Letter & Spirit - Personal and Public Correspondence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

A Lesson From Everything

How does a painting compel us to see its subject in a new light? And how is this to be applied to the art of life? A letter to a depressed artist
In Torah, as in nature, there are exoteric and esoteric forces; one hundred and ninety-eight years ago, one of the latter electrified Jewish life
What we learn from the simple soldier, and how to apply those lessons to our daily lives.
The similarities between Judaism’s and the military’s basic precepts, and how we apply them in our daily lives.
There is an element of that tumultous time that should be preserved..
The Well-Stocked Pharmacy
Entering into the interior of the pharmacy, one notices a section marked: Warning! Deadly Poison! One may wonder, what is poison doing in a place designated for cures and balms?
Soul Wash
Clothes and linen, before we put them on, are clean and smoothlypressed—everything in its proper place. But after wearing them for a while, they become creased, dusty or stained.
The Significance of the Number Seven
Why has G‑d chosen certain numbers for special significance?