Sukkot and Simchat Torah
Audio | 51:24
A detailed overview of the holiday of Sukkot presented with keen insights and timely messages.
Audio | 5:05
A five minute Sukkot insight based on the wellsprings of Torah and Chassidut.
Audio | 46:29
Sukkot - the time of our rejoicing, follows the High Holidays - days of awe. What is this evolutionary process and how is it manifest on Sukkot?
Audio | 54:51
What constitutes a Kosher Sukkah and how to perform this Mitzvah properly.
Audio | 63:00
Audio | 5:37
A five minute Sukkot thought based on the teachings of Chassidut.
Audio | 1:09:58
Learn about the Laws of the festival Sukkot from their original text. As a reference, you can follow along in Leviticus 33:23.
Audio | 10:19
The mitzvah of dwelling in the sukkah returns us to simpler values and simpler times.
Audio | 4:27
Why is the festival of Sukkot in the fall? What are we commemorating?
Audio | 30:18
An in depth presentation of Chassidic teachings on the holidays of Sukkot and Simchat Torah.
Audio | 1:11:27
The High Holidays Season – Sukkot & Simchat Torah
The common theme contained in the High-Holidays and the festivals of Sukkot and Simchat Torah.
Audio | 31:18
An in depth look at the four species that we use for the Lulav, Etrog, Myrtle and Willow.
Audio | 52:10
The nature of repentance and Yom Kippur, and the relationship between Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Simchat Torah
Audio | 53:23
The experience of joy and the meaning of Sukkot and Simchat Torah: Understanding how they follow naturally after Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Audio | 41:43
Sukkot and Self-Transcendence
The power of the sukkah to release us from our emotional attachments to the material world and make us available for intimate relationships with others.
Audio | 5:34
Welcome to M-Cast, where we take a look at timely topics and see how they relate to the coming of Moshiach.
Audio | 5:10
A five minute Simchat Torah thought based on the teachings of Chassidut.
Audio | 47:05
Immediately following the seven days of Sukkot comes the holiday of Shemini Atzeret (the eighth day of refrain). What is the meaning and significance of this obscure holiday?
Audio | 28:25
"And Jacob went on His way" The transition from Tishrei to the New Year
Audio | 34:43 Advanced
This class provides a comprehensive understanding of the central themes of Sukkot.
Audio | 42:27 Advanced
On Sukkot we are visited in the sukkah by the seven ushpizin, “guests”; why do they come and what does it mean?
Audio Advanced
Audio | 35:43
Letters and numbers of the festivals—Sukkot
The mystery of a missing letter vav in the verse that talks about shaking the lulav (Leviticus 23:40) and in the verse commanding us to dwell in the sukkah (23:42).
Audio | 18:25
Letters and numbers of Simchat Torah
Before the Torah was given, it existed as “black fire written upon white fire.” This is alluded to by the unusual term “eish-dat,” which is written as one word but read as two.
Audio | 29:11
Letters and Numbers of Sukkot
Five levels of understanding to the meaning and symbolism behind the mitzvah to dwell in the Sukkah.
Audio | 37:02
The Mitzvah of the Four Kinds
A closer look at the mitzvah of taking the Four Kinds on Sukkot, and what they each represent.
Audio | 30:11
Five Levels of Understanding
The holiday of Sukkot culminates with the days of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, where we celebrate the completion of the Torah. Learn five levels of meaning behind this most joyous day.
Audio | 38:05
How to choose the ideal etrog
Do you know what to look for when buying an etrog? Learn more than the mere difference between a lemon and an etrog, familiarize yourself with what’s the ideal etrog, and become an educated etrog consumer.
Audio | 36:11
The Practical Laws for Building a Sukkah
An overview of the laws for constructing a kosher sukkah.
Audio | 43:33
Laws and customs of the holiday
What special rituals are performed on the holiday of Sukkot? How does one perform them? What are some of the deeper reasons for doing what we do? An expert in Jewish law gives an overview of the lulav and etrog, eating in a sukkah, and other Sukkot-related observances.
Audio | 25:14
Which is the greatest of the ‘Four Kinds’?
A profound look at the paradox of the willow of the Four Kinds that are 'taken' during the festival of Sukkot: On one hand, the willow is the least virtuous of the Four Kinds and the laws governing its validity the least demanding, yet the willow conveys the greatest contribution of them all. (Likutei Sichos vol. 22)
Audio | 40:32
Harnessing the Sukkot Energy for the Whole Year
Throughout the month of Tishrei, which is replete with holidays, we receive many special blessings and divine gifts. Now after its conclusion we ‘unpack’ these tremendous energies of love and joy to utilize them for the entire year.
The Supernal Sukkot Guests
This series explains the meaning of the mystical guests who visit the Sukkah each day of Sukkot. In addition to the classic ushpizin, there’s a tradition of Chassidic ushpizin. Rabbi Raskin endeavors to correlate the two sets of revered visitors.
Audio | 23:46
The rabbi shares warm memories from his childhood preparing for the holiday of Sukkot. Experience the beauty of building your own sukkah and getting the “Four Kinds” to shake the Lulav on Sukkot.
Audio | 37:17
The straight-forward meaning of the words ‘Simchat Torah’ is ‘the joy of the Torah’. But surely the point is our joy with Torah, not the Torah’s joy?! This class explores the essence of Simchat Torah and why it is the culmination of the holidays that forge the foundation for the year to come.
Audio | 7:42
Sometimes we find it hard to rejoice. Life can be tough and there is darkness all around us. Then, the One Above sends us a message with the Lulov shake. As thousands of Chabadniks are sharing the lulov with Jews on street corners, we bring you this true heart-wrenching story from one of those encounters.
Related Topics
- Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah (140)
- Sukkot (432)