Moshiach is not only a solution for our pain in this life. If that’s what I believe, then why would I risk upheaval for the sake of something that doesn’t affect me in this moment?
Have you ever dreamed? About how a loving relationship would look? How your future family would function and thrive? How your business would grow and prosper?
Why is Moshiach so integral to the Jewish belief system? It would certainly be nice to see an end to global suffering, but that is a universal ideal. Why is that a principle of the Jewish faith?
Why is the belief in Moshiach and the Redemption so central to Judaism? What makes it one of the “thirteen principles” of the Jewish faith upon which its entire edifice rests?
The transition from an industrial to an information society has had a profound effect on the nature of wealth. When wealth comes from materials, it is hard to deviate from the basic conception that when a piece of the pie is given to somebody else, your share is less. When wealth is equated with knowledge and creativity, the opposite is the case