
Contemporary Halachah with Rabbi Breitowitz

The interface of Jewish law and contemporary society

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz teaches ‘Contemporary Halachic Issues’, a course that covers the interface of Jewish law and contemporary society. The class covers such topics as genetic engineering, organ donation, land for peace, the plight of the aguna, and the use of technology on Shabbat and more.

Temple Mount Queries
Audio | 1:24:15
Temple Mount Queries
Are Jews permitted to go up to the Temple Mount on the other side of the Western Wall? Also, can we build the Holy Temple and/or bring sacrifices today?
Laws of Shemitah in Israel
With a Hint of Shabbat Laws
The Overlap of Secular Law and Halachah
The Beth Din and Secular Courts
Understanding the system of a rabbinical court, and how it intersects with secular law. When should a Jew report another to the authorities and/or file suit in the secular justice system vs. in rabbinic courts (beth din), and specifically in relation to the painful and complex issue of reporting abuse.
When Secular Law Conflicts with Halacha
Issues of Bankruptcy and Confidentiality