
Parshah Focus

Splitting of the Sea
The Israelites crossed the Sea thousands of years ago, but the lessons this miraculous event offers us are timeless.
Parting of the Red Sea
The parting of the Red Sea was performed by G‑d after the Exodus. The Israelites walked on dry land, and Pharaoh and the Egyptians drowned.
What Does “Manna” Mean?
We read in Exodus 16:15 that the heavenly bread fell, and “when the children of Israel saw [it], they said to one another, ‘It is manna,’ because they did not know what it was.” But what does “manna” mean?
Moses Sweetens Bitter Water, Meat and Bread in the Desert, Water from a Rock
The Defeat of Amalek
Miriam's Well: Unravelling the Mystery
Why is the well called by Miriam’s name? And what happened to Miriam’s Well after the Jews entered the land of Israel?
Nachshon ben Aminadav: The Man Who Jumped Into the Sea
When everyone else hesitated, he jumped into the swirling sea.
The Mystery of Miriam’s Song
Did the women actually sing? And why the musical instruments?
What Happened at Marah?
Following the Parting of the Sea, Moses sweetened water for the people to drink, and they were given some of the first mitzvahs. Or were they?