
A Jewish Response to Suffering

Why does G‑d test us?

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A Jewish Response to Suffering: Why does G‑d test us?

Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski tackles the big questions of why G‑d allows suffering, and how to best handle the challenges of loss and grief.
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Loss, Mourning & Consolation, Struggle, Challenge & Adversity, Pain, Suffering & Tragedy

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Nicolas Subia Quito April 9, 2020

Thanks for this class, very humane. Reply

Marc Hess New Jersey November 5, 2018

Turnout alright But, we know from history and the experience of others that it doesn't always"turnout alright". So, this formula only works if you control the definition of "alright". Reply

Kayden Bundrock October 19, 2016

you are helpful you have saved me while I'm doing research because i was listening to you and it inspired me to work hard!!!!, thank you Rabbi Reply

Julie Starr Toronto, Canada July 26, 2015

A thank you for Rabbi Twersky Dear Rabbi Twersky
It is Tishabav and I saw this video come have helped me tremendously. Your downtoearth approach, your human understanding and admitting to not understanding...all of it has helped me so much.
I have been through many difficulties and on top of that am a deep feeler and thinker. This lecture really warmed my heart and soul and gave me strength.
Thank you,
Julie Starr,
Toronto, Canada Reply

David North Miami July 26, 2015

Precious Wisdom So wise, he is so right about how we all want the answers to everything. Answers are only found for those who take the path to true spirituality, where pain and suffering are part of the equation. Build your own roads, otherwise if you walk somebody else's don't complaint about the bumps that will come your way.
Shalom Reply

tracee smiddy March 5, 2015

Suffering. Dear Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski,
I just listened to your topic on suffering. Thank you. Thank you for your years of selfless dedication. I pray HaShem ease your own suffering.

I look forward to listening to more of your insights from The Talmud.

My father was a medical physician (bless his memory)
Dr. Warren R. Osborne. I saw his compassion for human suffering. Reply

Anonymous January 19, 2015

Thank you Tearfully I struggle every day, why rabbi why? I have lost all my religion from my unending sufferings. Try to be honest with yourself, man is more compassionate then God. Some men would prevent our pains, God does not. Why do you say, if there is no God then nothing makes sense at all. Then everything makes, life is based off of love. Life is not based off of notions of a merciful God who is not actuality merciful. The purpose of life is to end suffering and make happiness for ourselves, others, and the world.
If Hashem gave me the world to operate I would end all suffering. Therefore God is either described incorrectly in the torah as compassionate or there is no God. For it is not compassionate to make his people suffer, for no reason. Reply

ariel israel January 9, 2019
in response to Anonymous:

Dear Anonymous,
I can understand your words, having also felt such pain and abandonment at such senseless cruelty and defeat. I didn't want to speak to Him. The everyday world felt more comfortable to me, something I could touch and taste and feel and relate to in a sensible way. All of the talk about the glories of G-d, the unseen spiritual world, the obedience to His Laws -- no, it was all too painful for me when I couldn't even lift my head and face life. I did take comfort in turning my back on Him, in just living a normal, quiet daily life. A very small life. In the end, I grew restive, since inactivity is not natural for me. IN the end, there was nothing left to do but to cry out to the very G-d whom I blamed. I cried out in anger, yes; but I did cry out to Him.
You say, "The purpose of life is to end suffering and make happiness for ourselves, others, and the world." Is it possible that our purpose in life is to make G-D Himself happy? Reply

Anonymous USA September 16, 2014

Response to Suffering Thank you Rabbi Twerski for this wonderful lecture. I see Hashem's, blessed be He, glory every day because His presence is in my life. That is the greatest miracle in my life. When He corrects me, when things do not work so good as I expected. That leads me to know that i did something wrong that needed correction, and I thank Him for that. That is the only way i know that my father is by my side. Now i realized that i should praise Him more than i actually do everyday. Reply

Anonymous May 5, 2013

Thank you so much for such an uplifting Shiur! Dear Rabbi Dr Abraham Twerski

Thank you so much for the wonderful Shiur! I have gained so much chizuk from it and you have helped me deal with my 'sufferring'! I have learned to see the good from my 'nisayon'. May Hakodosh Baruch Hu keep you in good health always ad me'ah ve'esrim shana.

