Letters and Numbers of the Festivals
Decoding Jewish Holidays

Letters and Numbers of the Festivals—Purim
What is the difference between Purim, which is celebrated on the 14th day of the month, and Passover and Sukkot which are celebrated on the 15th day of their respective months? The answer lies in the fact that the number fourteen in Hebrew is represented by the letters yud (10) and daled (4), which spell the word "yad" which means "hand."

The Passover Seder
The Four Cups of the Passover Seder as they correspond to the "four sons" (the wise one, the wicked one, the simple one, the one who does not know how to ask) as well as the four matriarchs (Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah.) Part 2 of this class addresses the second two cups as well as the cup poured for Elijah the prophet.

The eighth day of Passover
On the final day of Passover (Acharon Shel Pesach), there is a custom to partake of a festive celebration known as Moshiach’s Seudah (the meal of Moshiach). What is the source and meaning of this custom, and what is its connection to the final redemption that will come about through Moshiach?
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- Festivals (85)