
The Month of Elul

The feminine modality for change

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The Month of Elul: The feminine modality for change

Elul, the month of feminine energy, is a time to incubate and grow small changes in our lives to give birth to a deeper, transformed relationship between G‑d and man.
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Rosh Chodesh, Month, Elul

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Elizabeth Holmes WA August 13, 2013

shalom Shimona! Thank you for listening and responding. Reply

Shimona August 12, 2013

Cities of Refuge Shalom,

As a mom, I relate to you as a sister! We all want so much for our children and are seeking ways to guide them and love them.

Loving someone implies two opposites. You love them unconditionally. AND you want the best for them - which may mean wanting them to change. G-d is the "Point" beyond us that reconciles these contradictions: My love is 100% and unconditional and so too is my yearning for the others' good. My desire for you to behave a certain way is not driven by ego but by His agenda. This keeps the love pure - and fortifies it! In addition, I love you as I love myself - in a contradictory way. I know I need to change. And I love myself nonetheless.

One final thought. As I told the NickMom crew when they filmed our family, Moms we don't have to be excellent. Or even great. Or very good. Or good! Just good ENOUGH. You are an agent. G-d is their primary parent. So let go a little and ask Him to take charge.

Wishing you much joy from your children in health and wealth. Reply

Shimona August 12, 2013

Dear Dee I primarily study and teach Chassidut. Of the five levels of Kabbalah, it is the highest. The Rebbe's commentary on his father of righteous memory Reb Levik's commentary on the Zohar's commentary on the Bible is one of the texts that opens the world to me in ways that truly change my life.

I have taken these mystical principles and attempted to find the practical application for us both in terms of understanding what makes us tick and how to live the holiest, happiest and truest lives we can. This I teach as part of The Method. It's Kabbalah Coaching for personal transformation. Reply

Anonymous WA August 11, 2013

cities of refuge a mother I am sometimes at a loss for words.....unsure of wise things to reflect upon as my children wander on and off course. Especially as they are now adults. I want them to know they are heard and accepted, whether their behavior is misaligned or not. And I wish to be aligned when I do so that I can hear inspration and speak wisely as I respond. Your words this month are a great support. Reply

DEE August 8, 2013

Do you teach Kabbalah Reply

Anita Oschwald NM August 4, 2013

Toda!! Thank you very much...I learned so much just by listening to what we, as a woman, are to do during this month of Elul. *(New convert) I have to assert myself this month on my God given talent. I enjoy how each month it is an offering of what we have inwardly that enables us to express and put to action outwardly what to do. It's one step at a time and I have a month to be able to concentrate and do my best.....thank again Shimona! Reply