and then declared me innocent. — [from Gen. Rabbah 71:7].   דָּנַנִּי אֱלֹהִים  דָּנַנִּי וְחִיְּבַנִי וְזִכַּנִי (בראשית רבה):
7And Bilhah, Rachel's maidservant, conceived again and bore Jacob a second son.   זוַתַּ֣הַר ע֔וֹד וַתֵּ֕לֶד בִּלְהָ֖ה שִׁפְחַ֣ת רָחֵ֑ל בֵּ֥ן שֵׁנִ֖י לְיַֽעֲקֹֽב:
8And Rachel said, "[With] divine bonds I have been joined to my sister; I have also prevailed"; so she named him Naftali.   חוַתֹּ֣אמֶר רָחֵ֗ל נַפְתּוּלֵ֨י אֱלֹהִ֧ים | נִפְתַּ֛לְתִּי עִם־אֲחֹתִ֖י גַּם־יָכֹ֑לְתִּי וַתִּקְרָ֥א שְׁמ֖וֹ נַפְתָּלִֽי:
divine bonds Heb. נַפְתּוּלֵי אֱלֹהִים. Menachem ben Saruk (p. 147) classified it in the grouping of Num. 19:15, “a cover bound (פָּתִיל).” With bonds from the Omnipresent, I have joined my sister to merit children. But I interpret it as an expression of “perverse and crooked (וּפְתַלְתֹּל).” (Deut. 32:5). I have stubbornly pleaded many tortuous pleas to the Omnipresent to be equal to my sister.   נַפְתּוּלֵי אֱלֹהִים  מְנַחֵם בֶּן סָרוּק פֵּרְשׁוֹ בְּמַחְבֶּרֶת צָמִיד פָּתִיל, חִבּוּרִים מֵאֵת הַמָּקוֹם נִתְחַבַּרְתִּי עִם אֲחוֹתִי לִזְכּוֹת לְבָנִים. וַאֲנִי מְפָרְשׁוֹ לְשׁוֹן עִקֵּשׁ וּפְתַלְתֹּל (דברים ל"ב) – נִתְעַקַּשְׁתִּי וְהִפְצַרְתִּי פְצִירוֹת וְנַפְתּוּלִים הַרְבֵּה לַמָּקוֹם, לִהְיוֹת שָׁוָה לַאֲחוֹתִי:
I have also prevailed He yielded to my importunities. Onkelos, however, rendered it as an expression of prayer (תְּפִלָּה): נַפְתּוּלֵי אֱלֹהִים נִפְתַּלְתִּי. Requests beloved to Him were accepted on my behalf, and I was answered like my sister.   גַּם־יָכֹלְתִּי  הִסְכִּים עַל יָדִי; וְאֻנְקְלוֹס תִּרְגֵּם לְשׁוֹן תְּפִלָּה, כְּמוֹ נַפְתּוּלֵי אֱלֹהִים נִתְפַּלְתִּי בַּקָּשׁוֹת הַחֲבִיבוֹת לְפָנָיו; נִתְקַבַּלְתִּי, וְנֶעֱתַרְתִּי כַאֲחוֹתִי:
נִפְתַּלְתִּי  means my prayer was accepted. There are many aggadic midrashim that interpret this phrase with the method of notarikon, (i.e., each group of letters represents a word).   נִפְתַּלְתִּי  נִתְקַבְּלָה תְפִלָּתִי, וּמִקְרָא אַחֵר יֵשׁ רַבִּים בִּלְשׁוֹן נוֹטָרִיקוֹן:
9When Leah saw that she had stopped bearing [children], she took her maidservant Zilpah, and gave her to Jacob for a wife.   טוַתֵּ֣רֶא לֵאָ֔ה כִּ֥י עָֽמְדָ֖ה מִלֶּ֑דֶת וַתִּקַּח֙ אֶת־זִלְפָּ֣ה שִׁפְחָתָ֔הּ וַתִּתֵּ֥ן אֹתָ֛הּ לְיַֽעֲקֹ֖ב לְאִשָּֽׁה:
10And Zilpah, Leah's maidservant, bore Jacob a son.   יוַתֵּ֗לֶד זִלְפָּ֛ה שִׁפְחַ֥ת לֵאָ֖ה לְיַֽעֲקֹ֥ב בֵּֽן:
And Zilpah…bore In the case of all of them (i.e., all Jacob’s wives), conception is mentioned, except for Zilpah, because she was the youngest of them all and so young in years that her pregnancy was not noticed. In order to deceive Jacob, Laban gave her to Leah, so that he would not perceive that they were bringing in Leah, for this was their custom, to give the older maidservant to the older [daughter] and the younger [maidservant] to the younger [daughter]. — [from Gen. Rabbah 71: 9]   וַתֵּלֶד זִלְפָּה  בְּכֻלָּן נֶאֱמַר הֵרָיוֹן חוּץ מִזִּלְפָּה, לְפִי שֶׁהָיְתָה בַחוּרָה מִכֻּלָּן וְתִינֹקֶת בְּשָׁנִים וְאֵין הֵרָיוֹן נִכָּר בָּה; וּכְדֵי לְרַמּוֹת לְיַעֲקֹב, נְתָנָהּ לָבָן לְלֵאָה, שֶׁלֹּא יָבִין שֶׁמַּכְנִיסִין לוֹ אֶת לֵאָה, שֶׁכָּךְ מִנְהָג לִתֵּן שִׁפְחָה הַגְּדוֹלָה לַגְּדוֹלָה וּקְטַנָּה לַקְּטַנָּה:
11And Leah said, "Luck has come"; so she named him Gad.   יאוַתֹּ֥אמֶר לֵאָ֖ה בָּ֣א גָ֑ד (כתיב בגד) וַתִּקְרָ֥א אֶת־שְׁמ֖וֹ גָּֽד:
“Luck has come” Heb. בָּא גָּד. Good luck has come [Targum Jonathan ben Uzziel] similar to (Shab. 67b) “May my fate be lucky (גָד גַדִּי) and not fatigued,” and similar to this (Isa. 65:11), “who set a table for Gad.” According to the Aggadah [Midrash Aggadah in the name of “some say”], he was born circumcised גָּד, meaning “cut off”), like Dan. 4:11, “cut down (גֹּדוּ) the tree,” but I do not know why it is written as one word (בָּגָד) [in our verse]. Another explanation: Why is it read as one word? בָּגָד is like בָּגַדְתּ ָבִּי, you betrayed me when you came to my handmaid, as a man who has betrayed (בָּגַד) the wife of his youth.   בא גָּֽד  בָּא מַזָּל טוֹב, כְּמוֹ גַּד גַּדִּי וְסָנוּק לָא (שבת ס"ז), וְדוֹמֶה לוֹ הַעֹרְכִים לַגַּד שֻׁלְחָן (ישעיהו ס"ה), וּמִדְרַשׁ אַגָּדָה שֶׁנּוֹלַד מָהוּל, כְּמוֹ גֹּדּוּ אִילָנָא (דניאל ד'), וְלֹא יָדַעְתִּי עַל מָה נִכְתְּבָה תֵּבָה אַחַת; דָּבָר אַחֵר לָמָּה נִקְרֵאת תֵּבָה אַחַת בָּגָד, כְּמוֹ בָּגַדְתָּ בִּי, כְּשֶׁבָּאתָ אֶל שִׁפְחָתִי, כְּאִישׁ שֶׁבָּגַד בְּאֵשֶׁת נְעוּרִים:
