
From the Chassidic Masters

The Anatomy of a Miracle
The Red Sea split for the Children of Israel in accordance with a stipulation made at the very onset of its creation. Since G-d can do as He wishes with His world, why the need for such a stipulation?
What Is a Rebbe?
A fundamental principle of the Jewish faith is that there are no “intermediaries” between G‑d and His world; our relationship with Him is not facilitated by any third party. So what is the role of a rabbi, a rebbe—indeed, a Moses—in Judaism?
The Four Factions
One camp proposed to throw themselves into the sea. A second group advocated return to Egypt, a third wanted war, a fourth prayer. G‑d rejected all four strategies . . .
Miriam’s Song
The womanly strain in the “Song at the Sea”
The womanly strain in the "Song at the Sea"
Bread From Heaven
The manna is to Jewish history what Shabbat is to the workday week: a precedent
Amalek is the psychic and cosmic nemesis of all that is pure and G‑dly in man and in creation. How is he overcome? The key lies in a single word: “Remember.”
How the Red Sea Got Real
As a roadblock, it was a fiction. As a miracle, it became real.
There are no obstacles, only miracles waiting to happen.