Chapter 22

1You shall not see your brother's ox or sheep straying, and ignore them. [Rather,] you shall return them to your brother.   אלֹֽא־תִרְאֶה֩ אֶת־שׁ֨וֹר אָחִ֜יךָ א֤וֹ אֶת־שֵׂיוֹ֙ נִדָּחִ֔ים וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ֖ מֵהֶ֑ם הָשֵׁ֥ב תְּשִׁיבֵ֖ם לְאָחִֽיךָ:
and ignore them [I.e.,] by covering one’s eyes, pretending not to see it.   וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ  כּוֹבֵשׁ עַיִן כְּאִלּוּ אֵינוֹ רוֹאֵהוּ:
You shall not see… and ignore them Heb. לֹא-תִרְאֶה וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ [lit., “You shall not see them… but rather, you shall ignore them!” What it really means is:] You shall not see them and ignore them [i.e., ignore your brother’s animals straying]; that is the simple meaning of the verse. Our Rabbis, however, explain that [although the verse clearly means that one must not ignore them, nevertheless, the verse is alluding to] situations when one is, in fact, permitted to ignore them [for example, if he is a kohen , and the animals have wandered into a cemetery, where kohanim may not enter, or if he is an honored sage, and it it is beneath his dignity to lead animals or carry packages in public places-he may “ignore” them, and he is not obligated to return them to his brother]. — [Sifrei 22:45, B.M. 30a]   לֹֽא־תִרְאֶה … וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ  לֹא תִרְאֶה אוֹתוֹ שֶׁתִּתְעַלֵּם מִמֶּנּוּ, זֶהוּ פְּשׁוּטוֹ. וְרַבּוֹתֵינוּ אָמְרוּ פְּעָמִים שֶׁאַתָּה מִתְעַלֵּם וְכוּ' (ספרי; בבא מציעא ל'):
2But if your brother is not near you, or if you do not know him, you shall bring it into your house, and it shall be with you until your brother seeks it out, whereupon you shall return it to him.   בוְאִם־לֹ֨א קָר֥וֹב אָחִ֛יךָ אֵלֶ֖יךָ וְלֹ֣א יְדַעְתּ֑וֹ וַֽאֲסַפְתּוֹ֙ אֶל־תּ֣וֹךְ בֵּיתֶ֔ךָ וְהָיָ֣ה עִמְּךָ֗ עַ֣ד דְּר֤שׁ אָחִ֨יךָ֙ אֹת֔וֹ וַֽהֲשֵֽׁבֹת֖וֹ לֽוֹ:
[And it shall be with you] until your brother seeks it out Would you imagine that one should return it to him before he asks for it? Rather, [the meaning is that you must keep the animal] until you investigate him, [verifying] that he is not a swindler [by demanding that he produce identifying signs]. - [B. M. 27b, Sifrei 22:47]   עַד דְּרשׁ אָחִיךָ  וְכִי תַעֲלֶה עַל דַּעְתְּךָ שֶׁיִּתְּנֵהוּ לוֹ קֹדֶם שֶׁיִּדְרְשֵׁהוּ? אֶלָּא דָּרְשֵׁהוּ שֶׁלֹּא יְהֵא רַמַּאי (בבא מציעא כ"ז; עי' ספרי):
whereupon you shall return it to him That there shall be something left in it to return, that it should not consume its [whole] value in your house, so you should claim it from him [from the owner]. From here, [the Rabbis] said: Any animal that works and eats, should work and eat [the proceeds of its work]; and [any animal] that does not work, yet still eats, should be sold [by the finder, and the money restored to the owner]. — [B.M. 28b]   וַֽהֲשֵֽׁבֹתוֹ לֽוֹ  שֶׁתְּהֵא בוֹ הֲשָׁבָה, שֶׁלֹּא יֹאכַל בְּבֵיתְךָ כְּדֵי דָּמָיו וְתִתְבָּעֵם מִמֶּנּוּ. מִכָּאן אָמְרוּ, כָּל דָּבָר שֶׁעוֹשֶׂה וְאוֹכֵל יַעֲשֶׂה וְיֹאכַל וְשֶׁאֵינוֹ עוֹשֶׂה וְאוֹכֵל יִמָּכֵר (בבא מציעא כ"ח):
