
Parshah Mnemonics

Decoding the hidden messages

Each Parshah contains a mnemonic for the number of verses therein. Explore the coded message in the designated mnemonic, its connection to the general theme of the Parshah, and the significance of the specific number of verses associated that particular Parshah.

Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Bereishit contains 146 verses and the mnemonic are the names of the kings Amatzya and Chizkiyahu. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Noach contains 153 verses and the mnemonic are the names Bezalel and Avi Yiskah Lot. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Lech-Lecha contains 126 verses and the mnemonic are the words ‘nimolu’ (circumcised) and ‘machnadvay’. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Toldot contains 106 verses and the mnemonic for it is the word ‘ulo’ (yoke). Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Vayeitzei contains 148 verses and the mnemonic for it are the words ‘chelki’ (my portion) and ‘machanayim’ (camps). Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Vayishlach contains 154 verses and the mnemonic for it is the word ‘kelitah’ (which means to absorb). Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Vayeishev contains 112 verses and the mnemonic for it is the word ‘Yaabok’ (which is a name of a river). Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Mikeitz contains 147 verses and the mnemonic for it are the Judean Kings ‘Yechezkiyahu’ and ‘Amaziah’. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah, as well as the coinciding holiday of Chanukah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Vayigash contains 106 verses and the mnemonic for it is the name Yehalael. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah, as well as the coinciding holiday of Chanukah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Vayechi contains 85 verses and the mnemonic for it are the words ‘Peh el Peh’ (which means “mouth to mouth”). Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Shemot contains 124 verses and the mnemonic for are the words ‘vayikach’ and ‘maday’. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Bo contains 105 verses and the mnemonic for is word ‘yimneh’ (son of Asher). Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Beshalach contains 116 verses and the mnemonic for are words ‘yad emunah’ (hand of faith) and ‘sneh’ (thorn bush). Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Yitro contains 72 verses and the mnemonic for is the word ‘yonadav’ (descendant of Yisro). Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Mishpatim contains 118 verses and the mnemonic are the names Uziel and Chanani. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Terumah contains 96 verses and the mnemonic are the words Ya’av (shovel) and Solu. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Tetzaveh contains 101 verses and the mnemonic is the name Michael. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah and the day of Adar 7 (Moses’s birthday and yahrtzeit).
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Pekudei contains 92 verses and there seems to be no mnemonic for it. Explore the coded message in the unknown Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Ki Tisa contains 139 verses and the mnemonic for is the name ‘Chananel’. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Emor contains 124 verses and the mnemonic is the name ‘uziel’. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Vayakhel contains 122 verses and the mnemonic for it is the word ‘Senuah’. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Vayikra contains 111 verses and the mnemonic for it are the words D’u’el and Tzivah. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Tzav contains 96 verses and the mnemonic for it is the word ‘Tzav’ (command). Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah and to the festival of Purim.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Shemini contains 91 verses and the mnemonic for it is the word ‘Ovadiah’. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Tazria contains 67 verses and the mnemonic is the name ‘vaneha’ (her children). Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Metzora contains 90 verses and the mnemonic is the word ‘ido’. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Acharei contains 80 verses and the mnemonic is the word 'ki kol' and 'ido'. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah and the holiday of Pesach.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Bechukotai contains 78 verses and the mnemonic for it is the word Uzah. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Acharei contains 64 verses and the mnemonic is the words ‘Vanoga’ and ‘Mei-Zahav’. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Behaalotecha contains 136 verses and the mnemonic for it is the word Mehalael. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Shelach contains 119 verses and the mnemonic for it is the name Felet. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Korach contains 95 verses, and the mnemonic for it is the name Daniel. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Chukat contains 87 verses, and the mnemonic for it are the words Lemidva, Yemuel, and Uzi. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Balak contains 104 verses, and the mnemonic for it is the name Manoach. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Pinchas contains 168 verses, and the mnemonic for it is the name Lechelek and V’elipleihu. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Matot contains 112 verses, and the mnemonic for it are the names Buki, Yakeiv, and Eivel. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Massei contains 132 verses, and the mnemonic for it are the words Machlah and Choleh. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Devarim contains 105 verses, and the mnemonic for it is the name Malkiya. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
The holy city of Jerusalem
The parshah of Re’eh contains 126 verses, and the mnemonic for it is the word Peliyah (wondrous). Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Shoftim contains 96 verses, and the mnemonic for it is the name Selu. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Ki-Teitzei contains 110 verses, and the mnemonic for it is the name Eili. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Nitzavim contains 40 verses and the mnemonic is the word ‘levavo’ (his heart). Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Vayelech contains 70 verses (though really only 30) and the mnemonic is the name Adoniyah. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Haazinu contains 52 verses and the mnemonic is the name Kalev. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of VeZot HaBerachah contains 41 verses and the mnemonic are the words Ge’uel and Keli. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.