
KabbalaToons LIVE!

Words from the Creator of the Animated Series

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KabbalaToons LIVE!: Words from the Creator of the Animated Series

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman, creator of the animated series, KabbalaToons, presents and explains select episodes to a live audience.
Joy; Happiness

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Abby Chicago October 6, 2023

Are Kabbalahtoona dubbed into other languages, and specifically Russian? Reply

Judith March 9, 2011

Leftie? Is Miri a leftie that she is holding the food in her left hand when making a bracha, instead of her right hand? Reply

Anonymous miami, fl March 3, 2011

Brilliant 32 minutes that will change your perspective, and how you approach life....
thank you Reply

barry pagano westchester, il. March 1, 2011

Thank you I want to say a big thank you to everyone at for all that you have to offer on your site you have blessed me so much and i learn more everyday about the Jewish faith. Reply

Bracha Goetz Baltimore, MD March 1, 2011

Thank you! Thank you for your wonderful, joyous work! Reply

Melissa Fort Kent, Maine March 1, 2011

Let Light Shine All Around R Freeman, I have gotten so much out of watching Kabbalatoons over the years. I wait excitedly every week or so to see the new one. I was just thinking earlier this week how much I have learned about spiritual things from watching, and then you have this talk on Thank you so much!

I have come to understand the principle of tsumtsum from watching, and also from studying. I hope that we don't always have to go into total darkness in order to experience Light. When I lived in SC, I was in total darkness, and I do not think I can handle any more.

I have really liked the recent Kabbalatoons that deal with celebration and happiness. I think you've made a difference in the world with these cartoons--they seem so simple yet are so deep. Reply

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman February 24, 2011

Re: always explain the Kabbalatoons With (almost) every KabbalaToon on this site, there's a blog. Take a look and enjoy! Reply

YDK Brooklyn, ny usa February 24, 2011

always explain the Kabbalatoons Rabbi it would be a great idea if always attached to your excellent cartoons you would have your explanations available.
explain always please. it should be part of the experience.

Hatzlacha. Reply

Mr. Golan Yarkoni February 23, 2011

Counting Wow. What a wonderful talk. I remember watching Kabbala toons when they first came out and every once and awhile I go online to see what toon is playing.
The toons have a unique way of speaking to me. I am touched by the deep complexity of life that is expressed with simple language. I don't have the words that can express the meaning that life means to me. The toons have a special way of talking to the child in me who isn't expected to be on a measuring challenge of intelligence and Harvard understanding. Thank you so much for your work. I wrote a letter to some one today that has been going through a challenge. I emailed it to him because his wife thought I could give some useful words. I emailed it and saw that Chabad had sent me something about Kabbalatoons and I watched you speak and was touched by your words. They gave me a good feeling and I realized that the advice I gave came from a place were you don't count your blessings you give them. Reply

Barry Pagano Westchester, IL February 23, 2011

Kabbala toons Dear Rabbi Freeman I just wanted to drop you a line and say how much I enjoyed your video kabbala toons. Reply

Ms. Kelly Green February 23, 2011

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman-Explanation of Accolades to Rabbi Freeman for utilizing a format that is skewed towards children, but can, however, teach adults many lessons as well. Rabbi Freeman has a keen sense of targeting his demographics while reaching a much larger and expanded audience outside those parameters. I am 54 years old and thoroughly enjoyed the excerpts of the series and I think that the Rabbi, the main character, depicts a total sense of knowledge on the Kabbala, while presenting the concepts and traditions in a modern-day and extremely enjoyable manner. I thought the presentation was superb. Reply

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