12And Zilpah, Leah's maidservant, bore Jacob a second son.   יבוַתֵּ֗לֶד זִלְפָּה֙ שִׁפְחַ֣ת לֵאָ֔ה בֵּ֥ן שֵׁנִ֖י לְיַֽעֲקֹֽב:
13And Leah said, "Because of my good fortune, for women have declared me fortunate"; so she named him Asher.   יגוַתֹּ֣אמֶר לֵאָ֔ה בְּאָשְׁרִ֕י כִּ֥י אִשְּׁר֖וּנִי בָּנ֑וֹת וַתִּקְרָ֥א אֶת־שְׁמ֖וֹ אָשֵֽׁר:
14Reuben went in the days of the wheat harvest, and he found dudaim in the field and brought them to Leah, his mother, and Rachel said to Leah, "Now give me some of your son's dudaim."   ידוַיֵּ֨לֶךְ רְאוּבֵ֜ן בִּימֵ֣י קְצִֽיר־חִטִּ֗ים וַיִּמְצָ֤א דֽוּדָאִים֙ בַּשָּׂדֶ֔ה וַיָּבֵ֣א אֹתָ֔ם אֶל־לֵאָ֖ה אִמּ֑וֹ וַתֹּ֤אמֶר רָחֵל֨ אֶל־לֵאָ֔ה תְּנִי־נָ֣א לִ֔י מִדּֽוּדָאֵ֖י בְּנֵֽךְ:
in the days of the wheat harvest [This is] to tell the praise of the [progenitors of] the tribes. It was harvest time, and he did not stretch out his hand upon stolen property, to bring wheat or barley, but only upon an ownerless thing, which no one cares about. — [from Gen. Rabbah 72: 2]   בִּימֵי קְצִֽיר־חִטִּים  לְהַגִּיד שִׁבְחָן שֶׁל שְׁבָטִים; שְׁעַת הַקָּצִיר הָיָה וְלֹא פָשַׁט יָדוֹ בַגֶּזֶל לְהָבִיא חִטִּים וּשְׂעוֹרִים, אֶלָּא דְּבַר הַהֶפְקֵר, שֶׁאֵין אָדָם מַקְפִּיד בּוֹ:
dudaim (Sanh. 99b) Sigli. This is an herb, [called] jasmine in Arabic.   דֽוּדָאִים  סִיגְלִי, עֵשֶׂב הוּא (סנהדרין צ"ט), וּבִלְשׁוֹן יִשְׁמָעֵאל יַסְמִי"ן:
15And she said to her, "Is it a small matter that you have taken my husband, that [you wish] also to take my son's dudaim?" So Rachel said, "Therefore, he shall sleep with you tonight as payment for your son's dudaim."   טווַתֹּ֣אמֶר לָ֗הּ הַֽמְעַט֙ קַחְתֵּ֣ךְ אֶת־אִישִׁ֔י וְלָקַ֕חַת גַּ֥ם אֶת־דּֽוּדָאֵ֖י בְּנִ֑י וַתֹּ֣אמֶר רָחֵ֗ל לָכֵן֙ יִשְׁכַּ֤ב עִמָּךְ֙ הַלַּ֔יְלָה תַּ֖חַת דּֽוּדָאֵ֥י בְנֵֽךְ:
that [you wish] also to take my son’s dudaim? This is a question: and [do you wish] to do this also, to take also my son’s dudaim? The Targum for this is וּלְמֵיסַב, and to take.   וְלָקַחַת גַּם אֶת־דּֽוּדָאֵי בְּנִי  בִּתְמִיהָ, וְלַעֲשׂוֹת עוֹד זֹאת לִקַּח גַם אֶת דּוּדָאֵי בְּנִי; וְתַרְגּוּמוֹ וּלְמֵיסַב:
Therefore, he shall sleep with you tonight Tonight’s cohabitation belonged to me, but I will give it to you in lieu of your son’s dudaim. Since she treated the cohabitation of the righteous man lightly, she did not merit to be buried with him. — [from Gen. Rabbah 72:3]   לָכֵן יִשְׁכַּב עִמָּךְ הַלַּיְלָה  שֶׁלִּי הָיְתָה שְׁכִיבַת לַיְלָה זוֹ, וַאֲנִי נוֹתְנָה לָךְ תַּחַת דּוּדָאֵי בְנֵךְ, וּלְפִי שֶׁזִּלְזְלָה בְּמִשְׁכַּב הַצַּדִּיק לֹא זָכְתָה לְהִקָּבֵר עִמּוֹ (נדה ל"א):
16When Jacob came from the field in the evening, and Leah came forth toward him, and she said, "You shall come to me, because I have hired you with my son's dudaim," and he slept with her on that night.   טזוַיָּבֹ֨א יַֽעֲקֹ֥ב מִן־הַשָּׂדֶה֘ בָּעֶ֒רֶב֒ וַתֵּצֵ֨א לֵאָ֜ה לִקְרָאת֗וֹ וַתֹּ֨אמֶר֙ אֵלַ֣י תָּב֔וֹא כִּ֚י שָׂכֹ֣ר שְׂכַרְתִּ֔יךָ בְּדֽוּדָאֵ֖י בְּנִ֑י וַיִּשְׁכַּ֥ב עִמָּ֖הּ בַּלַּ֥יְלָה הֽוּא:
I have hired you I gave Rachel her payment. — [from Targum Jonathan]   שָׂכֹר שְׂכַרְתִּיךָ  נָתַתִּי לְרָחֵל שְׂכָרָהּ:
on that night Heb. בָּלַיְלָה הוּא. The Holy One, blessed be He, assisted that Issachar should be born from that union. — [from Niddah 31a]   בַּלַּיְלָה הֽוּא  הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא סִיְּעוֹ, שֶׁיָּצָא מִשָּׁם יִשָּׂשכָר (בראשית רבה):
17And God hearkened to Leah, and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son.   יזוַיִּשְׁמַ֥ע אֱלֹהִ֖ים אֶל־לֵאָ֑ה וַתַּ֛הַר וַתֵּ֥לֶד לְיַֽעֲקֹ֖ב בֵּ֥ן חֲמִישִֽׁי:
And God hearkened to Leah That she desired and was seeking means to increase the number of tribes. — [from Gen. Rabbah 72:5]   וַיִּשְׁמַע אֱלֹהִים אֶל־לֵאָה  שֶׁהָיְתָה מִתְאַוָּה וּמְחַזֶּרֶת לְהַרְבּוֹת שְׁבָטִים:
18And Leah said, "God has given [me] my reward for I have given my maidservant to my husband"; so she named him Issachar.   יחוַתֹּ֣אמֶר לֵאָ֗ה נָתַ֤ן אֱלֹהִים֙ שְׂכָרִ֔י אֲשֶׁר־נָתַ֥תִּי שִׁפְחָתִ֖י לְאִישִׁ֑י וַתִּקְרָ֥א שְׁמ֖וֹ יִשָּׂשכָֽר:
19And Leah conceived again, and she bore Jacob a sixth son.   יטוַתַּ֥הַר ע֖וֹד לֵאָ֑ה וַתֵּ֥לֶד בֵּֽן־שִׁשִּׁ֖י לְיַֽעֲקֹֽב:
20And Leah said, "God has given me a good portion. This time, my husband will live with me, for I have borne him six sons"; so she named him Zebulun.   כוַתֹּ֣אמֶר לֵאָ֗ה זְבָדַ֨נִי אֱלֹהִ֥ים | אֹתִי֘ זֶ֣בֶד טוֹב֒ הַפַּ֨עַם֙ יִזְבְּלֵ֣נִי אִישִׁ֔י כִּֽי־יָלַ֥דְתִּי ל֖וֹ שִׁשָּׁ֣ה בָנִ֑ים וַתִּקְרָ֥א אֶת־שְׁמ֖וֹ זְבֻלֽוּן:
a good portion Heb. זֶבֶד טוֹב. [To be interpreted] according to its Aramaic translation [חוּלַק טַב, a good portion].   זֶבֶד טוֹב  כְּתַרְגּוּמוֹ:
will live with me An expression of a dwelling place; herberjerie in O.F.; lodging, abode, home. From now on, his principal dwelling will be only with me, because I have as many sons as all his [other] wives have.   יִזְבְּלֵנִי  לְ' בֵּית זְבֻל (מלכים א ח' י"ג), הירבריי"א בְּלַעַז, בֵּית מָדוֹר, מֵעַתָּה לֹא תְהֵא עִקַּר דִּירָתוֹ אֶלָּא עִמִּי שֶׁיֵּשׁ לִי בָנִים כְּנֶגֶד כָּל נָשָׁיו:
21And afterwards, she bore a daughter, and she named her Dinah.   כאוְאַחַ֖ר יָ֣לְדָה בַּ֑ת וַתִּקְרָ֥א אֶת־שְׁמָ֖הּ דִּינָֽה:
Dinah Our Sages explained that Leah pronounced judgment (דָּנָה) upon herself. [She reasoned:] If this is a male, my sister Rachel will not be [esteemed even] as one of the handmaids. So she prayed over him, and he was turned into a female (Ber. 60a).   דִּינָֽה  פֵּרְשׁוּ רַבּוֹתֵינוּ שֶׁדָּנָה לֵאָה דִּין בְּעַצְמָהּ, אִם זֶה זָכָר לֹא תְהֵא רָחֵל אֲחוֹתִי כְּאַחַת הַשְּׁפָחוֹת, וְהִתְפַּלְּלָה עָלָיו וְנֶהְפַּךְ לִנְקֵבָה (ברכות ס'):
22And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and He opened her womb.   כבוַיִּזְכֹּ֥ר אֱלֹהִ֖ים אֶת־רָחֵ֑ל וַיִּשְׁמַ֤ע אֵלֶ֨יהָ֙ אֱלֹהִ֔ים וַיִּפְתַּ֖ח אֶת־רַחְמָֽהּ:
And God remembered Rachel (Gen. Rabbah 73:4) He remembered for her that she gave over her signs to her sister [Leah] and that she was troubled lest she fall into Esau’s lot, perhaps Jacob would divorce her because she had no children. The wicked Esau also got that idea when he heard that she had no children. This is what the paytan incorporated [into his poem for the first day of Rosh Hashanah, entitled אֶבֶן חוּג]: When the ruddy one (Esau) saw that she (Rachel) had not experienced birth pangs, he wished to take her for himself, and she was terrified.   ויזכור אֱלֹהִים אֶת־רָחֵל  זָכַר לָהּ שֶׁמָּסְרָה סִימָנֶיהָ לַאֲחוֹתָהּ וְשֶׁהָיְתָה מְצֵרָה שֶׁמָּא תַּעֲלֶה בְּגוֹרָלוֹ שֶׁל עֵשָׂו, שֶׁמָּא יְגָרְשֶׁנָּה יַעֲקֹב לְפִי שֶׁאֵין לָהּ בָּנִים, וְאַף עֵשָׂו הָרָשָׁע כָּךְ עָלָה בְּלִבּוֹ כְּשֶׁשָּׁמַע שֶׁאֵין לָהּ בָּנִים; הוּא שֶׁיִּסֵּד הַפַּיָּט הָאַדְמוֹן כְּבָט שֶׁלֹּא חָלָה, צָבָה לְקַחְתָּהּ לוֹ וְנִתְבֶּהָלָה:
23And she conceived and bore a son, and she said, "God has taken away my reproach."   כגוַתַּ֖הַר וַתֵּ֣לֶד בֵּ֑ן וַתֹּ֕אמֶר אָסַ֥ף אֱלֹהִ֖ים אֶת־חֶרְפָּתִֽי:
has taken away Heb. אָסַף He took it into a place where it would not be seen, and similarly (Isa. 4:1): “take away (אֱסֹף) our reproach;” (Ex. 9:19): “and will not be taken in (יֵאָסֵף) the house;” (Joel 4:15): “have withdrawn (אָסְפוּ) their shining;” (Isa. 60: 20): “shall your moon be gathered in (יֵאָסֵף),” [meaning that] it will not be hidden.   אָסַף  הִכְנִיסָהּ בְּמָקוֹם שֶׁלֹּא תֵרָאֶה, וְכֵן אֱסֹף חֶרְפָּתֵנוּ (ישעיהו ד'), וְלֹא יֵאָסֵף הַבַּיתָה (שמות ט'), אָסְפוּ נָגְהָם (יואל ד'), וִירֵחֵךְ לֹא יֵאָסֵף (ישעיהו ס') – לֹא יִטָּמֵן:
