
In the first half of the 20th century, Rabbi Avraham Hecht, then rabbi of Congregation Shaare Zion, one of New York City’s largest synagogues, arrived at the offices of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory with Mr. Isaac Shalom, one of Sephardic Jewry’s greatest philanthropists. Rabbi Hecht hoped that the philanthropist could assist the Chabad-Lubavitch community with their work on behalf of Jewish education.

Mr. Shalom, a Syrian Jew, made his fortune from manufacturing handkerchiefs. Nevertheless, he considered his most valuable work to be assisting Jews in Middle Eastern countries to obtain a Jewish education. From New York he funded numerous Jewish institutions in countries such as Egypt and Lebanon.

Until this day Mr. Shalom’s name invokes admiration, in a community famed for giving charity, for his renowned philanthropy and vision. In the tradition of Syrian Jewry, Mr. Shalom held a tangibly deep faith in G‑d.

Mr. Shalom asked, "Lubavitcher Rebbe, I do not understand you. Why don’t you write a letter to G‑d asking Him to send you the money." In an early 1950’s meeting with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Mr. Shalom asked, "Lubavitcher Rebbe, I do not understand you. Why don’t you write a letter to G‑d asking Him to send you the money that Rabbi Hecht says you need to continue your good work?"

In his thick Syrian accent, Mr. Shalom explained that he was certain if only the great sage would write to G‑d, his wish would surely be fulfilled, removing all financial concerns.

The Rebbe responded, "Mr. Shalom, if I would write such a letter to G‑d, I would be asking him to take away my job!"

It is important for us to remember not to give up on what we, the citizens of the world, need to perfect this world. We need to toil in order to make a difference, and not pray that G‑d do everything for us.

As told by Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht, Rabbi Avraham’s brother, in a September 1987 speech.