The Rishonim
4800–5160 (1040–1400)
Published by Kehot Publication Society
(circa 4700-4800)
"My good friend, Rabbi Amnon, I know you have been loyal and devoted to me for many years. Now I wish to ask you a personal favor. Abandon your faith, and become a good Christian like me..." The gripping story behind a most moving High Holiday prayer.
(4782-4819, 1021-1058)
(circa 4790-4849; 1030-1089)
(4790-4866; 1030-1106)
(4837-4901; 1077-1141)
(early 12th century)
(4870-4940; 1110-1180)
The Raavad (1125-1198)
(About 4920-4990; 1160-1230)
(1185 - 1255)
(early 13th century)
(1322 -)
(5120-5187 - 1360-1427 )
(5120-5187; 1360-1427)
(Circa 5150-5214; 1380-1444)
(during 1300's)
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