my reproach For I was put to shame, having been barren, and [people] were saying about me that I would fall to the lot of the wicked Esau (Tan. Buber, Vayetze 20). The Aggadah (Gen. Rabbah 73:5) [explains it thus:] As long as a woman has no child, she has no one to blame for her faults. As soon as she has a child, she blames him. “Who broke this dish?” “Your child!” “Who ate these figs?” “Your child!”   חֶרְפָּתִֽי  שֶׁהָיִיתִי לְחֶרְפָּה שֶׁאֲנִי עֲקָרָה וְהָיוּ אוֹמְרִים עָלַי שֶׁאֱעֶלֶה לְחֶלְקוֹ שֶׁל עֵשָׂו הָרָשָׁע. וְאַגָּדָה: כָּל זְמַן שֶׁאֵין לָאִשָּׁה בֵּן, אֵין לָהּ בְּמִי לִתְלוֹת סִרְחוֹנָהּ, מִשֶּׁיֵשׁ לָהּ בֵּן תּוֹלָה בוֹ: מִי שִׁבֵּר כְּלִי זֶה? בִּנְךָ. מִי אָכַל תְּאֵנִים אֵלּוּ? בִּנְךָ:
24So she named him Joseph, saying, "May the Lord grant me yet another son!"   כדוַתִּקְרָ֧א אֶת־שְׁמ֛וֹ יוֹסֵ֖ף לֵאמֹ֑ר יֹסֵ֧ף יְהֹוָ֛ה לִ֖י בֵּ֥ן אַחֵֽר:
May the Lord grant me yet another son She knew through prophecy that Jacob was destined to establish only twelve tribes. She said, “May it be His will that the one he is destined to establish be from me.” Therefore, she prayed only for another son [and no more]. — [from Gen. Rabbah 72:6]   יֹסֵף ה' לִי בֵּן אַחֵֽר  יוֹדַעַת הָיְתָה בִנְבוּאָה שֶׁאֵין יַעֲקֹב עָתִיד לְהַעֲמִיד אֶלָּא שְׁנֵים עָשָׂר שְׁבָטִים, אָמְרָה יְהִי רָצוֹן שֶׁאוֹתוֹ שֶׁהוּא עָתִיד לְהַעֲמִיד יְהֵא מִמֶּנִּי, לְכָךְ לֹא נִתְפַּלְּלָה אֶלָּא עַל בֵּן אַחֵר:
25It came to pass when Rachel had borne Joseph, that Jacob said to Laban, "Send me away, and I will go to my place and to my land.   כהוַיְהִ֕י כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֛ר יָֽלְדָ֥ה רָחֵ֖ל אֶת־יוֹסֵ֑ף וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יַֽעֲקֹב֙ אֶל־לָבָ֔ן שַׁלְּחֵ֨נִי֙ וְאֵ֣לְכָ֔ה אֶל־מְקוֹמִ֖י וּלְאַרְצִֽי:
when Rachel had borne Joseph When the adversary of Esau was born, as it is said (Obadiah 1:18): “And the house of Jacob shall be fire and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau shall become stubble.” Fire without a flame does not burn anything a distance away. As soon as Joseph was born, Jacob trusted in the Holy One, blessed be He and desired to return [to Canaan]. — [from B.B. 123b, Targum Jonathan ben Uzziel, Gen. Rabbah 73:7]   כַּֽאֲשֶׁר יָֽלְדָה רָחֵל אֶת־יוֹסֵף  מִשֶּׁנּוֹלַד שְׂטָנוֹ שֶׁל עֵשָׂו, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר וְהָיָה בֵית יַעֲקֹב אֵשׁ וּבֵית יוֹסֵף לֶהָבָה וּבֵית עֵשָׂו לְקַשׁ (עובדיה א'), אֵשׁ בְּלֹא לֶהָבָה אֵינוֹ שׁוֹלֵט לְמֵרָחוֹק, מִשֶּׁנּוֹלַד יוֹסֵף בָּטַח יַעֲקֹב בְּהַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא וְרָצָה לָשׁוּב:
26Give [me] my wives and my children for whom I worked for you, and I will go, for you know my work, which I have worked for you."   כותְּנָ֞ה אֶת־נָשַׁ֣י וְאֶת־יְלָדַ֗י אֲשֶׁ֨ר עָבַ֧דְתִּי אֹֽתְךָ֛ בָּהֵ֖ן וְאֵלֵ֑כָה כִּ֚י אַתָּ֣ה יָדַ֔עְתָּ אֶת־עֲבֹֽדָתִ֖י אֲשֶׁ֥ר עֲבַדְתִּֽיךָ:
Give [me] my wives, etc. I do not wish to leave without permission. — [from Zohar vol. 1, 158b]   תְּנָה אֶת־נָשַׁי וגו'  אֵינִי רוֹצֶה לָצֵאת כִּי אִם בִּרְשׁוּת:
27And Laban said to him, "If only I have now found favor in your eyes! I have divined, and the Lord has blessed me for your sake."   כזוַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֵלָיו֙ לָבָ֔ן אִם־נָ֛א מָצָ֥אתִי חֵ֖ן בְּעֵינֶ֑יךָ נִחַ֕שְׁתִּי וַיְבָֽרֲכֵ֥נִי יְהֹוָ֖ה בִּגְלָלֶֽךָ:
I have divined He was a diviner. [He said:] I ascertained with my divination that a blessing came to me through you. When you came here, I had no sons, as it is said (above, 29:6): “and behold, his daughter Rachel is coming with the sheep” (is it possible that he has sons, yet sends his daughter along with the shepherds?). Now, however, he had sons, as it is said (31:1): “And he heard the words of Laban’s sons.” - [from Tanchuma Shemoth 16]   נִחַשְׁתִּי  מְנַחֵשׁ הָיָה, נִסִּיתִי בְּנִחוּשׁ שֶׁלִּי שֶׁעַל יָדְךָ בָּאָה לִי בְרָכָה; כְּשֶׁבָּאתָ לְכָאן לֹא הָיוּ לִי בָנִים, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר וְהִנֵּה רָחֵל בִּתּוֹ בָּאָה עִם הַצֹּאן (בראשית כ״ט:ו׳), אֶפְשַׁר יֵשׁ לוֹ בָנִים וְהוּא שׁוֹלֵחַ בִתּוֹ אֵצֶל הָרוֹעִים? עַכְשָׁיו הָיוּ לוֹ בָנִים, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר וַיִּשְׁמַע אֶת דִּבְרֵי בְנֵי לָבָן (שם ל"א):
