
The Power of Jewish Pride

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The Power of Jewish Pride

Vacationing at sea, a successful Jewish businessman was diligent to recite his daily prayers and inquired of the captain which direction was eastward. The captain asked, “Why your sudden interest in the boat’s navigation?” The businessman explained that our prayers ascend through Jerusalem, and a Jew faces there three times a day to beseech G-d.
Pride, Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Power of Jewish Pride
Disc 16, Program 61

Event Date: 11 Nissan 5743 - March 25, 1983

Vacationing at sea, a successful Jewish businessman was diligent to recite his daily prayers and inquired of the captain which direction was eastward. The captain asked, “Why your sudden interest in the boat’s navigation?” The businessman explained that our prayers ascend through Jerusalem, and a Jew faces there three times a day to beseech G-d.

The captain was impressed by such dedication: “If a successful businessman finds it important to set aside everything for prayer, and makes sure that his prayers are done in the most proper manner, then perhaps I too should start thinking of G-d!”

When a Jew performs Mitzvos proudly and properly, he inspires those around him, Jew and non-Jew alike, to increase their own commitment to G-d.

Living Torah

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1 Comment
Jeff Bracey Liverpool, U.K. February 7, 2010

The pointlessness of prayer! G-d who knows of all things even beforev they are conceived, needs no prayers of thankfulness. Of much more benefit would be the same prayer-time being used to help ones fellow man in making his way through an often troubled world. This would make our good Lord smile more appreciatively, for at last he would see that his creation is finally "getting" what he meant in the first place. Reply