
Shavuot Traditions & Customs

Holiday Laws and More

Learning on Shavuot night; the Ten Commandments; Book of Ruth; adorning the home with flowers; dairy foods...

What Is Tikkun Leil Shavuot?
All-night learning
On the first night of Shavuot, we stay up all night learning Torah. Known as "tikkun," this Kabbalah-inspired custom is a preparation to receive the Torah the following morning when the 10 Commandments are read.
Hear the Ten Commandments on Shavuot
All must attend the reading of the Ten Commandments, men and women, young and old. Find out why...
Shavuot Torah Readings
Who are the Jews, what it means to be "chosen", the revelation at Sinai, the Ten Commandments, and the three pilgrimage festivals...
Why Eat Dairy on Shavuot
Shavuot is the only holiday when dairy foods are traditionally on the menu. There are many reasons for this delicious custom…
7 Classic Reasons for Shavuot Flowers and Greenery
Many have the custom to decorate the synagogue and home with greenery and flowers in honor of Shavuot. Here’s why.
Laws of Yom Tov
Rejoicing, enjoying, resting from work
Just as there are sacred places, there are sacred times, times to celebrate, times when weekday activities do not belong.
The Book of Ruth
On the holiday of Shavuot we all became Jewish. What an appropriate time to read about the consummate convert—and her justly deserved reward.
Shavuot Greetings
How to Say Happy Shavuot
Like other Jewish holidays, the traditional Ashkenazi greeting for Shavuot is “Gut yom tov.”
Why Tikkun Over Deep Learning?
Why is it that we read the Tikkun rather than delve deeper into Torah study?