28Then he said, "Specify your wages for me, and I will give [them]."   כחוַיֹּאמַ֑ר נָקְבָ֧ה שְׂכָֽרְךָ֛ עָלַ֖י וְאֶתֵּֽנָה:
Specify your wages Heb. נָקְבָה, [to be interpreted] as the Targum renders: פָּרֵישׁ אגרך‏, specify your wages.   נָקְבָה  כְּתַרְגּוּמוֹ פָּרֵשׁ אַגְרָךְ:
29And he said to him, "You know how I have worked for you and how your livestock was with me.   כטוַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֵלָ֔יו אַתָּ֣ה יָדַ֔עְתָּ אֵ֖ת אֲשֶׁ֣ר עֲבַדְתִּ֑יךָ וְאֵ֛ת אֲשֶׁר־הָיָ֥ה מִקְנְךָ֖ אִתִּֽי:
and how your livestock was with me The small amount of your livestock that came into my hands-how many were they?   וְאֵת אֲשֶׁר הָיָה מִקְנְךָ אִתִּֽי  אֶת חֶשְׁבּוֹן מִעוּט מִקְנְךָ שֶׁבָּא לְיָדִי מִתְּחִלָּה, כַּמָּה הָיוּ:
30For the little that you had before me has increased in multitude, and the Lord blessed you upon my arrival; but now, when will I, too, provide [something] for my household?"   לכִּ֡י מְעַט֩ אֲשֶׁר־הָיָ֨ה לְךָ֤ לְפָנַי֙ וַיִּפְרֹ֣ץ לָרֹ֔ב וַיְבָ֧רֶךְ יְהֹוָ֛ה אֹֽתְךָ֖ לְרַגְלִ֑י וְעַתָּ֗ה מָתַ֛י אֶֽעֱשֶׂ֥ה גַם־אָֽנֹכִ֖י לְבֵיתִֽי:
upon my arrival lit., to my foot, with my foot; because of the arrival of my foot, the blessing came to you, like (Exod. 11:8): “the people that follow you (בְּרַגְלֶי‏);” (Jud. 8:5): “to the people that follow me (בְּרַגְלִי),” who come with me. — [from Gen. Rabbah 73:8]   לְרַגְלִי  עִם רַגְלִי, בִּשְׁבִיל בִּיאַת רַגְלִי בָּאת אֶצְלְךָ הַבְּרָכָה, כְּמוֹ הָעָם אֲשֶׁר בְּרַגְלֶיךָ (שמות י"א), לָעָם אֲשֶׁר בְּרַגְלָי (שופטים ח') – הַבָּאִים עִמִּי:
when will I, too, provide [something] for my household For the needs of my household. Now only my children work for my needs, and I too must work with them to assist them. This is the meaning of “too.”   גַם־אָֽנֹכִי לְבֵיתִֽי  לְצֹרֶךְ בֵּיתִי; עַכְשָׁו אֵין עוֹשִׂין לְצָרְכִּי אֶלָּא בָּנַי וְצָרִיךְ אֲנִי לִהְיוֹת עוֹשֶׂה גַּם אֲנִי עִמָּהֶם לְסָמְכָן, וְזֶהוּ גַּם:
31And he said, "What shall I give you?" And Jacob said, "You shall give me nothing; if you do this thing for me, I will return, I will pasture your flocks, [and] I will watch [them].   לאוַיֹּ֖אמֶר מָ֣ה אֶתֶּן־לָ֑ךְ וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יַֽעֲקֹב֙ לֹֽא־תִתֶּן־לִ֣י מְא֔וּמָה אִם־תַּֽעֲשֶׂה־לִּי֙ הַדָּבָ֣ר הַזֶּ֔ה אָשׁ֛וּבָה אֶרְעֶ֥ה צֹֽאנְךָ֖ אֶשְׁמֹֽר:
32I will pass throughout all your flocks today, removing from there every speckled and spotted kid, and every brown lamb among the sheep, and [every] spotted and speckled [one from] among the goats, and this shall be my wages.   לבאֶֽעֱבֹ֨ר בְּכָל־צֹֽאנְךָ֜ הַיּ֗וֹם הָסֵ֨ר מִשָּׁ֜ם כָּל־שֶׂ֣ה | נָקֹ֣ד וְטָל֗וּא וְכָל־שֶׂה־חוּם֙ בַּכְּשָׂבִ֔ים וְטָל֥וּא וְנָקֹ֖ד בָּֽעִזִּ֑ים וְהָיָ֖ה שְׂכָרִֽי:
speckled Heb. נָקֹד, spotted with small patches like dots, poynture in Old French, speckled.   נָקֹד  מְנֻמָּר בַּחֲבַרְבּוּרוֹת דַּקּוֹת כּמוֹ נְקֻדּוֹת, פיונטור"א בְּלַעַז:
spotted Heb. טָלוּא, an expression of patches, wide spots.   וְטָלוּא  לְשׁוֹן טְלָאִים – חֲבַרְבּוּרוֹת רְחָבוֹת:
brown Heb. חוּם, [Onkelos renders] שְׁחוּם, somewhat reddish, ros in Old French. In the language of the Mishnah (B.B. 83b): “[If someone purchases] red (שְׁחַמְתִּית) [wheat] and it was found to be white,” regarding grain.   חוּם  שָׁחוּם, דּוֹמֶה לְאָדֹם, רו"ש בְּלַעַז; לְשׁוֹן מִשְׁנָה שַׁחֲמָתִית וְנִמְצֵאת לְבָנָה, לְעִנְיַן הַתְּבוּאָה:
