
Guidance in Meditation

Ten Hacks for Mental Control That Every Human Being Should Know
Culled from the wisdom of the classic Jewish work called the Tanya
It’s your brain, after all, and it's still the most sophisticated device we know of. Why shouldn’t you be the exclusive user?
Winning the War Against Thinking
So you've emptied your brain. Now what?
I like to sit and think. People think I’m mad. Try it.
On Mindfulness and Jewish Meditation (a Brief History)
In 1977 the Rebbe began a push to make a kosher form of meditation available to the public. The Rebbe specifically mentioned the efficacy of meditation as an antidote to stress and anxiety; he was concerned, however, that many of the more popular teachings were not consistent with Torah values . . .
Jewish Meditation and Mindfulness and Techniques and Tools
Though this brief article cannot do justice to the wide variety of methods for cultivating mindfulness, I’ll offer here a taste of one particularly Jewish approach to meditation that is very accessible, yet mostly overlooked...
A Practical Guide to a Calmer Spirit
Thirteen Strategies for Serenity in a Maddening World
These thirteen suggestions are among those introductory practices the authors have found to be most meaningful and helpful, gleaned from the study of chassidic philosophy, and based on nearly four decades of experience in Jewish education, clinical healthcare, personal development workshops and counseling.
Meditation for the Rest of Us
from the upcoming book “Wisdom to Fix the Earth”
Meditation had once been a jailbreak for the mind’s flight from the body. Now it became a way for the body to join with the mind. In Tanya, the goal of both meditation and prayer is to awaken a sense of love and awe that overflows and sweeps up the beast in its path. To fix up that animal.
Kosher Meditation
3 questions to ask before beginning any meditation program
There are so many different schools of meditation. Are they all safe? Are they all kosher?
The Deep Pleasure Meditation
Pleasure, you would think, should be a very simple thing. It is, but only if you stop to think.
How the Stories We Tell Mold Our Future
That play-by-play narrative is the main player in the game.
Much as our sense of touch knows a thing through manipulation, so too our minds.
Meditation on a Smartphone
Achieve self-mastery in 30 days
Here is a simple but vital morning ten-step meditation for achieving total self-knowledge and mastery within 30 days. It involves nothing more than a smartphone, your pocket or purse, and an active brain.
Ten Meditations on the Child Within
From the Upcoming Book, "Wisdom to Heal the Earth"
This is a revolution that is forever: When we can hear the deepest wisdom in the voice of a child.
How to Stay Calm and Happy in the Coronavirus Days
An affirmation for level-headedness