Dr. Gregorio Nosovsky June 16, 2012

A Jewish Response to Suffering Dear Rabbi and Dr.
Thank you for helping me understand that we have to be closer to Hashem and trust his infinite wisdom. That a sunny day in the desert doesn't make grow nothing, also the desert needs a rainy day. Reply

wendy colby Avon, NY, NY March 23, 2012

Suffering My entire life I have been angry with G-D for the bad things that happened. I thought for many years He was punishing me for something terrible I did and just can't recall or the accumulation of things I can recall having done in unkindness. Thank you Rabbi for helping me to see that were I to be able to fathom from His perspective, I would see the tremendous love behind every thought towards me and mine;towards us all. Reply

Marty Denver March 15, 2012

A question I like the concept or the sound of giving G-d my problems but I'm not sure what it entails or means. It's difficult for me to describe. Does it mean one is placing one's faith in G-d while still struggling to work things out with the other person or situation? If one is still making an effort, then what is he leaving in G-d's hands?
Or does it mean one is no longer responsible in terms of taking appropriate action for one's life and working harder to achieve the goal or rectify the problem? That is, if one gives G-d one's problem, does that mean he doesn't do anything to seek justice or accomplish the task? In other words, if one continues to struggle to meet his goal, does that mean he hasn't given the problem to G-d?
In the past, I've thought that only when I am out of ideas do I leave it in G-d's hands, but that doesn't seem to be what the article is saying, is it? Thank you. Reply

Mrs. Gerry van der Hoek March 14, 2012

Why doesG-d test us Dear Rabbi Twerski,
Although you cannot give ansers to our questions, sharing your wisdom with us is of great help. Thank you very much, not ony for this shiur but also for the many books you wrote.Many years ago the first ones for me were Growing each day, Living each day, Living each week. May HaShem grant you many years to come in good health and spirit. Reply

Rivka NYC, NY March 14, 2012

The Best Of Rabbi Twersky because when a speaker puts himself in the spot and tells about his own vulnerability, we can all relate to him and empathize.
Lecturing doesn't help suffering.
The courage to share your pain and questions brings us together and soothes the focus of our own suffering and brings a tacit hearfelt comprehension.

Leah Bet Shemesh, Israel March 13, 2012

Dear Rabbi Twerski: Thank you for helping to make the pain a bit more bearable, and for putting things in the right perspective. May Hashem heal your pain, just as you helped heal mine... Reply

Rachel Makglamrothe Pontre Vedre, FLA March 10, 2012

video; A Jewish Response to Suffering Having experienced, known of others and helped others suffering in many forms, I can say that Rabbi addresses the qestions and anwers as related to our view of G-d in such a way that I was awe struck and leave his teaching with more respect for him and G-d. Thank you so much. GREAT TEACHING! Reply

Ezza Five Sapphire, Australia March 1, 2012

Yes A moving, honest and somehow uplifting shiur. Thank you so much for your wisdom, dear Rabbi. Reply

Marilyn Maalick PROSTON, Qld, Australia. February 27, 2012

A Jewish Response to Suffering Thank you very much Rabbi for this video. Never in my life has anyone made me feel good about my own suffering and many others whom I have come in contact with all my life. I too am like Sara, i have chased a rainbow of IVF from the age of 22 to 47 trying to carry a child and suffered so much along with my family and husbands. If only I had seen this video when young I would have accepted my fate dealt to me when 14 yrs of age which was dealt to me by incompetent doctors, but at least I have my life. I have forgiven them and now I am free from the heartache of being childless and happy to have finally moved on after so much saddness and dispair of not being able to carry a child full term and never being a parent or a Grandmother or a mother in law. I accept it and am happier than I have been all my life. It has only taken me 48 years. Thanks to you Rabbi, G-D bless you for your wisdom and beautiful caring thoughts on life and suffering. Reply

Kasriel mikhoel Gaddi kingston,, New York February 16, 2012

Suffering I found your lecture to be one of Strength and outward love to educate others. I did so enjoy your comments about Love of Hashem. when You spoke of peoples fears of Hashem.It truely is not Fear of Hashem,but fear of dsipleaseing HIM. This is Love of Hashem! Our life challenges are set before us to better us fore the olom Haba. HIS WILL,is what we should be looking toward. We should understand that we are only His,thus we come to understand even through pains both physical and Emotionial times. We must not question,but obey. We will do,then Listen! Rabbi, you are an excellent lecturour,and you words remain with me. Reply

sc winnipeg, canada February 15, 2012

Thank you Rabbi The blessings you give to others, may it come back to you a 100 fold.

May Hashem give you a complete cure from the pain you are having.
Hashem bless you and yours.

sc Reply