
Questions for the Philosopher

A Conversation with Prof. Yitzchok Block

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Questions for the Philosopher: A Conversation with Prof. Yitzchok Block

Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Dr. Yitzchok Block, answers deep questions about the origins of the universe, the meaning of life and the uniqueness of Jewish belief.
Existence; Reality, Creation ex nihilo, Philosophy

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Yoel Ben-Avraham Shilo, Israel December 7, 2015

Hi Dianna, I can't argue to the exact issue you raised, what I can say is this: Dr Block has a doctorate in Greek Philosophy which he taught in the University of Western Ontario for decades. Chaos not withstanding - chaos is something, unformed but something, not ex nihilo! Reply

Wouter Pretoia South Africa February 19, 2014

what happened between Gen1.1 and 1.2 @ Anonymous from Johannesburg Gauteng, South Africa.
The writer of Gen dipped his pen and took a deep breath between Gen 1.1 and 1.2 Reply

Izzy p November 27, 2011

Very well done! Keep up the amazing work! Reply

Anonymous Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa October 7, 2010

Dr. Yitzchock Block Could you explain to me about what happen on that period between Genesis 1: 1 and Genesis 1:2 ? Reply

Frank K Chicago October 6, 2010

ayin I appreciate the Prof. discussing one idea, ayin, nothingness. To many speakers throw out one idea after another. To focus on this one thing is revealing and profound. Reply

Anonymous randolph, nj October 6, 2010

Bold assertion, but not correct. There are in fact theories and ongoing inquiries in science on the beginning and end of the universe. Theories in this area make predictions that can be tested today, and they look pretty good so far.

Albeit, there is a theory that suggests a big bounce where others describe a big band. But there is a gemora that makes the same suggestion (see sanhedrin, perek helek, i believe). If this theory is what the speaker is refering to, then he is cherry picking one theory from a host of others. As suchm it would be dishonest.

In general, the speaker does not know show any specific knowledge of the science that he speaks of, and his claims about other cultures seem vague and vacuotous. Reply

luv2learn Burke, US September 29, 2010

comment This seems like a lot of talk saying very little. I've heard the same message over and over and over....
This lowers my opinion of the quality of your content.

I have recommended Arthur Crispe and was hoping for similar quality. I don't have the patience to even listen to the rest of this one. Reply

Anonymous ny, NY September 29, 2010

Creation i love the way this Rabbi discusses creation and why we are here. He laughs and describes one of the most complicated topics of the Zohar. He make it easy to understand for the average man. The scientists would think he is joking, and believing in myths. To each his own. But on the day they die if Rabbi is correct, are they in for a surprise. And if they are right, and the world was always there or came from nothing, then it really wouldn't matter at all. Reply

Diana Henry Springfield, MA September 28, 2010

Chaos was a greek concept too. Intellectual honesty ...please acknowldge
Chaos, an ancient Greek idea too..Google "CHaos in Greek mythology" to see references. For example:"Chaos was the original void of existence (although sometimes described as being a confusing, shapeless entity which was later ordered, creating the cosmos.The word is derived from the greek 'Khaos', which means "gaping void"." This is the first time I have found fault with one of your videos. I think it should be pulled. Reply

Ash Silver Toronto, Canada September 26, 2010

Is cause and effect an axiom. One of our greatest artifacts is the concept of time. However I believe it is just a piece of every model and has to be adjusted as our understanding of the physics of the universe evolves. Does it make sense to question that the universe develops inexorably onward when time is such a frail concept? Reply

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