
Thank You for Your Condolences

A Personal Message from Rabbi Gordon

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Thank You for Your Condolences: A Personal Message from Rabbi Gordon

When Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon lost his mother, his online students responded with an outpouring of their condolences. At the conclusion of the shiva (seven-day mourning period), Rabbi Gordon recorded this message in response to the thousands who wished him well in his time of grief.
Comforting the Mourner, Shiva, Loss, Mourning & Consolation

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Tsipora Toronto February 12, 2021

Beautiful words, Rabbi Gordon (a"h). You have been reunited with your dear mother and father, together with all of your holy ancestors. May all of your souls experience higher and higher elevations, and may we merit the coming of Moshiach immediately! Thank you for everything, Rabbi Gordon. Reply

Anonymous miami July 1, 2014

Dear Rabbi : I have been following your on line classes for several years and am continually inspired by your teachings and insights. Your speech today about your mother was extremely elevating and inspiring even during this difficult time for you. May you and your entire family be well comforted and receive special blessings. Reply

izzet fresko January 15, 2014

Dear Rabbi Gordon
I am grateful for your Chumash classes. You have made such a big difference in my life.
Yitzhak Fresko from Istanbul, Turkey Reply

Anonymous Pittsburgh October 20, 2013

Comment on condolences Thank you Rabbi Gordon for carrying the torch for your mother. For those of us who don't have drum role models , you model and teach us how to live and love. I am very grateful and will do my best to pass this on to my own children. May you and yours be blessed! Reply

Steve Hopewell, VA January 10, 2013

Condolences Rabbi Gordon, it has been a while since I visited your site. I started to watch your video for today and saw the message so I clicked on to listen this message. I am very sorry for your loss. Your mom was no doubt a remarkable person. Thank you for sharing your insights and stories and being a blessing to myself and others during your time of grieving. Your heritage is so rich and such a wonderful part of the history of our country. I am sincerely blessed by your video classes and love to hear you share real life stories that accompany your lessons. Reply

Anonymous Pennsylvania January 6, 2013

Condolences Dear Rabbi Gordon,

It has been a few months since I've viewed the website. Condolences on the lost of your loved one. Reply

Rabbi Dr. Joseph Sungolowsky Flushing, NY 11367 January 6, 2013

Condolences A very meaningful message! "Hamakom Yenachem Eschem".

I am a longtime sympathizer of Lubavich. For further detail see JEM DVD, "The Early Years", Vol IV. Reply

Lawrence Goldschlager December 30, 2012

My Deepest Condolences Dear Rabbi Gordon,
My most sincere and deepest condolences to you and your family on the passing of your mother.
I have been a on line student of yours for more than a year and feel truly blessed to have you as my teacher. Almost every day I listen to your teachings and do my best to improve myself as a person as well as share your wisdom and guidance with my family, friends, neighbors, etc.
i am quite sure that you made your mother incredibly proud!!!!!
G-d bless you and your family!!!! Reply

Ron Salters Birmingham al December 29, 2012

Condolences. Dear Rabbi Gordon, My deepest condolences on the passing of your Mother. Thank you for sharing with us how wonderfully she and your Father touched people's life. May their souls be with G-d I enjoy your teaching very much

Susan Brooks St. Joseph, Mi December 27, 2012

Thank you Thank you. Thank you, for your giving heart and teaching, it gives me a glimer of you and your mother's steady light in the darkness of the world. I hold tight to the spark, the source. May you always have the comfort, you give to so many, Reply

Celeste Sierra Vista December 26, 2012

Thank you so much for all that you do! You are amazing and a staple in this household, we are so sorry for the great loss of an essential staple in yours...your beloved mother. My young daughter and I raise your name and that of those you hold dear to the thanks for your longevity and prosperity, thank you for donning and wielding your destiny to be light and bring Torah to the nations. Thank you, you are a part of us...thank you.
The Fiddes Family Sierra Vista Arizona Reply

K Springer New Orleans, La. via December 26, 2012

Joyous Mourning Rabbi Gordon my heartfelt sorrow for the loss of your mother.
She is so proud of you as she sits above you watching, for even as you rise from shiva, you continue to give and bless us with your amazing story, family history, and your grace, wisdom, and teaching of Hassidism.

May G-d wrap you in Love and continue to console you and your whole family.
Baruch Hashem


Yaakov December 26, 2012

HaMakom yenachem et'chem b'toch shar avay'lay Tzion vee'Yerushalayim. HaMakom yenachem et'chem b'toch shar avay'lay Tzion vee'Yerushalayim.

We don't know each other but I really enjoy your online classes.

Yaakov Feuerstein Oak Park MI Reply

rut USA December 23, 2012

My Condolences to Rabbi Gordon I mourn with you and your family for the lost of your mom. Blessings to your and yours, you are a great teacher. I am greatful to be able to have you as Chumas teacher. Even though is only through the Internet, for you are so far away for me to visit your congregation.
Baruch Hashem Reply

Andrew Franklin Baxt Oceanside NY December 23, 2012

Dear Rabbi Gordon What a touching and moving tribute to you Mom. It was especially touching because my Mom passed away nine months ago. Normally my wife Miriam and my eleven week old daughter and I listen to you everyday, however we were displaced from Oceanside NY by Hurricane Sandy to Crown Heights. So we are in Crown Heights as well. We are beginning to get things back together again so today is the first time in a long time that we listened to you and noticed that you where sitting Shiva. You have such a humble, sincere, entertaining (corny jokes) and clear way of communicating we look forward to hearing you almost everyday.
May your Mom Rebbetzin Gordon have an aliyah in heaven.
With Much Love and Admiration -- Aaron Yisrael Yahuda, Miriam and Deborah Tema Ora Baxt Reply

Anonymous December 23, 2012

Dear Rabbi Gordon, Please accept my sincerest condolences on the passing of your mother. You honor both your parents daily by being such a great Rabbi. I discovered your audio classes while studying to convert to Judaism. You have a gift of translating the deepest concepts of Torah, Tanya and Rambam so that even a beginner like me can understand and learn. What a great mitzvah. Reply

Anonymous Woodstock, NY December 20, 2012

My condolences and my appreciation for you and all your family. Thank you for sharing your family's story, you make every Jew proud.
When the world seems lost, I listen to you and I feel connected again.
No words can express how you have enriched my life, your humor is
priceless and I'm always impressed that no one burst out laughing during
your classes. I don't have the words to properly express how you have
healed my heart concerning my own family. Respectfully, Abbe Graber Reply

Anonymous Boston December 20, 2012

My deepest condolences Dear Rabbi Gordon, My deepest condolences on the passing of your Mother. Thank you for sharing with us how wonderfully she and your Father touched people's life. May their souls be with G-d. Reply

Yulia Goldshteyn Columbus OH December 19, 2012

Condolences. Please accept our deepest condolences. My husband and I watch your lectures every week. This message is very inspirational, personal and kind. Thank you for sharing the story of your mother and your family with us. Reply

Richard December 17, 2012

Condolences Please accept my deepest condolences to you Rabbi Gordon and your family. Reply