

Examine the relevance of the world’s oldest spiritual wisdom in this “New age”. Explore the ancient teachings of the kabbalah, and their application on a practical level. Gain access to the most powerful spiritual system ever known to humankind.

What is Authentic Kabbalah?
 . . . and why that’s important
Kabbalah is a received tradition, but a living one, sprouting, growing and blossoming in the most creative ways, yet always organically bound to its roots and its original seed. The challenge is to discern between true Kabbalah and grafted branches . . .
Kabbalah & Healing
Audio | 1:02:23
Kabbalah & Healing
A unique approach for healing professionals
Illness emerges out of the soul’s yearning to escape the body. The healer must convince the soul that the body has meaning, that here and only here can the soul discover its own essence . . .
What can Kabbalah do for me?
Introduction to Kabbalah
What is Kabballah and how is it relevant? Explore how the Kabbalistic approach can enhance every aspect of our lives while introducing us to new life-dimensions.
Kabbalah Basics
Audio | 54:23
Kabbalah Basics
The things a person should know before learning Kabbalah; three ways of learning the Kabbalah; how we study kabbalah now in our time.
Kabbalah - A Deeper Reality
The history on how the secrets of the Kabbalah came to the open world
Is it a Mitzvah to learn Kabbalah? The best ways to meditate -- and make it work! What do the prophets see when they get a prophesy?
The Order of Creation
What came first? And what does each level (world) include? How does Kabbalah look at this; to what level can we reach; what does the world think all this?
Cosmic Unity
Audio | 51:33
Cosmic Unity
A kabbalist’s mindset: Using the body as an example for Kabbalah
What exactly do the Ten Sefirot mean and what are their functions. Most importantly, what does it all have to do with us?
Jewish Meditation
Audio | 1:28:13
Jewish Meditation
Learn how Jewish mediation developed while intertwining Jewish history and Chassidic story.
Kabbalah on Human Nature
Self-Identity: Who is the real “I”?
A fascinating lecture that probes the human psyche and its inner struggles.
Kabbalah on Atheism
Audio | 1:18:17
Kabbalah on Atheism
In this insightful lecture you’ll hear fascinating perspectives on the mysteries of creation and the meaning of revelation. Join us as we try to grasp the unfathomable concealment process of the Divine self-effacement and the contraction the Kabbalists refer to as tzimtzum
What is Kabbalah?
Audio | 48:35
What is Kabbalah?
What does Kabbalah teach us? What does it have to do with our lives today? Exploring the spiritual and physical aspect of our world
The Ancient Books of the Kabbalah
Reviewing the basic books of Kabbalah and what they discuss
The Mind, the Body and the Soul
Exploring the purpose of the three most vital ingredients of the human being and how we differ from other creations of our world
The Jewish View of the Zodiac
Exploring the constellations in Jewish thought and how they relate to our daily lives
Kabbalah and The Da Vinci Code
The Jewish and Kabbalistic perspective of The Da Vinci Code
Secrets of Kabbalah
Gain a glimpse into the deep mystical teachings of the Zohar, based upon the writings of the foremost masters of Kabbalah.
Authentic Kabbalah
Audio | 36:57
Authentic Kabbalah
Why do we need to study kabbalah, the esoteric dimension of the Torah, and what is ‘kosher kabbalah’?
The Song of Myself
Audio | 1:03:39
The Song of Myself
Each and everyone has a unique song that is the rhythmic vibration of our soul. This song unlocks the true nature of our identity and allows us to express all our innate talents.
Holistic and Kabbalistic - Part 1
Part 1 of 2
This lecture explains basic concepts in the holistic approach to healthy and Jewish mysticism. Rabbi Friedman demonstrates that "holistic" means not just physical, mental and emotional well-being -- but spiritual well-being as well.
Holistic and Kabbalistic - Part 2
Part 2 of 2
This lecture explains basic concepts in the holistic approach to healthy and Jewish mysticism. Rabbi Friedman demonstrates that "holistic" means not just physical, mental and emotional well-being -- but spiritual well-being as well.
To Serve or Not to Serve
This informative and revealing talk discusses the virtue of struggling with the unG-dly nature which gives us an understanding of how the baal teshuva is greater than the tzaddik. The discussion touches on the heroic nature of the Holocaust martyrs. In our struggle to serve, the guidance of a Rebbe is indispensable.
Kabbalah and the World Cup
Running and tackling, beating every challenge, winning the World Cup of soccer or football everyday of our lives
Kabbalah on Female Superiority
The Kabbalistic writings insist that females possess a higher soul of superior quality. How so, and what does this mean to us?
Kabbalah on G-d's Gender
Ascribing any type of human characteristics to G-dl is tantamount to heresy. Yet, the Torah refers to G-d in the male tense; “The Holy One, blessed be HE.” Why isn’t G-d referred to as a woman? Discover the true kabbalistic meaning of “G-d & Gender.”
Kabbalah On Dreams
Audio | 1:19:51
Kabbalah On Dreams
Where do dreams come from, and do they really mean anything? Are they G-d’s way of communicating with us or simply the result of our overactive imaginations?
Original Sin Revisited
Audio | 1:24:48
Original Sin Revisited
The Tree of Knowledge - What Really Happened?
Discover the mystical understanding and timeless significance behind the very first sin of man: eating from the Tree of Knowledge.
Kabbalah on the Afterlife
The Jewish Take on Body, Soul and Resurrection
In the beginning of time, G-d blows a soul into a body of clay and thus creates man. So, too, will it be at the end of time. Join Rabbi Kaplan as he expounds upon this wondrous fusion of body and soul.
Kabbalah on Circumcision
A unique look into the “brit,” our oldest observance!
This powerful lecture will share some incredible Kabbalah insights, and give you a new perspective on this fundamental and well-known mitzvah that seems to be so shrouded in mystery!
Kabbalah on Family Connections
Your spiritual status: a gift of genealogy?
With scientific breakthroughs in deciphering DNA, we can now better appreciate how we are molded in the image of our parents and ancestors. Does the same apply to our souls?
Kabbalah on Wireless Connections
Ever meet a total stranger and feel instantly connected? Ancient Kabbalistic manuscripts make reference to an ethereal network system that unites souls on a spiritual superhighway…
Kabbalah on Pork
Audio | 59:54
Kabbalah on Pork
How and why did the pig become the ultimate symbol of Treif? Is this Mitzvah beyond human comprehension, or can you sink your teeth into the meat of this mystery? More importantly, was this succulent food always prohibited, and can it ever become Kosher?
Kabbalah On Cheeseburgers
Were they always Treif, or did the Torah originally only prohibit a Kid in its Mother's Milk? Was this forbidden mix banned over concerns for Health & Nutrition? This taste of Kabbalah will give you lots to chew on as you learn about this mitzvah's essential ingredients.
Kabbalah on Drugs and Alcohol
The murky world of addictive narcotics can be dangerous. Yet some spiritualists maintain that it is necessary for the release of one’s inner soul and spirit, and it is the only way to experience a transcendental sense of spiritual consciousness. Is that true? Or do drugs simply play with our imagination, inducing nothing but hallucination and a patently false sense of spirituality?
Kabbalah on Survival
Audio | 1:08:38
Kabbalah on Survival
The Jewish People are the ultimate survivors. After all we’ve been attacked, tortured, murdered and persecuted for thousands of years, and against all odds we’re still here. How did that happen? Discover Kabbalah’s insight on why we keep surviving as we unravel the mystery of the Indomitable Jew.
Kabbalah and Madonna
Audio | 1:16:42
Kabbalah and Madonna
The “Kabbalah Revolution”, buoyed by superstar celebrity involvement, claims that the ancient Jewish wisdom has, along with its empowerments, become available for all. Can delving into these mystical teachings and engaging in strange “Kabbalah Rituals” enable you to discover joy and fulfillment, remove career obstacles and assist you in finding your soul mate? Or, is this the hoax of the century?
Kabbalah on the Battle Field
How does the battle apply to each and every one of us? The ways the battle comes to us, and the way to win the battles. The world's ethics of war and the real ethics of war.
Kabbalah on Comedy
Audio | 1:24:44
Kabbalah on Comedy
A Good Joke is more than a Laughing Matter
Is Judaism somber? Are Rabbis stern? This revealing lecture shatters old myths and uncovers the mystical powers found only in levity. Discover why comedy has always been an integral part of Torah tradition. Because clowning around can be serious business…
Kabbalah on Day Dreams
Audio | 1:18:15
Kabbalah on Day Dreams
The Power of Thought
Why is it that the big thinker are sometimes "absent minded"? When you do an action, what part of you is more in the action -- your hands or your mind?