and this shall be my wages Those that will be born from now on speckled or spotted among the goats or brown among the sheep shall be mine. Those that are here now, separate from them and entrust them with your sons, so that you do not say to me concerning those born from now on, “These were there from the beginning,” and furthermore, so that you should not say to me, “Through the males that are speckled and spotted, the females will give birth to similar animals from now on.”   וְהָיָה שְׂכָרִֽי  אוֹתָן שֶׁיִּוָּלְדוּ מִכָּאן וּלְהַבָּא נְקֻדִּים וּטְלוּאִים בָּעִזִּים וּשְׁחוּמִים בַּכְּשָׂבִים, יִהְיוּ שֶׁלִּי, וְאוֹתָן שֶׁיֶּשְׁנָן עַכְשָׁו, הַפְרֵשׁ מֵהֶם וְהַפְקִידֵם בְּיַד בָּנֶיךָ, שֶׁלֹּא תֹאמַר לִי עַל הַנּוֹלָדִים מֵעַתָּה אֵלּוּ הָיוּ שָׁם מִתְּחִלָּה, וְעוֹד, שֶׁלֹּא תֹאמַר לִי, עַל יְדֵי הַזְּכָרִים שֶׁהֵן נְקֻדִּים וּטְלוּאִים תֵּלַדְנָה הַנְּקֵבוֹת דֻּגְמָתָן מִכָּאן וָאֵילָךְ:
33And my righteousness will testify for me at a future date for it will come upon my wages before you. Whatever is not speckled or spotted among the goats or brown among the sheep [shall be counted as] stolen with me."   לגוְעָֽנְתָה־בִּ֤י צִדְקָתִי֙ בְּי֣וֹם מָחָ֔ר כִּֽי־תָב֥וֹא עַל־שְׂכָרִ֖י לְפָנֶ֑יךָ כֹּ֣ל אֲשֶׁר־אֵינֶ֩נּוּ֩ נָקֹ֨ד וְטָל֜וּא בָּֽעִזִּ֗ים וְחוּם֙ בַּכְּשָׂבִ֔ים גָּנ֥וּב ה֖וּא אִתִּֽי:
And my righteousness will testify for me, etc. If you suspect me of taking anything of yours, my righteousness will testify for me. My righteousness will come and testify about my wages before you, that you will find in my flock only speckled and spotted ones, and whatever you find among them that is not speckled or spotted or brown, I have obviously stolen from you, and [only] through theft is it in my possession.   וְעָֽנְתָה־בִּי וגו'  אִם תַּחְשְׁדֵנִי שֶׁאֲנִי נוֹטֵל מִשֶּׁלְּךָ כְּלוּם, תַּעֲנֶה בִי צִדְקָתִי כִּי תָבֹא צִדְקָתִי וְתָעִיד עַל שְׂכָרִי לְפָנֶיךָ, שֶׁלֹּא תִמְצָא בְעֶדְרִי כִּי אִם נְקֻדִּים וּטְלוּאִים, וְכָל שֶׁתִּמְצָא בָהֶן שֶׁאֵינוֹ נָקֹד אוֹ טָלוּא אוֹ חוּם, בְּיָדוּעַ שֶׁגְּנַבְתִּיו לְךָ וּבִגְנֵבָה הוּא שָׁרוּי אֶצְלִי:
34And Laban said, "Very well! If only it would be as you say!"   לדוַיֹּ֥אמֶר לָבָ֖ן הֵ֑ן ל֖וּ יְהִ֥י כִדְבָרֶֽךָ:
Very well! Heb. הֵן, an expression denoting the acceptance of terms.   הֵן  לְ' קַבָּלַת דְּבָרִים:
If only it would be as you say If only you would want this!   לוּ יְהִי כִדְבָרֶֽךָ  הַלְוַאי שֶׁתַּחְפֹּץ בְּכָךְ:
35And he removed on that day the ringed and the spotted male goats and all the speckled and spotted female goats, whichever had white on it, and all the brown [from] among the sheep, and he gave [them] into the hands of his sons.   להוַיָּ֣סַר בַּיּוֹם֩ הַה֨וּא אֶת־הַתְּיָשִׁ֜ים הָֽעֲקֻדִּ֣ים וְהַטְּלֻאִ֗ים וְאֵ֤ת כָּל־הָֽעִזִּים֙ הַנְּקֻדּ֣וֹת וְהַטְּלֻאֹ֔ת כֹּ֤ל אֲשֶׁר־לָבָן֙ בּ֔וֹ וְכָל־ח֖וּם בַּכְּשָׂבִ֑ים וַיִּתֵּ֖ן בְּיַד־בָּנָֽיו:
And he removed [I.e.,] Laban [removed] on that day, etc.   וַיָּסַר  לָבָן ביום ההוא:
the male goats Heb. הַתְּיָשִׁים, male goats.   אֶת־הַתְּיָשִׁים  עִזִּים זְכָרִים:
whichever had white on it whichever had white patches on it.   כָּל־אֲשֶׁר־לָבָן בּוֹ  כָּל אֲשֶׁר הָיְתָה בוֹ חֲבַרְבּוּרִית לְבָנָה:
and he gave [them] [I.e.] Laban [gave them] into the hands of his sons.   וַיִּתֵּן  לָבָן ביד בניו:
36And he set three days' journey between himself and Jacob, and Jacob tended Laban's remaining animals.   לווַיָּ֗שֶׂם דֶּ֚רֶךְ שְׁל֣שֶׁת יָמִ֔ים בֵּינ֖וֹ וּבֵ֣ין יַֽעֲקֹ֑ב וְיַֽעֲקֹ֗ב רֹעֶ֛ה אֶת־צֹ֥אן לָבָ֖ן הַנּֽוֹתָרֹֽת:
Laban’s remaining animals The weakest among them, the sick and the barren, which are only leftovers, he gave over to him.   הנותרות  הָרְעוּעוֹת שֶׁבָּהֶן, הַחוֹלוֹת וְהָעֲקָרוֹת שֶׁאֵינָן אֶלָּא שִׁירַיִם, אוֹתָן מָסַר לוֹ:
37And Jacob took himself moist rod[s] of trembling poplar and hazelnut, and chestnut, and he peeled white streaks upon them, baring the white that was on the rods.   לזוַיִּקַּח־ל֣וֹ יַֽעֲקֹ֗ב מַקַּ֥ל לִבְנֶ֛ה לַ֖ח וְל֣וּז וְעַרְמ֑וֹן וַיְפַצֵּ֤ל בָּהֵן֙ פְּצָל֣וֹת לְבָנ֔וֹת מַחְשׂף֙ הַלָּבָ֔ן אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־הַמַּקְלֽוֹת:
rod[s] of trembling poplar This is a tree named לִבְנֶה, as it is said (Hosea 4:13): “under oaks and trembling poplars (וְלִבְנֶה)” and I believe that לבנה is the one called trenble in Old French, trembling poplar and aspen, which is white (לָבָן).   מַקַּל לִבְנֶה  עֵץ הוּא, וּשְׁמוֹ לִבְנֶה, כְּמָא דְתֵימָא תַּחַת אַלּוֹן וְלִבְנֶה (הושע ד'), וְאוֹמֵר אֲנִי הוּא שֶׁקּוֹרִין טרינבל"א בְּלַעַ"ז, שֶׁהוּא לָבָן:
moist When it was moist.   לַח  כְּשֶׁהוּא רָטֹב:
and hazelnut And he took also a rod of לוּז, a tree upon which small nuts grow, coldre in Old French, hazelnut.   לוז  וְעוֹד לָקַח מַקַּל לוּז, עֵץ שֶׁגְּדֵלִין בּוֹ אֱגוֹזִים דַּקִּים, קולדו"י בְּלַעַז:
and chestnut c(h)astanyer in Old French, chestnut.   וְעַרְמוֹן  קשטני"יר בְּלַעַז:
streaks Many peelings, for it made it spotted.   פְּצָלוֹת  קִלּוּפִים קִלּוּפִים, שֶׁהָיָה עוֹשֵׂהוּ מְנֻמָּר:
baring the white When he peeled it, its white appeared and was bared in the place where it was peeled.   מחשוף הַלָּבָן  גִּלּוּי לֹבֶן שֶׁל מַקֵּל, כְּשֶׁהָיָה קוֹלְפוֹ הָיָה נִרְאֶה וְנִגְלֶה לֹבֶן שֶׁלּוֹ בַּמָּקוֹם הַקָּלוּף:
38And he thrust the rods that he had peeled, into the gutters in the watering troughs where the animals would come to drink opposite the [other] animals, and they would come into heat when they came to drink.   לחוַיַּצֵּ֗ג אֶת־הַמַּקְלוֹת֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר פִּצֵּ֔ל בָּֽרְהָטִ֖ים בְּשִֽׁקֲת֣וֹת הַמָּ֑יִם אֲשֶׁר֩ תָּבֹ֨אןָ הַצֹּ֤אן לִשְׁתּוֹת֙ לְנֹ֣כַח הַצֹּ֔אן וַיֵּחַ֖מְנָה בְּבֹאָ֥ן לִשְׁתּֽוֹת:
And he thrust Heb. וַּיַּצֵג. The Targum renders וְדָעִיץ, an Aramaic term denoting thrusting and sticking in, of which there are many [examples] in the Talmud, [e.g.] (Shab. 50b): “he inserted it (דָּצָהּ) and pulled it out;” and (Chul. 93b): “If he thrust (דָץ) something into it.” [The word] דָּצָהּ is like דְּעָצָהּ, but it is a contracted form.   וַיַּצֵּג  תַּרְגּוּמוֹ וְדָעִיץ, לְשׁוֹן תְּחִיבָה וּנְעִיצָה הוּא בִלְשׁוֹן אֲרַמִּי, וְהַרְבֵּה יֵשׁ בַּתַּלְמוּד דָּצָהּ וּשְׁלָפָהּ, דָּץ בֵּיהּ מִידֵי, דָּצָהּ כְּמוֹ דְעָצָהּ, אֶלָּא שֶׁמְּקַצֵּר אֶת לְשׁוֹנוֹ:
into the gutters Where the water was running, in pools made in the ground in which to water the flocks. — [from Mishnath Rabbi Eliezer, ch. 7]   בָּֽרְהָטִים  בִּמְרוּצוֹת הַמַּיִם, בַּבְּרֵכוֹת הָעֲשׂוּיוֹת בָּאָרֶץ לְהַשְׁקוֹת שָׁם הַצֹּאן:
where…would come, etc. In the gutters where the animals would come to drink, he thrust the rods opposite the animals. — [from Targumim]   אֲשֶׁר תָּבֹאןָ וגו'  בָּרְהָטִים אֲשֶׁר תָּבֹאנָה הַצֹּאן לִשְׁתּוֹת שָׁם הִצִּיג הַמַּקְלוֹת לְנֹכַח הַצֹּאן:
and they would come into heat, etc. (Gen. Rabbah 73:10) The animal would see the rods, and she would be startled backwards. Then the male would mount her and she would give birth to offspring similar to him. Rabbi Hoshaya says: The water would become sperm in their innards, and they did not require a male, and that is the meaning of וַיֵחַמְנָה וגוֹ. (I.e, in this word, there is a combination of masculine and feminine forms, as mentioned by Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra.)   וַיֵּחַמְנָה  הַבְּהֵמָה רוֹאָה אֶת הַמַּקְלוֹת וְהִיא נִרְתַּעַת לַאֲחוֹרֶיהָ וְהַזָּכָר רוֹבְעָהּ וְיוֹלֶדֶת כַּיּוֹצֵא בוֹ. רַבִּי הוֹשַׁעְיָה אוֹמֵר, הַמַּיִם נַעֲשִׂין זֶרַע בִּמְעֵיהֶן וְלֹא הָיוּ צְרִיכוֹת לְזָכָר, וְזֶהוּ וַיֵּחַמְנָה וְגוֹ' (בראשית רבה):
39And the flocks came into heat by the rods, and the animals bore ringed, spotted, and striped [young].   לטוַיֶּֽחֱמ֥וּ הַצֹּ֖אן אֶל־הַמַּקְל֑וֹת וַתֵּלַ֣דְןָ הַצֹּ֔אן עֲקֻדִּ֥ים נְקֻדִּ֖ים וּטְלֻאִֽים:
by the rods At the sight of the rods.   אֶל־הַמַּקְלוֹת  אֶל מַרְאוֹת הַמַּקְלוֹת:
ringed Unusual in the place where they are bound. Those are the joints of their forelegs and hind legs.   עֲקֻדִּים  מְשֻׁנִּים בִּמְקוֹם עֲקִידָתָם, הֵם קַרְסֻלֵּי יְדֵיהֶם וְרַגְלֵיהֶם:
