The Rebbe’s Mitzvah Campaign
Ten mitzvahs to jumpstart your Judaism
Torah education is the foundation of Jewish life and our people’s continuity. Beyond promoting Jewish education for children on a macro level, how is this campaign relevant to everyone as individuals? In exploring the mitzvah of sharing Torah with others, we are empowered to be beacons of influence to our fellow Jews.
The mitzvah of mezuzah is known to provide protection for us and our homes. Discover the incredible power of the mezuzah, documented in traditional Torah sources, in bestowing security and guarding the physical welfare of our people. This class offers insight and historical context into the Rebbe’s mezuzah campaign.
The mitzvah to observe the Torah’s dietary laws of eating kosher are all-encompassing in daily living. The campaign to encourage our fellow Jews to go Kosher – on a practical level – focuses on keeping a kosher kitchen. Explore the unique quality of this mitzvah and why it’s critical to the Jewish experience.
One of the great mitzvah campaigns the Rebbe initiated was that all Jewish women, and even young girls, light the Shabbat candles, which usher in the holiness of the day. Though this mitzvah is merely rabbinic in origin, yet in this class we uncover the incredible light and energy contained within even one small candle.
The Rebbe’s Mitzvah Campaign
In the spring of 1981, the Lubavitcher Rebbe called for a special Torah scroll to be written in Jerusalem to unite all Jewish boys and girls. He maintained that by tangibly uniting together in the form of a common Torah scroll our nation’s oneness would be nurtured, enhanced and become a vehicle for G-d's blessing and protection. The incredible events of that year's early summer seemed to be directly linked. He later extended this campaign for adults too. This class demonstrates how multiple Biblical, Midrashic, Talmudic and Rabbinic sources all point towards this idea of a Unity Sefer Torah bringing about a Safer World!
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