
The Rishonim

4800–5160 (1040–1400)

(circa 4700-4800)
"My good friend, Rabbi Amnon, I know you have been loyal and devoted to me for many years. Now I wish to ask you a personal favor. Abandon your faith, and become a good Christian like me..." The gripping story behind a most moving High Holiday prayer.
(4782-4819, 1021-1058)
(circa 4790-4849; 1030-1089)
(4790-4866; 1030-1106)
Who Was Rashi?
Every little child in 'Cheder' knows the name. But who was Rashi? When did he live? Where did he live? How did he live?
(4837-4901; 1077-1141)
(circa 4840-?;1080)
Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra
(circa 4852-4927; 1092-1167)
(early 12th century)
(4870-4940; 1110-1180)
The Raavad (1125-1198)
(4910-4977; 1150-1217)
(About 4920-4990; 1160-1230)
(Circa 4920-4998; 1160-1238)
(4940-5023; 1180-1263)
Maharam of Rothenburg
circa 1220-1293
By order of King Rudolph, Rabbi Meir was imprisoned in the fortress of Ensisheim and held for ransom. The king knew that the Jews would give away their last mark to redeem their beloved rabbi, and indeed the sum of 20,000 marks was raised for Rabbi Meir's freedom...
The Jewish Physician of Toledo
(Circa 5029-5100; 1269-1340)
(5057-5100; 1297-1340)
(5110-5180; 1340-1410)
(5120-5187 - 1360-1427 )
(5120-5187; 1360-1427)
(Circa 5150-5214; 1380-1444)