40And Jacob separated the sheep, and he turned the faces of the animals toward the ringed one[s] and every brown one among Laban's animals, and he made himself flocks by himself, and he did not place them with Laban's animals.   מוְהַכְּשָׂבִים֘ הִפְרִ֣יד יַֽעֲקֹב֒ וַ֠יִּתֵּ֠ן פְּנֵ֨י הַצֹּ֧אן אֶל־עָקֹ֛ד וְכָל־ח֖וּם בְּצֹ֣אן לָבָ֑ן וַיָּ֨שֶׁת ל֤וֹ עֲדָרִים֙ לְבַדּ֔וֹ וְלֹ֥א שָׁתָ֖ם עַל־צֹ֥אן לָבָֽן:
And Jacob separated the sheep Those born ringed or speckled he divided and separated for himself, and he made them [in a formation of] each flock separately, and he led the ringed flock ahead of the [ordinary] animals, and the faces of the animals following them gazed at them. This is what Scripture says [further]: “and he turned the faces of the animals toward the ringed one[s],” that the faces of the animals were directed toward the ringed ones and toward every brown one that he found in Laban’s flocks.   וְהַכְּשָׂבִים הִפְרִיד יַֽעֲקֹב  הַנּוֹלָדִים עֲקוּדִים נְקֻדִּים הִבְדִיל וְהִפְרִישׁ לְעַצְמָן וְעָשָׂה אוֹתָן עֵדֶר עֵדֶר לְבַדּוֹ, וְהוֹלִיךְ אוֹתוֹ הָעֵדֶר הָעָקוּד לִפְנֵי הַצֹּאן, וּפְנֵי הַצֹּאן הַהוֹלְכִים אַחֲרֵיהֶם צוֹפוֹת אֲלֵיהֶם; וְזֶהוּ שֶׁאָמַר וַיִּתֵּן פְּנֵי הַצֹּאן אֶל עָקֹד, שֶׁהָיוּ פְנֵי הַצֹּאן אֶל הָעֲקוּדִים, וְאֶל כָּל חוּם שֶׁמָּצָא בְּצֹאן לָבָן:
and he made himself flocks As I explained.   וַיָּשֶׁת לוֹ עֲדָרִים  כְּמוֹ שֶׁפֵּרַשְׁתִּי:
41And it came to pass, that whenever the animals that were bearing their first would come into heat, Jacob would place the rods in the troughs, before the eyes of the animals, [in order] to bring them into heat by [means of] the rods.   מאוְהָיָ֗ה בְּכָל־יַחֵם֘ הַצֹּ֣אן הַֽמְקֻשָּׁרוֹת֒ וְשָׂ֨ם יַֽעֲקֹ֧ב אֶת־הַמַּקְל֛וֹת לְעֵינֵ֥י הַצֹּ֖אן בָּֽרְהָטִ֑ים לְיַחֲמֵ֖נָּה בַּמַּקְלֽוֹת:
that were bearing their first הַמְקֻשָּׁרוֹת. [To be interpreted] according to the Targum: Those who were giving birth to their first, but [for this interpretation] there is no evidence in Scripture. (Machbereth Menachem p. 160), however, associated it with (II Sam. 15:31): “Ahithophel is among the conspirators (בַּקּוֹשְׁרִים);” (ibid. 12): “And the conspiracy (הַקֶּשֶׁר) was strong.” Those who bind themselves together to hasten their conception.   הַֽמְקֻשָּׁרוֹת  כְּתַרְגּוּמוֹ הַבַּכִּירוֹת, וְאֵין לִי עֵד בַּמִּקְרָא; וּמְנַחֵם חִבְּרוֹ עִם אֲחִיתֹפֶל בַּקֹּשְׁרִים (שמואל ב ט"ו), וַיְהִי הַקֶּשֶׁר אַמִּץ (שם), אוֹתָן הַמִּתְקַשְּׁרוֹת יַחַד לְמַהֵר עִבּוּרָן:
42But if the animals would delay, he would not place them, so that the ones that delayed were Laban's, and the ones that bore their first became Jacob's.   מבוּבְהַֽעֲטִ֥יף הַצֹּ֖אן לֹ֣א יָשִׂ֑ים וְהָיָ֤ה הָֽעֲטֻפִים֙ לְלָבָ֔ן וְהַקְּשֻׁרִ֖ים לְיַֽעֲקֹֽב:
But if…would delay Heb. וּבְהַעִטִיף, a term denoting delay, as the Targum renders וּבְלַקְשׁוּת, but Menachem (Machbereth Menachem p. 132) associated it with (Isa. 3:22): “the tunics and the wraps (וְהַמַּעִטָפוֹת),” a term denoting a wrap, meaning that they enwrapped themselves in their skin and their wool, and they did not desire to come into heat through the males.   וּבְהַֽעֲטִיף  לְשׁוֹן אִחוּר, כְּתַרְגּוּמוֹ וּבְלַקִּישׁוּת. וּמְנַחֵם חִבְּרוֹ עִם הַמַּחֲלָצוֹת וְהַמַּעֲטָפוֹת (ישעיהו ג'), לְשׁוֹן עֲטִיפַת כְּסוּת, כְּלוֹמַר מִתְעַטְּפוֹת בְּעוֹרָן וְצַמְרָן וְאֵינָן מִתְאַוּוֹת לְהִתְיַחֵם עַל יְדֵי הַזְּכָרִים:
43And the man became exceedingly wealthy, and he had prolific animals, and maidservants and manservants, and camels and donkeys.   מגוַיִּפְרֹ֥ץ הָאִ֖ישׁ מְאֹ֣ד מְאֹ֑ד וַֽיְהִי־לוֹ֙ צֹ֣אן רַבּ֔וֹת וּשְׁפָחוֹת֙ וַֽעֲבָדִ֔ים וּגְמַלִּ֖ים וַֽחֲמֹרִֽים:
prolific animals Heb רַבּוֹת. They were fruitful and multiplied more than other animals. — [from Tanchuma Buber, Vayetze 24]   צֹאן רַבּוֹת  פָּרוֹת וְרָבוֹת מִשְּׁאָר צֹאן:
and maidservants and manservants He would sell his animals at a high price and purchase all these for himself. — [from Gen. Rabbah 74:5]   וּשְׁפָחוֹת וַֽעֲבָדִים  מוֹכֵר צֹאנוֹ בְדָמִים יְקָרִים וְלוֹקֵחַ לוֹ כָּל אֵלֶּה: