
The Rebbe on the Study and Teachings of the Rambam

Rambam: The Great Eagle
The monumental achievement of Maimonides
The Rambam was the first to provide a bird’s eye view of the entire body of Torah law. Join the campaign to study his works and celebrate Jewish unity.
Maimonides’ Universal Acceptance
The universal acceptance of Maimonides is evidenced by his headstone, which is engraved with the words “From (the first) Moses to Moses (Maimonides) there arose none like Moses.”
On Learning Rambam
The Mishneh Torah was not written only for great Torah scholars. Maimonides himself writes that he composed it in a clear unambiguous style for all Jews – “for small and great alike.”
Maimonides – A Light Unto the Nations
11 Nissan, 5745 • April 2, 1985
Maimonides is celebrated as a master of Jewish law and philosophy. Not only do we learn from his scholarly writings, but from the life he led as well – a life dedicated to the physical and spiritual welfare of all people.
All of Torah in Your Hand
20 Teves, 5749 · December 28, 1988
The scope of Maimonides’ codification is beyond anything that ever preceded or followed it!
Leadership Despite Opposition
There are many similarities between Maimonides and the founder of Chabad Chassidism. Their most well-known works bear striking resemblances. They both faced extreme opposition to their teachings, yet the opposition fell away.
Conclusion of Rambam
Siyum HaRambam 5749
The Rambam compiled the Mishna Torah, which is a summary of the entire Torah and many generations of codifications and commentaries. The Rebbe teaches the final Halacha, thus concluding the Rambam.
Maimonides - Not for Scholars Only
Since Torah's practical laws are relevant and comprehensible by Jews of all backgrounds, all Jews should unite through Torah, by studying the same subject in Torah at the same time.
Daily Study of Maimonides
25 Iyar, 5747 • May 24, 1987
The Mishneh Torah serves to guide all Jews through the intricacies of Jewish observance. It is not geared for scholars alone. It guides “small and great alike,” as they pursue their life tasks.
Starting from the End
One should search for ways to bring another Jew to the study of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah. One way is to celebrate the conclusion of Mishneh Torah...
First Siyum HaRambam
Completion of the first study cycle of Maimonides’ code of Jewish law, the Mishneh Torah.
Farbrengen: 11 Nissan 5745
This farbrengen was held on the Rebbe’s birthday in 1985 and also marked the first Siyum Harambam, the closure of the yearly cycle of studying the Mishneh Torah, the magnum opus of Maimonides.
Moshiach-Times: Future Lifestyles
11 Nissan, 5745 · April 2, 1985
Maimonides concludes his code of law, the Mishneh Torah, by describing the era of Moshiach as a time of peace, abundance and enlightenment. All luxuries will be readily available, and yet they will be esteemed in man’s eyes as the dust. As such, we will devote ourselves totally to the study of Torah.
Moshiach-Times: Future Lifestyles
11 Nissan, 5745 · April 2, 1985
Maimonides concludes his code of law, the Mishneh Torah, by describing the era of Moshiach as a time of peace, abundance and enlightenment. All luxuries will be readily available, and yet they will be esteemed in man’s eyes as the dust. As such, we will devote ourselves totally to the study of Torah.
Moshiach-times: Seeing with New Eyes
11 Nissan, 5745 · April 2, 1985
Maimonides concludes his code of Jewish law, the Mishneh Torah: “In the Era of Moshiach… there will be no occupation in the whole world except to know G-d alone. Therefore, the Jews will be great sages, knowing the hidden matters and grasping their Creator to the full extent possible for man – as it is written, ‘For the knowledge of G-d will fill the earth as water covers the sea.’”
Maybe You Should Skip It?
19 Kislev, 5745 • December 14, 1984
Maintaining purity through restraint, even where it is not ritually necessary, is one of the greatest virtues.
A Torah of Peace
Video | 6:37
A Torah of Peace
20 Menachem Av, 5741 • August 20, 1981
Maimonides states that Torah was given, “only to bring peace to the world” – “Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace.” Division can never lead to peace.
Who Can Be My Mentor?
Purim, 5747 • March 15, 1987
The Talmud teaches: “A mentor must be like an angel of G-d.” In his code of Jewish law, Maimonides offers a clue to the conduct of an angel.
Torah Business Lessons
23 Adar, 5750 • March 20, 1990
Maimonides rules that the single action of a single person has the power to redeem the entire world. It is analogous to a balance sheet in business...
Studying Rambam
Video | 1:41
Studying Rambam
25 Tishrei, 5751-1990 - 5 Cheshvan, 5752-1991
The Rebbe is presented with a Kapach edition of the Rambam. The Rebbe thanks the compilers, and requests to receive the future volumes as well. As for a recommendation-letter, use the one that was sent for the first volume.
Maimonides’ Precision
Rabbi Asaf & Mr. Baturie
Maimonides used three distinct signatures depending on the subject matter of the writing. From this, one can learn of Maimonides’ extreme attention to detail.
Rambam Nachas
Video | 1:01
Rambam Nachas
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Hurwitz – Yeshiva University 9 Nissan, 5748-1988
20 Teves is the Rambam’s Yahrtzeit.
Rabbi Hurwitz presents the Rebbe with his most recent work on the Rambam. The Rebbe encourages him to continue, and blesses him with “Rambam Nachas.”
Maimonides: Father Figure
9 Nissan, 5748 · March 27, 1988
From Maimonides’ Laws of Personal Conduct one can understand what true Nachas is. Teach those laws to your son, and may you have true Nachas from him.
Three Pillars
Video | 6:46
Three Pillars
12 Tammuz, 5740 · June 26, 1980
In discussing the essence of prayer, Maimonides explains that whenever a Jew is in need of anything, he is obligated to pray. But what gives a human the right to ask and expect his needs from G-d?