
Chanukah Today

Modern Day Maccabees

The Chanukah battle and miracles transpired millenniums ago. But their lessons are as pertinent today as they were when the Greeks occupied the Holy Land...

10 Menorahs Around the World That Make Us Proud to Be Jewish
Fifty years after the first public menorah lighting, 15,000 public menorahs are being lit in the most extraordinary places.
Chabad-Lubavitch's Global Chanukah Campaign
Chabad-Lubavitch's Hanukkah Initiative to Reach Eight Million Jews in 80 Countries -- in an infographic.
16 of the Wildest, Boldest and Most Interesting Menorahs
Menorahs can be as beautiful and diverse as the communities that make them. We’ve looked around the world and gathered fifteen of the wildest menorahs we could find!
Thanksgiving Meets Chanukah
. . . and they find they have a lot in common.
Hi, America, I’m Thanksgiving. And I’m also Chanukah. Hold my hand. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Now say, “Thank G‑d, we’re free.” Doesn’t that feel good?
What is Chanukah?
Some history . . . What’s a miracle? . . . Power of the individual . . . The Greeks and the Jews . . . The mind and beyond . . . Chanukah today . . .
Chanukah Again
For the first time in recent history, the vast majority of Jews can practice Judaism freely and without oppression. Is the lesson of Chanukah no longer necessary? Do we no longer need to live its story and reinforce its message?
Fight or Light?
Controversy and Irony at SeaTac Airport
Apparently, some reporters and news editors already "knew" that the rabbi is against the trees, and nothing--not even their own reportage--was going to change the way they present the story
In Southern Hemisphere, Chanukah Takes on Warmer Tones
It’s a summer holiday for Jewish communities and campers south of the Equator
Freedom and the Immediacy of Chanukah Light
There are people who consider Chanukah, a holiday that isn’t even mentioned in the Torah, to be a relatively minor one.
Chanukah and the Battle of Artificial Intelligence
The Ultimate Victory of the Human Being
Straight Curves? An Old Menorah Debate Takes a New Turn
Many—although by no means all—of the public menorahs on display today feature straight branches extending diagonally from each side of a central shaft. This trend began in the 1980s, but it is rooted in a debate that might stretch back to the Middle Ages and beyond.
Fifty Years of Illuminating the World: Chanukah Campaign Hits Milestone
In 1973 the Rebbe called for increased Chanukah awareness. The rest is history
Born in Philly, the Public Menorah Turns 50
Five rabbis erected the first in 1974; now there are 15,000 lit annually
The Woman Behind the Fifth Avenue Menorah
How Atara Ciechanover spearheaded the design and creation of the world’s most visible menorah
The Public Menorah—a Symbol of Freedom in Buenos Aires—Turns 30
After the fall of Argentina’s military junta, a rabbi raises Argentina’s first menorah, bringing hope to millions
Four Decades of Car Menorahs Lighting the Way
With morphing sizes, shapes, materials and vehicles, they’ve become a familiar sight at Chanukah the world over