3So shall you do with his donkey, and so shall you do with his garment, and so shall you do with any lost article of your brother which he has lost and you have found. You shall not ignore [it].   גוְכֵ֧ן תַּֽעֲשֶׂ֣ה לַֽחֲמֹר֗וֹ וְכֵ֣ן תַּֽעֲשֶׂה֘ לְשִׂמְלָתוֹ֒ וְכֵ֨ן תַּֽעֲשֶׂ֜ה לְכָל־אֲבֵדַ֥ת אָחִ֛יךָ אֲשֶׁר־תֹּאבַ֥ד מִמֶּ֖נּוּ וּמְצָאתָ֑הּ לֹ֥א תוּכַ֖ל לְהִתְעַלֵּֽם:
You shall not ignore [it] You must not cover your eyes, pretending not to see it.   לֹא תוּכַל לְהִתְעַלֵּֽם  לִכְבֹּשׁ עֵינְךָ כְּאִלּוּ אֵינְךָ רוֹאֶה אוֹתוֹ:
4You shall not see your brother's donkey or his ox fallen [under its load] on the road, and ignore them. [Rather,] you shall pick up [the load] with him.   דלֹֽא־תִרְאֶה֩ אֶת־חֲמ֨וֹר אָחִ֜יךָ א֤וֹ שׁוֹרוֹ֙ נֹֽפְלִ֣ים בַּדֶּ֔רֶךְ וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ֖ מֵהֶ֑ם הָקֵ֥ם תָּקִ֖ים עִמּֽוֹ:
You shall pick up [the load] This is [the obligation of] טְעִינָה, “loading,” [i.e.,] to load up a burden that has fallen off it [the animal, as opposed to פְּרִיקָה, “unloading” a burden too heavy for the animal, delineated in Exod. 23:5]. — [B.M. 32a]   הָקֵם תָּקִים  זוֹ טְעִינָה – לְהַטְעִין מַשּׂאוֹי שֶׁנָּפַל מֵעָלָיו:
[You shall pick up (the load)] with him [I.e.,] with the owner. However, if the owner walks away, sits down, and says, “Since the commandment is incumbent upon you, if you want to load, [go ahead and] load!” you are exempt. — [B.M. 32a]   עִמּֽוֹ  עִם בְּעָלָיו, אֲבָל אִם הָלַךְ וְיָשַׁב לוֹ וְאָמַר לוֹ הוֹאִיל וְעָלֶיךָ מִצְוָה אִם רָצִיתָ לִטְעֹן טְעֹן, פָּטוּר (שם ל"ב):
5A man's attire shall not be on a woman, nor may a man wear a woman's garment because whoever does these [things] is an abomination to the Lord, your God.   הלֹא־יִֽהְיֶ֤ה כְלִי־גֶ֨בֶר֙ עַל־אִשָּׁ֔ה וְלֹֽא־יִלְבַּ֥שׁ גֶּ֖בֶר שִׂמְלַ֣ת אִשָּׁ֑ה כִּ֧י תֽוֹעֲבַ֛ת יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶי֖ךָ כָּל־עֹ֥שֵׂה אֵֽלֶּה:
A man’s attire shall not be on a woman making her appear like a man, thereby enabling her to go among men, for this can only be for the [purpose of] adultery. — [Nazir 59a]   לֹא־יִֽהְיֶה כְלִי־גֶבֶר עַל־אִשָּׁה  שֶׁתְּהֵא דּוֹמָה לְאִישׁ, כְּדֵי שֶׁתֵּלֵךְ בֵּין הָאֲנָשִׁים, שֶׁאֵין זוֹ אֶלָּא לְשֵׁם נִאוּף (עי' ספרי):
nor may a man wear a woman’s garment to go and abide among women. Another explanation: [In addition to not wearing a woman’s garment,] a man must also not remove his pubic hair or the hair of his armpits [for this is a practice exclusive to women]. — [Nazir 59a]   וְלֹֽא־יִלְבַּשׁ גֶבֶר שִׂמְלַת אִשָּׁה  לֵילֵךְ לֵישֵׁב בֵּין הַנָּשִׁים. דָּבָר אַחֵר — שֶׁלֹּא יַשִּׁיר שְׂעַר הָעֶרְוָה וְשֵׂעָר שֶׁל בֵּית הַשֶּׁחִי (נזיר נ"ט):
because… is an abomination The Torah forbids only [the wearing of] clothes that would lead to abomination [i.e., immoral and illicit behavior]. — [Nazir 59a]   כִּי תֽוֹעֲבַת  לֹא אָסְרָה תוֹרָה אֶלָּא לְבוּשׁ הַמֵּבִיא לִידֵי תוֹעֵבָה (עי' ספרי):
