Selected Talks by the Rebbe
The Previous Rebbe wrote a discourse that served as his last teaching. Its title quotes the verse where G-d says, “I have come to My garden, My abode.”
By choosing those powerful words, the Rebbe taught his generation and future generations, that beneath all its outer appearances, this world is G-d’s own garden and dwelling place. No matter how strong the urge to give in to cynicism or despair, no matter how bad things may appear, this teaching shows and empowers us to search out and reveal the essential goodness and G-dliness of the entire creation.
At the time of the Song of Moses, the Jews were in the midst of a great journey through an
awesome desert. They had yet to reach, conquer and establish a Jewish homeland. By
contrast, at the time of the Song of Deborah, the Jews were already settled in the Land of
Israel. Deborah was called upon to organize a campaign against Canaanite invaders.
Parents rely on the Public School System to rear their children into mature, responsible adults. Their children are imbued with the values of this country’s sense of pride: That “My own power and the strength of my hand have brought me my success.” But with this approach unchecked, they will grow up to use their education to achieve their own selfish desires.
Those who oppose silent prayer in public schools, cite the separation of religion and state as the basis to eliminate religion from the public arena. However, this ignores the reason the law was established in the first place: to protect the freedom of religious expression of the original settlers in this country. This modern-day repression of democracy goes against the intention of the authors of the Constitution.
The best way to heal illness is through preventive measures. The disease of crime is a reality,
but recognizing that it is real should bring about real change. The education system must
reorient itself to stop this disease before it manifests. We are not calling for a "new" resolution,
but rather a return to the values accepted by the citizens of this country and by all nations.
“Evil will come from the north.” The Soviet Union is a clear manifestation of this prophecy. At the same time, G-d bestowed the United States with the mission and the moral and material might to counter this evil. To succeed, however, America must be free of economic pressure from immoral dictatorships. If we rely on them for oil, this nation’s strength and influence is compromised.
There is a solution to America’s energy crisis: Solar Energy. Solar technology requires far less time to develop than other energy sources.
What can a small group of Jews accomplish by discussing this issue amongst themselves? Maimonides rules that even a single statement based on Torah, has the power to tip the scales for salvation. Past experiences have shown that issues discussed here, have reached Washington.
Every person is expected to become a ‘ruler’ over his surroundings – to make it a proper dwelling place for G-d. At first, a person is ruler only over himself. Later, he becomes ‘ruler’ and leader of his family. Then he goes on to become a leader in his community and so on. At each stage he must accustom himself to place the new majority’s needs before the previous “individual’s” needs.
The Talmud explains that the verse, “He redeemed my soul in peace from battles against me, because of the many who were with me,” refers to, “One who works in Torah and charity…”
A business owner isn’t satisfied with the clientele who find him; he publicizes his goods and services. His work also has no end; it is constantly on his mind. To work in Torah and charity means going beyond the realm of ‘obligation’ – developing self-motivation for personal growth, and exerting relentless effort to improve the spiritual and physical welfare of others.
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- Lubavitcher Rebbe (376)