By the Grace of G‑d
Lag B'Omer, 5743
Brooklyn, N. Y.
The Honorable Bernard Sanders
City of Burlington
Burlington, Vermont 05401
Greeting and Blessing:
This is to acknowledge with thanks receipt of your official Proclamation, designating Yud-Alef Nissan as a DAY OF EDUCATION.
I sincerely appreciate your thoughtfulness in designating this Education Day in honor of my birthday. I trust that your action will stimulate greater awareness of the vital importance of education, not only among all your worthy citizens, but also in the State of Vermont.
With prayerful wishes for success in your important and responsible position, for the prosperity of all your citizens, both materially and spiritually.
With blessing,
M. Schneerson

Burlington Education Day, 1983
Office of the Mayor
Bernard Sanders
Yud-Alef Nissan in Honor of the 81st Birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
WHERES, The Lubavitcher Rebbe has democratized education;
BY, Laboring tirelessly to establish educational institutions for the elderly, for women, for children; and
WHEREAS, He has sought out the materially oppressed and disadvantaged, thereby effecting their enfranchisement through education; and
BY, Stressing the universal implications of education as a source of continuous creativity through which the human condition is perfected,
I, Bernard Sanders, Mayor of the City of Burlington, hereby designate Yud-Alef Nissan a DAY OF EDUCATION in Burlington, Vermont.
Sanders – Mayor
Dated on the twelfth day of April, 1983

Burlington Education Day, 1985
Office of the Mayor
Bernard Sanders
Yud-Alef Nissan in Honor of the 83rd Birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
WHEREAS, The Lubavitcher Rebbe has democratized education;
BY, Laboring tirelessly to establish
educational institutions
for the elderly, for women, for children; and
WHEREAS, He has sought out the materially oppressed
and disadvantaged,
thereby effecting their enfranchisement
through education; and
BY, Stressing the universal implications of
education as a
source of continuous creativity through which the human condition is perfected;
WHEREAS, Especially, in this same week marking the 850th
of Maimonides, binding the principle of reason to human liberation.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bernard Sanders, Mayor of the City of Burlington, hereby designate Yud-Alef Nissan a DAY OF EDUCATION in Burlington, Vermont.
Sanders, Mayor
Dated on the
29th day of March, 1985

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