Kabbalah On Witchcraft
Audio | 1:06:45
Kabbalah On Witchcraft
Do we believe in the magical powers? Do Ghosts and Goblins really exist? If they do, can their powers be harnessed in a Kosher way?
Kabbalah on the Shofar
Audio | 1:02:00
Kabbalah on the Shofar
Tradition says that no matter where you roam; with a Shofar you can always phone home. Discover the mystical secrets encrypted into this High Holiday Service hardware. This year, however, the three distinctive ring tones won't be heard. Find out why the sounds of silence will prevail instead.
Kabbalah on Frankenstein
What are demons? When were they made? Did Tzadikim ever make a demon? If yes, why and how? If we can’t reach that level, what is the point of studying Kabbalah?
Self Improvement - Part 1
Audio | 51:02
Self Improvement
Part 1 of 3
Much of our personality and character-traits are pre-determined. A three part series on the kabbalistic look at self improvement, a quality unique to the human being. And practical suggestions for our daily lives.
Self Improvement - Part 2
Audio | 48:55
Self Improvement
Part 2 of 3
Much of our personality and character-traits are pre-determined. A three part series on the kabbalistic look at self improvement, a quality unique to the human being. And practical suggestions for our daily lives.
Self Improvement - Part 3
Audio | 63:20
Self Improvement
Part 3 of 3
Much of our personality and character-traits are pre-determined. A three part series on the kabbalistic look at self improvement, a quality unique to the human being. And practical suggestions for our daily lives.
Hidden Codes in the Torah
A few of the most amazing codes in the Torah, and how -- now -- in our time we can find codes in the Torah. See very clearly that these things just don’t happen by chance.
Kabbalah E = mc²
Audio | 1:13:11
Kabbalah E = mc²
The reason that G-d had to conceal the infinite power in order to create the world. What is the foundation of all foundations and the pillar of all wisdom as Maimonides sees it.
Kabbalah on Food and Drink
In this class Rabbi Shlomo Yaffee will teach you the secret of Kabbalah on food and drink and the effect you can have on the world by knowing this secret.
Kabbalah on Torah Codes
The mystical codes embedded in the letters of the Torah as taught throughout the oral tradition.
Kabbalah on Our Relationships
Discover how Kabbalah guides us to grow in our relationships and responsibilities with our surroundings and those close to us.
Kabbalah & Business
Audio | 1:03:00
Kabbalah & Business
Applying the inner dimensions of the Torah to shed illumination on corporate life, learn how to infuse even the mundane aspects of our lives with divine purpose.
Kabbalah on Soul Love
Audio | 1:10:03
Kabbalah on Soul Love
Kabbalistic insights into the soul’s triangle of love; the love of G-d, the love of Torah and the love of a fellow Jew.
Kabbalah & Human Relationships 1
Rabbi Yaffe teaches the Kabalistic perspective on human interaction, from the most intimate of relationships to the most extrinsic, including the most fundamental relationship; the relationship with oneself.
Kabbalah & Human Relationships II
Rabbi Yaffe teaches the Kabalistic perspective on human interaction, from the most intimate of relationships to the most extrinsic, including the most fundamental relationship; the relationship with oneself.
The Soul of Kabbalah
A closer look at what Kabbalah is all about, its role in Torah, and what the teachings of Chassiuds add to the understanding of Jewish mysticism.
Why the Obsession With Kabbalah?
What is the appeal of Kabbalah to so many people of very different persuasions? What can we gain from the pursuit of Jewish mysticism? Discover what it’s really all about, and what’s the primary contribution of Kabbalah to Jewish theology?
The Times Are Changing
A commentary by Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson on a passage in the Zohar extolling the virtue of the penitent (baal teshuvah) over the righteous (tzaddik) yields a profound and inspiring understanding of the nature of time and change. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 20 page 86.)
Never Say Goodbye
Audio | 48:29
Never Say Goodbye
“One should not take leave of his friend, except amid a discussion of a matter of Halacha, for by doing this he will remember him” (Talmud, Tractate Berachot 31a). This class reveals the inner meaning of this sage counsel, providing the ultimate answer to loneliness. (Based on the Maamar Al Yipater Adam M’Chaveiro 5721)