The family of websites served more than 43,000,000 visitors last year and close to half a million subscribe to our emails.
Our rabbis and counselors respond to hundreds of email questions daily. Our Ask the Rabbi service is the longest running on the Internet. We've been answering questions since 1988.
We currently offer over 100,000 pages of information, in addition to 14,000 audio classes and 10,000 videos.
User Acclaim
These numbers take on even greater meaning when we factor in the numerous emails we receive daily attesting to the deep impact our work has upon people's lives and communities.
The Web page was created with practicing and non-practicing Jews in mind.The Washington Post
People from around the globe regularly fill our mailbox and tell us how central we are to their Jewish discovery, observance, fulfillment and more.
Our rabbis counsel people each week on everything from simple how-to's to complex family issues. We receive a steady stream of positive feedback from scholars and experts in the subjects we discuss online.
Critical Acclaim
We've also received prominent acclaim from numerous media outlets, including: ABC (Good Morning America), CBS, CNN, Fox Network, PBS, New York Times, Time Magazine, UPI, US News and World Report, USA Today, Village Voice, Washington Post, Wired - and much, much more.