
Stories About the Sixth Rebbe

A Transatlantic Call For Prayer
When the mayor of Chicago was shot, his family reached out across the Atlantic for prayer and blessings.
The Secret Picture of the Lubavitcher Rebbe That Fueled the Soviet Jewish Underground
A search for the story behind the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe’s lone Soviet portrait yields not one, but two photos
Cherished Heirloom: A Photo Essay
The 88-year-old outfit that quietly watches a family grow
Zaidy's mother kept this journal, documenting all sorts of things about his birth
When the Rabbi Was Wrong
The rabbi rose to leave, at which point his host asked to whom he should make his check payable.
Cause and Effect
At the conclusion of the voyage, the doctor asked the rebbe to forgive him for having been the cause of his illness. “You, the cause of my illness?” asked the rebbe in amazement.
Find a Zalman Zlatopolsky Bench Near You
Once, while we were walking along the seashore, amidst that glorious scenic setting, my father showed me a bench nestled in the brambles, between the sea and the forest.
Expert Advice
"Rebbe" said the businessman, "it's a different world here, in America. The neighborhood I live in... our friends... it just won't be right..."
As I touched the holy casket, I whispered "Rebbe, parnasah (livelihood)." I even managed to carry the coffin a few steps, all the time whispering "Rebbe, parnasah..."
“To the Point of Self-Sacrifice”
The guard was stupefied: few were the cabinet-level ministers granted such a privilege, and here stood a young chassid with a beard, sidelocks, chassidic garb and a Yiddish accent, at a time when to even reside in Petersburg was forbidden to Jews . . .
The Cat
Everyone has a right to an opinion. It is inevitable, however, that certain opinions will carry more weight than others.
The infants were barely feeding and his wife was sickly. The frantic father was willing to brave any threat.
The Rebbe’s Passover Punishment
It was Passover eve of 1910. In the town of Lubavitch, every Jewish home was freshly scrubbed. The tables were bedecked with threadbare but meticulously cleaned white linen, surrounded by families about to begin their Seder celebrations...
Memories of the Rebbe and the Previous Rebbe
I remember attending a farbrengen presided over by the Rebbe, and him laying down his head on his arm and crying. When the Rebbe would mention the Previous Rebbe’s name, he would just break down.
The Chicken Farmer and the Man in the Bus Stop
Life on the farm was hard. The community remained painfully small, and there were few if any other young chassidic families for miles around.
The 1929 Struggle to Send Matzah Into the Soviet Union
Marking 90 years since Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn’s international campaign
The Rabbi's Forgotten Question
"As soon as I entered the Rebbe’s room and looked at him, the question slipped my mind; it simply disappeared."
The Coin Toss Was Not Random
While he was talking, the future rebbe took out a coin and began to flip it up into the air