
Thousands of Rabbis Block Brooklyn Traffic

November 28, 2011 12:45 PM
Traffic clogged along both sides of Brooklyn, N.Y.’s Eastern Parkway Sunday morning as thousands of rabbis assembled for their traditional group photo during the 28th annual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries. (Photo: Tina Fineberg/
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Rabbi Dovid Teichtel of Israel, center, waits with other Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries to have a group picture taken in front of Chabad-Lubavitch world headquarters in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, N.Y.
Rabbi Dovid Teichtel of Israel, center, waits with other Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries to have a group picture taken in front of Chabad-Lubavitch world headquarters in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, N.Y.

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NormanHauptman Earth - Israel-Yonkers November 11, 2023

The antidote to opposition to Jews is
Jewish Unity based on L O V E.

Rabbi Happyman Reply

Milton Markovitz Teaneck, NJ February 23, 2025
in response to NormanHauptman :

Ever since Rabbi M. M. Scneerson introduced his energetic initiatives of spreading the light of Chabbad throughout the world, This movement has transformed from an antidote which counteracts the poison of assimilation to torch which brings a sparking light and warmth to the entire Jewish nation (and beyond). Reply

CHAVA November 11, 2023

"For Jerusalem's Sake!"
by Eva

How can I rest serenely
In a strange and foreign land,
Knowing Eretz Yisrael
Is in dire need of a helping hand?
How can I remain silent
When love's flame within me burns?
How can I turn my eyes away
From the land my spirit yearns?
Am I my brother's keeper?
Or do I turn away a deafened ear
To the sound of distant drums,
As storm clouds are drawing near?
Oh what bonds in unity,
Love can never break
Where heart and soul unite as one
For Jerusalem's sake! Reply

Hannah Rivkah Bat Yisroel Meir Salt Lake City via November 13, 2023
in response to CHAVA:

❤️ Reply

Levi Arkansas November 13, 2023
in response to CHAVA:

Beautiful Reply

Linda Kay Stockton, CA February 5, 2024
in response to CHAVA:

Heart touching
AMEN! Reply

FREDERICO FRANKLIN Boca Raton FL February 23, 2025
in response to CHAVA:

💐💖💕👏 Reply

Yafa Israel February 23, 2025
in response to CHAVA:

Beautiful🦋 Reply

Mordechai Czellak New York City November 20, 2022

Baruch Hashem! These selfless young men bring Torah and Torah study all over the world. Just like the Rabbe of blessed memory envision.
This gives me hope for our future Reply

Daniel Isler Neudorf October 31, 2021

I can not believ this picturs, but i still know its real .Thank you so much to come together as well. May you are blessed in the name of HaShem. Stay Save , 🙏 Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn November 5, 2018

Bringing More Light Let us please remember that the Sabbath of the Convention was the fourth anniversary of a massacre in a synagogue in Har Nof, Israel. The widows asked that in their husbands' memories Jewish girls and women ask Jewish girls and women to light Shabbos candles to bring more light. Also, on another Rosh Chodesh Kislev, after the Mumbai massacre, a woman who had done so much to reach out to Jews in India was home visiting in Israel and was murdered by a terrorist. We can pray for more success for all the shluchim, recovered formerly troubled teens, whoever is reading this, for insisting on Jewish and all human life, bringing more light till the lights of Moshiach. Reply

Jeffrey Perlman Miami, Florida November 4, 2018

How great is this especially in light of the Shabbos before last when 12 holy Yidden were murdered. Am Yisroel Chai Reply

Aleksandr Tkach Vacaville via November 4, 2018

I hope NY police will protect them Reply

Anonymous NYC via November 22, 2019
in response to Aleksandr Tkach:

I hope the day will come when the NY police won't have to protect them... Reply

Mrs. A Marsh USA via November 25, 2022
in response to Anonymous:

Baruch HaShem Reply

Anonymous Athens, GA December 5, 2011

Occupy Brooklyn! Reply

Anonymous February 4, 2024
in response to Anonymous:

Well, since 770 is within the area of Brooklyn, then that's just the beginning! We have to continue from there to go further and further in spreading light! Until we occupy the world with goodness and bring Moshiach now! Reply