
The Hyper Cacher Massacre in Paris

Prayers for the wounded, mourning for victims and concern for the safety of French Jewry

Father of Paris Victim Shares His Memories and Pain
Mourning 21-year-old Yoav Hattab and urging mitzvot in his memory
Am Israel Chai!
We French Jews shall live!
 #JeSuisJuif, #JeSuisCacher
Jewish blood. Flowing freely. On prayerbooks. On prayer shawls. And on jars of kosher pickles.
Our Answer to Terror
Yoav, Yohan, Philippe, François-Michel—and all the other men and women trapped inside—were targeted in the midst of their Shabbat shopping just because they were Jewish.
All Jews Are Brothers
I'm thinking about our brothers and sisters in Paris
There is a haunting, beautiful melody for these words, and I found myself humming it under my breath . . .
Profiles of Four Men Killed at Kosher Market in Paris
Families mourn the loss of loved ones of different ages and backgrounds
Slain Terror Victim’s Last SMS to a Friend: ‘Observe the Sabbath’
Father’s letter urges mitzvah observance in memory of his son
Campus Chabads to Host ‘French-Themed’ Shabbat Dinners
Discussions, Torah learning and support for French Jewry at the holy Friday-night meal
Four French Jewish Terror Victims Laid to Rest in Jerusalem
The departed are eulogized by family and dignitaries at a ceremony attended by thousands
French Jewry Vows to Stand Strong and Proudly Show Identity
Following a huge show of support at 1.5 million rally, community and leaders remain resolute
Chabad Calls for 1 Million Mitzvahs at Huge Rally in Paris
Strengthening Judaism said to be the best response to terror and anti-Semitism
Prayers for the wounded, mourning for victims and concern for the safety of French Jewry
Prayers for the wounded, mourning for victims and concern for the safety of French Jewry