Pictures with a Purpose

Leaving Darkness in the Dust

Wireless Strobe Lighting

February 21, 2013

“Darkness is not banished with a broom.”
The Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe

Michoel is an innovative educator, outdoor enthusiast and avid photographer. Michoel grew up in Australia where he used the 'Outback' to refine his photography skills. He pursued studies at Mayanot in Israel, the Rabbinical College of America in New Jersey and Rabbinical studies at Kollel Menachem in Brooklyn NY. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sarah, and daughter. Read more about his organization at

Changing Perspective

February 14, 2013

G‑d is simple unity. Non-complex. Non-composite.
It is only from man's vantage point, from below looking up, that he sees division.
To live with the One in focus is to see the world from His perspective.

Michoel is an innovative educator, outdoor enthusiast and avid photographer. Michoel grew up in Australia where he used the 'Outback' to refine his photography skills. He pursued studies at Mayanot in Israel, the Rabbinical College of America in New Jersey and Rabbinical studies at Kollel Menachem in Brooklyn NY. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sarah, and daughter. Read more about his organization at

Blazing Inspiration

A Brooklyn Morning

February 4, 2013

When Reb Zusia and Reb Yehudah Leib HaKohen read the Tanya for the first time—separately, each in his own home—they were so inspired, that they felt compelled to tell each other about this amazing chassidic work.

They met in the middle of the city, and it burned with the fire of their inspiration.

Michoel is an innovative educator, outdoor enthusiast and avid photographer. Michoel grew up in Australia where he used the 'Outback' to refine his photography skills. He pursued studies at Mayanot in Israel, the Rabbinical College of America in New Jersey and Rabbinical studies at Kollel Menachem in Brooklyn NY. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sarah, and daughter. Read more about his organization at

From the World I Perceive Him

A remarkable leaf in Ithaca, NY

January 25, 2013

G‑d looked into the Torah and created the world. (Zohar)

Man can look into the world and see G‑d.
A simple leaf declares the love that G‑d invested in His creations.

Michoel is an innovative educator, outdoor enthusiast and avid photographer. Michoel grew up in Australia where he used the 'Outback' to refine his photography skills. He pursued studies at Mayanot in Israel, the Rabbinical College of America in New Jersey and Rabbinical studies at Kollel Menachem in Brooklyn NY. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sarah, and daughter. Read more about his organization at

The Baal Shem Tov’s Maxim

Perth, Australia

January 12, 2013 7:53 PM

When encountering water, one should say
that the Baal Shem Tov says it is a sign of blessing.

Michoel is an innovative educator, outdoor enthusiast and avid photographer. Michoel grew up in Australia where he used the 'Outback' to refine his photography skills. He pursued studies at Mayanot in Israel, the Rabbinical College of America in New Jersey and Rabbinical studies at Kollel Menachem in Brooklyn NY. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sarah, and daughter. Read more about his organization at

Illuminating the World

Battery Park, NYC

December 8, 2012 8:17 PM

The Chanukah Lights remind us that illumination begins at home,
within oneself and one's family.

Only then is one able to illuminate the world.

Michoel is an innovative educator, outdoor enthusiast and avid photographer. Michoel grew up in Australia where he used the 'Outback' to refine his photography skills. He pursued studies at Mayanot in Israel, the Rabbinical College of America in New Jersey and Rabbinical studies at Kollel Menachem in Brooklyn NY. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sarah, and daughter. Read more about his organization at
The Baal Shem Tov taught that "everything a person sees is a lesson in the service of G-d." Join Michoel on a weekly photo shoot to explore the wisdom of Torah and Chassidic thought through the camera's lens.
OneinfocusOneinfocus is committed to educating and inspiring people on a global scale, using photography and other forms of visual technology to spread Torah, Chassidus and positive life values.
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