
Education Articles by Nochem Kaplan

Rabbi Nochum Kaplan, director of the Merkos Office of Education, discusses the various challenges facing educators and parents.

Read to your Children; It's Good for You
Educational Pathways - Issue #13
It has been said that to teach a child to enjoy books is to open a window to a world of wonder; to the past and to the imagined future. It is to give a child a lifelong gift...
Being Engaged in our Children's Education
Educational Pathways - Issue #12
Parents need to know what their children are doing at school and to become actively involved in helping facilitate their success.
What Your Child's School Expects
Educational Pathways - Issue #11
Parents are expected to be supportive of the school, supportive of the administration and faculty, supportive of its policies and to be fully engaged in the educational lives of their children.
Do You Dread PTA?
Educational Pathways - Issue #10
The formula for making a parent teacher evening a success can be reduced to a single word: preparedness.
My Child’s Teacher: What Can I Expect?
Educational Pathways - Issue #9
What should reasonably be expected of a teacher?
My Child Demands Too Much Attention!
Educational Pathways - Issue #8
The most common reason for a child’s misbehavior is his/her need of attention. What's the teacher or the parent to do?
Help! My Child Hates School
Educational Pathways - Issue #7
A closer relationship between home and school is essential if we are to deal effectively with some of the challenges our children present us with
The Way Our Children Speak
Educational Pathways - Issue #6
One of the less admirable developments of our modern era, it appears, has been the gradual decline of refined language and civil behavior. The very idea of refined language seems somewhat quaint. What can we do to change attitudes about acceptable speech?
School-Parent Communication
Educational Pathways - Issue #5
School officials want open and positive communication lines with their children's parents, but they want parental support for their policies and educational philosophy.
Change in our Schools
Educational Pathways - Issue #4
Change evolves when the administrators, educators and parent body work cooperatively, taking small indefinable, and incremental steps with a very specific goal oriented approach to success.
Making Homework Work
Educational Pathways - Issue #3
First of all, let's all agree on a basic principle; it's the kids' homework!
A Happy School Atmosphere
Educational Pathways - Issue #2
The creation of a positive loving atmosphere is the joint responsibility of the professional and the parent communities.
Hello and Welcome
Educational Pathways - Issue #1
How wonderful it would be if every parent would make a special effort to make an encouraging comment to his/her child's teachers during the first week of school.
Teaching Our Children to Think Sensitively
Educators advocate that schools actively teach more thinking skills as opposed to subject content. I wonder what of the moral underpinnings of our thinking processes?