Freedom is the natural state of man. Free him of all outside forces that limit and inhibit him, and you have a free human being. Passover embodies a far more ambitious freedom...
But there are also children who are of a far-off tomorrow. Children who inhabit a distant world, who speak a distant language and relate to distant values...
By defining the extent and the nature of our material involvements, Torah extricates our capacity for infinite and non-definitive commitment from its material exile...
Faith may hover in some neutral space above one’s everyday self. It may move him to a frenzy of action, but nothing in him has changed. Soon his euphoria wanes...
The mind can come to understand that suffering refines man. But, ultimately, why must it be this way? You, G-d, could have ordered reality so that there is gain without pain...
Then there are those elements that are as qualified a building material as raw clay: our selfish and animalistic instincts, and a material world that obscures the truth of its Creator...
Any moment, the pagan mores and slave mentality which still pervaded our minds and hearts may re-assert themselves. We were escaping Pharaoh, and we were escaping ourselves...
The culminating level of redemption—its "I will bring you into the land" element, which shall be fully realized only in the era of Moshiach—transcends human efforts...
When the sea split, trees grew from the sea bed; the children fed the fruits of these trees to the birds, who joined the Jewish people in their singing of praise...