Letter & Spirit - Personal and Public Correspondence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

The Society Around Us

Respect for All – the Privileged and the Unprivileged
It is now several years since all private audiences have been suspended. Consequently, many prominent people who had requested an audience during this time could not be accommodated…
No Human Being Can Claim Superior Ancestral Origin
This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter in which you express deep sorrow about the terrible anti-semitic incident that took place last month in front of the synagogue in Warsaw...
Every Nation with its Mission
In the world at large, there is no uniformity, but many differences, both external as well as internal. The same is true in regard to the destiny of the Jewish people, and its place in the family of nations.
Responsibilities of a Public Servant
A senator’s duties go far beyond normal government obligations
“Those who have a prominent position in the society have a greater responsibility to strengthen the moral fabric of the society by example and precept . . .”
The Jewish People As A Minority And The Jewish Individual
The role of the Jewish people as a minority among the nations and that of an individual Jew in his enviroment. An objective survey on Jewish history proves that Jewish survival is based on the observance of Torah and Mitzvos.
One should not arrive at judgments on others in haste.
Mission of the Jews as a nation. - The task of Jewish organizations in all ages. - Jews are one people even when dispersed.
Every Nation with Its Mission
If one considers the world in which we live, the world at large, as well as the small world, namely man, it becomes evident that there is no uniformity, but many differences, both external as well as internal.
Divine Providence has bestowed on you to be closely associated with the President of the United States, with extraordinary opportunities of rendering public service on the highest level, for Jews and non-Jews, both in this country and in many parts of the world.