
Reb Levik’s Nigun – Blessing of the Sun

4 Nissan, 5741 • April 8, 1981

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Reb Levik’s Nigun – Blessing of the Sun: 4 Nissan, 5741 • April 8, 1981

This lively, Simchas Torah Nigun, was a favorite of the Rebbe’s father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak. Here, it is sung at Birkat Hachamah, the Blessing of the Sun.
Birkat HaChamah, The Rebbe's Father's Niggun, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Reb Levik’s Nigun – Blessing of the Sun
4 Nissan, 5741 • April 8, 1981
Disc 13, Program 50

Event Date: 4 Nissan 5741 - April 08, 1981
Living Torah

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