6If a bird's nest chances before you on the road, on any tree, or on the ground, and [it contains] fledglings or eggs, if the mother is sitting upon the fledglings or upon the eggs, you shall not take the mother upon the young.   וכִּ֣י יִקָּרֵ֣א קַן־צִפּ֣וֹר | לְפָנֶ֡יךָ בַּדֶּ֜רֶךְ בְּכָל־עֵ֣ץ | א֣וֹ עַל־הָאָ֗רֶץ אֶפְרֹחִים֙ א֣וֹ בֵיצִ֔ים וְהָאֵ֤ם רֹבֶ֨צֶת֙ עַל־הָֽאֶפְרֹחִ֔ים א֖וֹ עַל־הַבֵּיצִ֑ים לֹֽא־תִקַּ֥ח הָאֵ֖ם עַל־הַבָּנִֽים:
If a bird’s nest chances before you This excludes [a bird nest that is] ready at hand. - [Chul. 139a, Sifrei 22:55]   כִּי יִקָּרֵא  פְּרָט לִמְזֻמָּן (חולין קל"ט):
you shall not take the mother while she is on her young, [whereas if she is only hovering overhead, you may take her from upon her young]. - [Chul. 140b]   לֹֽא־תִקַּח הָאֵם  בְּעוֹדָהּ עַל בָּנֶיהָ:
7You shall send away the mother, and [then] you may take the young for yourself, in order that it should be good for you, and you should lengthen your days.   זשַׁלֵּ֤חַ תְּשַׁלַּח֙ אֶת־הָאֵ֔ם וְאֶת־הַבָּנִ֖ים תִּקַּח־לָ֑ךְ לְמַ֨עַן֙ יִ֣יטַב לָ֔ךְ וְהַֽאֲרַכְתָּ֖ יָמִֽים:
in order that it should be good for you, [and you should lengthen your days] If in the case of a commandment easy [to fulfill, like this one] for which there is no monetary expense, Scripture says, “[Do this] in order that it should be good for you, and that you should lengthen your days,” then how much greater is the reward for [the fulfillment of] commandments that are more difficult to observe [or for which there is a monetary expense]. — [Sifrei 22:64, Chul. 142a]   לְמַעַן יִיטַב לָךְ וגו'  אִם מִצְוָה קַלָּה שֶׁאֵין בָּהּ חֶסְרוֹן כִּיס אָמְרָה תוֹרָה "לְמַעַן יִיטַב לָךְ וְהַאֲרַכְתָּ יָמִים", קַל וָחֹמֶר לְמַתַּן שְׂכָרָן שֶׁל מִצְווֹת חֲמוּרוֹת (שם קמ"ב):
8When you build a new house, you shall make a guard rail for your roof, so that you shall not cause blood [to be spilled] in your house, that the one who falls should fall from it [the roof].   חכִּ֤י תִבְנֶה֙ בַּ֣יִת חָדָ֔שׁ וְעָשִׂ֥יתָ מַֽעֲקֶ֖ה לְגַגֶּ֑ךָ וְלֹֽא־תָשִׂ֤ים דָּמִים֙ בְּבֵיתֶ֔ךָ כִּֽי־יִפֹּ֥ל הַנֹּפֵ֖ל מִמֶּֽנּוּ:
When you build a new house, [you shall make a guard-rail for your roof] If you have fulfilled the commandment of שִׁלּוּחַ הַקֵּן, “sending away [the mother bird from her] nest,” you will eventually build a new house and fulfill the commandment of מַעֲקֶה, guard-rail, because [the fulfillment of] one commandment pulls along with it [an opportunity to fulfill] another commandment [i.e., one commandment leads to another]. You will then come to [possess] a vineyard, a field, and fine clothes. Therefore, these passages are juxtaposed [that is, those just discussed, and the ensuing passages pertaining to vineyards, fields, and garments]. — [Tanchuma 1]   כִּי תִבְנֶה בַּיִת חָדָשׁ  אִם קִיַּמְתָּ מִצְוַת שִׁלּוּחַ הַקֵּן, סוֹפְךָ לִבְנוֹת בַּיִת חָדָשׁ, וּתְקַיֵּם מִצְוַת מַעֲקֶה, שֶׁמִּצְוָה גּוֹרֶרֶת מִצְוָה, וְתַגִּיעַ לְכֶרֶם וְשָׂדֶה וְלִבְגָדִים נָאִים, לְכָךְ נִסְמְכוּ פָּרָשִׁיּוֹת הַלָּלוּ (תנחומא):
a guard-rail Heb. מַעֲקֶה, a fence surrounding the roof. Onkelos renders: תְּיָקָא, like a sheath (תִּיק), which protects what is inside it.   מַֽעֲקֶה  גָּדֵר סָבִיב לַגַּג, וְאֻנְקְלוֹס תִּרְגֵּם "תְּיָקָא", כְּגוֹן תִּיק שֶׁמְּשַׁמֵּר מַה שֶּׁבְּתוֹכוֹ:
that the one who falls should fall That one [who would fall] deserves to fall [to his death on account of his sins]; nevertheless, you should not be the one to bring about his death, for meritorious things are executed through meritorious people, while things of ill-fortune are executed through guilty people. — [Sifrei 22:68]   כִּי יִפֹּל הַנֹּפֵל  רָאוּי זֶה לִפֹּל, וְאַף עַל פִּי כֵן לֹא תִתְגַּלְגֵּל מִיתָתוֹ עַל יָדְךָ, שֶׁמְּגַלְגְּלִין זְכוּת עַל יְדֵי זַכַּאי וְחוֹבָה עַל יְדֵי חַיָּב (ספרי):
9You shall not sow your vineyard [together with] a mixed variety of species, lest the increase, even the seed that you sow and the yield of the vineyard [both] become forbidden.   טלֹֽא־תִזְרַ֥ע כַּרְמְךָ֖ כִּלְאָ֑יִם פֶּן־תִּקְדַּ֗שׁ הַֽמְלֵאָ֤ה הַזֶּ֨רַע֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר תִּזְרָ֔ע וּתְבוּאַ֖ת הַכָּֽרֶם:
[You shall not sow your vineyard together with] a mixed variety of species [For example,] sowing in the same hand-throw [of seeds] wheat and barley, [the sowing together of which already constitutes one prohibition of כִּלְאַיִם -“mixed variety of species” (see Lev. 19:19)], and grapeseeds [the total combination of which now constitutes an additional prohibition of sowing the two diverse species in a vineyard]. — [Ber. 22a]   כִּלְאָיִם  חִטָּה וּשְׂעוֹרָה וְחַרְצָן בְּמַפֹּלֶת יָד (ברכות כ"ב):
lest… become forbidden Heb. תִּקְדַּשׁ, as the Targum [Onkelos] renders: תִסְתָּאֵב, lit., become unclean. To anything repulsive to man, either in a positive sense, e.g., something holy, or in a negative sense, e.g., something forbidden, the term קָדוֹשׁ applies. For instance, “Do not come near me, lest I contaminate you (קְדַשְׁתִּיךָ‏)” (Isa. 65:5) [according to Rashi on Shevuoth 18b, or, according to Rabbi Joseph Kara on Isa. 65:5: “lest I become contaminated by you”].[See Maskil L’David, Be’er Basadeh, Yosef Hallel, and Leket Bahir.]   פֶּן־תִּקְדַּשׁ  כְּתַרְגוּמוֹ "תִּסְתָּאַב", כָּל דָּבָר הַנִּתְעָב עַל הָאָדָם, בֵּין לְשֶׁבַח כְּגוֹן הֶקְדֵּשׁ, בֵּין לִגְנַאי כְּגוֹן אִסּוּר, נוֹפֵל בּוֹ לְשׁוֹן קִדּוּשׁ, כְּמוֹ "אַל תִּגַּשׁ בִּי כִּי קִדַּשְׁתִּיךָ" (ישעיהו ס"ה):
the increase Heb. הַמְלֵאָה. This is the fullness מִלּוּי and increase, which a seed increases. - [See Pes. 25a]   הַֽמְלֵאָה  זֶה מִלּוּי וְתוֹסֶפֶת שֶׁהַזֶּרַע מוֹסִיף):
10You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together.   ילֹא־תַֽחֲר֥שׁ בְּשֽׁוֹר־וּבַֽחֲמֹ֖ר יַחְדָּֽו:
You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey The same law applies to any two species in the world. [Similarly,] this law applies [also] to [merely] leading them together when they are bound to each other as a pair, for transporting any load. — [Sifrei 22:79-80, Kilayim 8:2]   לֹא־תַֽחֲרשׁ בְּשֽׁוֹר־ובחמור  הוּא הַדִּין לְכָל שְׁנֵי מִינִים שֶׁבָּעוֹלָם (בבא קמא נ"ד), הוּא הַדִּין לְהַנְהִיגָם יַחַד קְשׁוּרִים זוּגִים בְּהוֹלָכַת שׁוּם מַשָּׂא (כלאים פ"ח מ"ב):
11You shall not wear a mixture of wool and linen together.   יאלֹ֤א תִלְבַּשׁ֙ שַֽׁעַטְנֵ֔ז צֶ֥מֶר וּפִשְׁתִּ֖ים יַחְדָּֽו:
a mixture Heb. שַׁעַטְנֵז An expression denoting a mixture. Our Rabbis explained [this term to be an acronym of the terms]: שׁוּעַ, combed, טָווּי, spun, and נוּז, woven. [Thus, our Rabbis explain that the Torah prohibition of שַׁעַטְנֵז applies only to materials combed, spun, and woven together.]- [Sifrei 22:81, Niddah 61b, see Rashi and Tos. .]   שַֽׁעַטְנֵז  לְשׁוֹן עֵרוּב. וְרַבּוֹתֵינוּ פֵּרְשׁוּ — שׁוּעַ טָווּי וְנוּז (ספרי):
12You shall make yourself twisted threads, on the four corners of your garment with which you cover yourself.   יבגְּדִלִ֖ים תַּֽעֲשֶׂה־לָּ֑ךְ עַל־אַרְבַּ֛ע כַּנְפ֥וֹת כְּסֽוּתְךָ֖ אֲשֶׁ֥ר תְּכַסֶּה־בָּֽהּ:
You shall make yourself twisted threads even from a mixture [of wool and linen]. For this reason, Scripture juxtaposes them [these two commandments: sha’atnez and tzitzith]. — [Yev. 4a]   גְּדִלִים תַּֽעֲשֶׂה־לָּךְ  אַף מִן הַכִּלְאַיִם, לְכָךְ סְמָכָן הַכָּתוּב (יבמות ד'):
13If a man takes a wife, is intimate with her and despises her,   יגכִּֽי־יִקַּ֥ח אִ֖ישׁ אִשָּׁ֑ה וּבָ֥א אֵלֶ֖יהָ וּשְׂנֵאָֽהּ:
[If a man takes a wife,] is intimate with her, and despises her in the end he will…   וּבָא אֵלֶיהָ וּשְׂנֵאָֽהּ  סוֹפוֹ,
14and he makes libelous charges against her and gives her a bad name, saying, "I took this woman, and when I came to her, I did not find any evidence of virginity for her."   ידוְשָׂ֥ם לָהּ֙ עֲלִילֹ֣ת דְּבָרִ֔ים וְהוֹצִ֥א עָלֶ֖יהָ שֵׁ֣ם רָ֑ע וְאָמַ֗ר אֶת־הָֽאִשָּׁ֤ה הַזֹּאת֙ לָקַ֔חְתִּי וָֽאֶקְרַ֣ב אֵלֶ֔יהָ וְלֹֽא־מָצָ֥אתִי לָ֖הּ בְּתוּלִֽים:
make libelous charges against her One sin leads to another sin. He transgressed [the negative commandment of] “You shall not hate [your brother in your heart]” (Lev. 19:17); so eventually he will come to [commit the sin of] slander (לָשׁוֹן הָרַע). - [Sifrei 22:87]   וְשָׂם לָהּ עֲלִילֹת דְּבָרִים  – עֲבֵרָה גּוֹרֶרֶת עֲבֵרָה, עָבַר עַל לֹא תִשְׂנָא, סוֹפוֹ לָבֹא לִידֵי לָשׁוֹן הָרָע (עי' ספרי):
this woman We learn from here that he says nothing except in the presence of his opponent. — [Sifrei 22:89]   אֶת־הָֽאִשָּׁה הַזֹּאת  מִכָּאן שֶׁאֵין אוֹמֵר דָּבָר אֶלָּא בִּפְנֵי בַעַל דִּין (שם):
15Then the girl's father and her mother shall obtain evidence of the girl's virginity, and take it out to the elders of the city, to the gate.   טווְלָקַ֛ח אֲבִ֥י הַנַּֽעֲרָ֖ה (כתיב הנער) וְאִמָּ֑הּ וְהוֹצִ֜יאוּ אֶת־בְּתוּלֵ֧י הַנַּֽעֲרָ֛ה (כתיב הנער) אֶל־זִקְנֵ֥י הָעִ֖יר הַשָּֽׁעְרָה:
The girl’s father and her mother [shall obtain evidence…] Let those who raised this evil offspring be disgraced because of her. — [Sifrei 22:90]   אֲבִי הנערה וְאִמָּהּ  מִי שֶׁגִּדְּלוּ גִּדּוּלִים הָרָעִים יִתְבַּזּוּ עָלֶיהָ (עי' שם):
16And the girl's father shall say to the elders, "I gave my daughter to this man as a wife, and he despised her;   טזוְאָמַ֛ר אֲבִ֥י הַנַּֽעֲרָ֖ה (כתיב הנער) אֶל־הַזְּקֵנִ֑ים אֶת־בִּתִּ֗י נָתַ֜תִּי לָאִ֥ישׁ הַזֶּ֛ה לְאִשָּׁ֖ה וַיִּשְׂנָאֶֽהָ:
And the girl’s father shall say [to the elders] [The father, but not the mother.] This teaches us that a woman is not permitted to speak in the presence of her husband [when others are present]. — [Sifrei 22:91]   וְאָמַר אֲבִי הנערה  מְלַמֵּד שֶׁאֵין רְשׁוּת לָאִשָּׁה לְדַבֵּר בִּפְנֵי הָאִישׁ (שם):
17And behold, he made libelous charges, saying, 'I did not find evidence of your daughter's virginity.' But this is the evidence of my daughter's virginity!' And they shall spread the garment before the elders of the city.   יזוְהִנֵּה־ה֡וּא שָׂם֩ עֲלִילֹ֨ת דְּבָרִ֜ים לֵאמֹ֗ר לֹֽא־מָצָ֤אתִי לְבִתְּךָ֙ בְּתוּלִ֔ים וְאֵ֖לֶּה בְּתוּלֵ֣י בִתִּ֑י וּפָֽרְשׂוּ֙ הַשִּׂמְלָ֔ה לִפְנֵ֖י זִקְנֵ֥י הָעִֽיר:
and they shall spread the garment This is a figurative expression, meaning: they shall clarify the matter as [“clear”] as a [new] garment. — [Sifrei 22:92, Keth. 46a]   וּפָֽרְשׂוּ הַשִּׂמְלָה  הֲרֵי זֶה מָשָׁל, מְחֻוָּרִין הַדְּבָרִים כַּשִּׂמְלָה (שם; כתובות שם):
18Then, the elders of that city shall take the man and chasten him.   יחוְלָֽקְח֛וּ זִקְנֵ֥י הָֽעִיר־הַהִ֖וא אֶת־הָאִ֑ישׁ וְיִסְּר֖וּ אֹתֽוֹ:
and chasten him [with] lashes. — [Sifrei 22:93, Keth. 46a]   וְיִסְּרוּ אֹתֽוֹ  מַלְקוּת (שם):
19And they shall fine him one hundred [shekels of] silver because he defamed a virgin of Israel, and he should give it to the girl's father. And she shall be his wife; he shall not send her away all the days of his life.   יטוְעָֽנְשׁ֨וּ אֹת֜וֹ מֵ֣אָה כֶ֗סֶף וְנָֽתְנוּ֙ לַֽאֲבִ֣י הַנַּֽעֲרָ֔ה כִּ֤י הוֹצִיא֙ שֵׁ֣ם רָ֔ע עַ֖ל בְּתוּלַ֣ת יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וְלוֹ־תִֽהְיֶ֣ה לְאִשָּׁ֔ה לֹֽא־יוּכַ֥ל לְשַׁלְּחָ֖הּ כָּל־יָמָֽיו:
20But if this matter was true: [indeed,] no evidence of the girl's virginity was found.   כוְאִם־אֱמֶ֣ת הָיָ֔ה הַדָּבָ֖ר הַזֶּ֑ה לֹֽא־נִמְצְא֥וּ בְתוּלִ֖ים לַנַּֽעֲרָֽה (כתיב לנער) :
But if this matter was true [as corroborated] by witnesses, and there was warning, [proving] that she had committed adultery after her betrothal. — [Keth. 44b]   וְאִם־אֱמֶת הָיָה הַדָּבָר  בְּעֵדִים וְהַתְרָאָה, שֶׁזִּנְּתָה לְאַחַר אֵרוּסִין (כתובות מ"ד):
21they shall take the girl out to the entrance of her father's house, and the men of her city shall pelt her with stones, and she shall die, for she did a disgraceful thing in Israel, to commit adultery [in] her father's house. So shall you clear away the evil from among you.   כאוְהוֹצִ֨יאוּ אֶת־הַנַּֽעֲרָ֜ה (כתיב הנער) אֶל־פֶּ֣תַח בֵּֽית־אָבִ֗יהָ וּסְקָל֩וּהָ֩ אַנְשֵׁ֨י עִירָ֤הּ בָּֽאֲבָנִים֙ וָמֵ֔תָה כִּי־עָֽשְׂתָ֤ה נְבָלָה֙ בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל לִזְנ֖וֹת בֵּ֣ית אָבִ֑יהָ וּבִֽעַרְתָּ֥ הָרָ֖ע מִקִּרְבֶּֽךָ:
[they shall take the girl out] to the entrance of her father’s house [as if to say:] “Look at the children you have reared!” - [Keth. 45a.]   אֶל־פֶּתַח בֵּֽית־אָבִיהָ  רְאוּ גִּדּוּלִים שֶׁגִּדַּלְתֶּם (שם מ"ה):
the men of her city [I.e.,] in the presence of all the men of her city. — [Sifrei 22:100]   אַנְשֵׁי עִירָהּ  בְּמַעֲמַד כָּל אַנְשֵׁי עִירָהּ (ספרי):
her father’s house Heb. בֵּית אָבִיהָ, [to be understood as] בְּבֵית אָבִיהָin her father’s house.”   לִזְנוֹת בֵּֽית־אָבִיהָ  כְּמוֹ בְּבֵית אָבִיהָ:
22If a man is found lying with a married woman, even both of them shall die the man lying with the woman and the woman. So shall you clear away the evil from Israel.   כבכִּֽי־יִמָּצֵ֨א אִ֜ישׁ שֹׁכֵ֣ב | עִם־אִשָּׁ֣ה בְעֻֽלַת־בַּ֗עַל וּמֵ֨תוּ֙ גַּם־שְׁנֵיהֶ֔ם הָאִ֛ישׁ הַשֹּׁכֵ֥ב עִם־הָֽאִשָּׁ֖ה וְהָֽאִשָּׁ֑ה וּבִֽעַרְתָּ֥ הָרָ֖ע מִיִּשְׂרָאֵֽל:
both of them shall die [The words “both of them” come] to exclude unnatural acts in which the man makes contact with the woman wihout intercourse], from which the woman derives no pleasure [thus not including “both of them” in the act]. — [Sifrei 22:102, San. 66b]   וּמֵתוּ גַּם־שְׁנֵיהֶם  לְהוֹצִיא מַעֲשֵׂה חִדּוּדִים שֶׁאֵין הָאִשָּׁה נֶהֱנֵית מֵהֶם (ספרי; סנהדרין ס"ו):
even גַּם, lit., also. This comes to include those who have relations after them. [I.e., after these two people have already been tried and sentenced to death for adultery, and before they are put to death, other people commit further adultery with them, these new people are also to be put to death for adultery, and we do not consider this couple as dead people.] Another explanation [of the expression גַּם-שְׁנֵיהֶם]: To include the fetus. [I.e.,] if she was pregnant, they do not wait for her until she gives birth [but put her to death immediately, while still pregnant]. — [Arachin 7a]   גַּם־  לְרַבּוֹת הַבָּאִים אַחֲרֵיהֶם (ספרי); דָּבָר אַחֵר, גם שניהם לְרַבּוֹת אֶת הַוָּלָד, שֶׁאִם הָיְתָה מְעֻבֶּרֶת אֵין מַמְתִּינִין לָהּ עַד שֶׁתֵּלֵד (ערכין ז'):
23If there is a virgin girl betrothed to a man, and [another] man finds her in the city, and lies with her,   כגכִּ֤י יִֽהְיֶה֙ נַֽעֲרָ֣ה (כתיב נער) בְתוּלָ֔ה מְאֹֽרָשָׂ֖ה לְאִ֑ישׁ וּמְצָאָ֥הּ אִ֛ישׁ בָּעִ֖יר וְשָׁכַ֥ב עִמָּֽהּ:
And [another] man finds her in the city Therefore, he lay with her. A breach [in a wall] invites a thief; had she remained at home, this would not have happened to her. — [Sifrei 22:103]   וּמְצָאָהּ אִישׁ בָּעִיר  לְפִיכָךְ שָׁכַב עִמָּהּ – פִּרְצָה קוֹרְאָה לַגַּנָּב, הָא אִלּוּ יָשְׁבָה בְּבֵיתָהּ, לֹא אֵרַע לָהּ (ספרי):
24you shall take them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall pelt them with stones, and they shall die: the girl, because she did not cry out [even though she was] in the city, and the man, because he violated his neighbor's wife. So shall you clear away the evil from among you.   כדוְהֽוֹצֵאתֶ֨ם אֶת־שְׁנֵיהֶ֜ם אֶל־שַׁ֣עַר | הָעִ֣יר הַהִ֗וא וּסְקַלְתֶּ֨ם אֹתָ֥ם בָּֽאֲבָנִים֘ וָמֵ֒תוּ֒ אֶת־הַנַּֽעֲרָ֗ (כתיב הנער) עַל־דְּבַר֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר לֹא־צָֽעֲקָ֣ה בָעִ֔יר וְאֶ֨ת־הָאִ֔ישׁ עַל־דְּבַ֥ר אֲשֶׁר־עִנָּ֖ה אֶת־אֵ֣שֶׁת רֵעֵ֑הוּ וּבִֽעַרְתָּ֥ הָרָ֖ע מִקִּרְבֶּֽךָ:
25But if a man finds the betrothed girl in the field, and the man overpowers her and lies with her, then only the man who lay with her shall die.   כהוְאִם־בַּשָּׂדֶ֞ה יִמְצָ֣א הָאִ֗ישׁ אֶת־הַנַּֽעֲרָ֙ה (כתיב הנער) הַֽמְאֹ֣רָשָׂ֔ה וְהֶֽחֱזִֽיק־בָּ֥הּ הָאִ֖ישׁ וְשָׁכַ֣ב עִמָּ֑הּ וּמֵ֗ת הָאִ֛ישׁ אֲשֶׁר־שָׁכַ֥ב עִמָּ֖הּ לְבַדּֽוֹ:
26Whereas to the girl, you shall do nothing the girl did not commit a sin deserving of death, for just as a man rises up against his fellow and murders him, so is this case.   כווְלַנַּֽעֲרָ֙ה (כתיב ולנער) לֹא־תַֽעֲשֶׂ֣ה דָבָ֔ר אֵ֥ין לַנַּֽעֲרָ֖ה (כתיב לנער) חֵ֣טְא מָ֑וֶת כִּ֡י כַּֽאֲשֶׁר֩ יָק֨וּם אִ֤ישׁ עַל־רֵעֵ֨הוּ֙ וּרְצָח֣וֹ נֶ֔פֶשׁ כֵּ֖ן הַדָּבָ֥ר הַזֶּֽה:
for just as a man rises up [against his fellow and murders him, so is this case] According to the simple meaning, this is the explanation: For she was coerced, and the man overpowered her, just like the case of someone who overpowers another person to kill him. Our Rabbis, however, interpreted it [as follows]: This one comes to teach, but instead he learns (San. 73a). [That is, it would seem at first glance, that the case of the murderer in the verse is cited in order to teach us something about the case of the betrothed girl who was raped, namely, that just as the murdered person was overpowered, so was this girl overpowered and coerced. However, with further examination, we learn something new from the case of this girl, which can be applied to the case of the murderer. And that is: just as in the case of the girl, we may save her from sin by killing her assailant, so it is, in the case of a murderer overpowering someone with the intent of murder, anyone is permitted to kill his assailant in order to save the life of the intended victim.]- [Sifrei 22:106]   כִּי כַּֽאֲשֶׁר יָקוּם וגו'  לְפִי פְשׁוּטוֹ זֶהוּ מַשְׁמָעוֹ: כִּי אֲנוּסָה הִיא וּבְחָזְקָה עָמַד עָלֶיהָ, כְּאָדָם הָעוֹמֵד עַל חֲבֵרוֹ לְהָרְגוֹ. וְרַבּוֹתֵינוּ דָּרְשׁוּ בוֹ הֲרֵי זֶה בָא לְלַמֵּד וְנִמְצָא לָמֵד וְכוּ' (סנהדרין ע"ג):
27Because he found her in the field. The betrothed girl had cried out, but there was no one to save her.   כזכִּ֥י בַשָּׂדֶ֖ה מְצָאָ֑הּ צָֽעֲקָ֗ה הַנַּֽעֲרָ֙ה (כתיב הנער) הַֽמְאֹ֣רָשָׂ֔ה וְאֵ֥ין מוֹשִׁ֖יעַ לָֽהּ:
28If a man finds a virgin girl who was not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found,   כחכִּֽי־יִמְצָ֣א אִ֗ישׁ נַֽעֲרָ֤ה (כתיב נער) בְתוּלָה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר לֹֽא־אֹרָ֔שָׂה וּתְפָשָׂ֖הּ וְשָׁכַ֣ב עִמָּ֑הּ וְנִמְצָֽאוּ:
29the man who lay with her shall give fifty [shekels of] silver to the girl's father, and she shall become his wife, because he violated her. He shall not send her away all the days of his life.   כטוְנָתַ֠ן הָאִ֨ישׁ הַשֹּׁכֵ֥ב עִמָּ֛הּ לַֽאֲבִ֥י הַנַּֽעֲרָ֖ה (כתיב הנער) חֲמִשִּׁ֣ים כָּ֑סֶף וְלוֹ־תִֽהְיֶ֣ה לְאִשָּׁ֗ה תַּ֚חַת אֲשֶׁ֣ר עִנָּ֔הּ לֹֽא־יוּכַ֥ל שַׁלְּחָ֖הּ כָּל־יָמָֽיו: