
Purim Messages

Contemporary Purim messages excerpted from the letters of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Our Secret of Survival
No manner of assimilationism provides an escape from the Hamans and Hitlers; nor can any Jew sever his ties with his people by attempting such an escape.
Why We Didn't Succumb
During the entire year that the decree was pending, the Jews remained steadfast in their faith and loyalty to G-d, although there was but one avenue of escape from certain death...
A Lesson for a Soviet Refugee
Their determined and proud stance as Jews brought about that, "For the Jews there was light, joy, gladness and honor," meaning also honor and admiration on the part of their erstwhile enemies.
Self Preservation
Purim reminds us not to be carried away by the outer sparkle of foreign civilizations or cultures, and not to be misled into assimilation by the notion that it appears to be in no conflict with our spiritual heritage.
Esther and the Modern Jewish Woman
Although both Mordechai and Esther were instrumental in bringing about the miracle of Purim and saving our people, the megillah is not named after both of them jointly, but solely after Esther.
An Education Lesson from Mordechai
No matter how important one's activities seem to be, one must, first and foremost, dedicate at least some part of his time and efforts to the most important of all causes — saving our young generation...
Purim and Education
Purim, 5712
The education of the young is very much like the planting of a seed.
Purim on Friday: Unite With Jerusalem!
Purim, 5741
The Rebbe draws lessons from how Jerusalem celebrates Purim that coincides with Shabbat, seeing special relevance in the light of the unifying nature of the Hakhel year.