Text-based study enhances Torah study skills

Developed specifically for online, in-depth learning

Taught by scholars with a personal interest in the subject

Engaging topics made relevant to real life issues
About the Course
Eden was the very beginning, the blueprint for how human existence in its perfect state was meant to be – and exposed the shortcomings that brought about the imperfect world we live in today. Every detail, every nuance, contains a fountain of information and insight into our reality, the human condition, our future, our purpose, why we’re here, where we’re heading and why.
Course syllabus
Level: Intermediate
Length/Effort:4 weeks / 45 minutes per week
Category: Chumash (Bible)
Institution: Chabad.org

Meet the Instructor
Rabbi Menachem Feldman is author of a book summarizing the talks and essays of the Lubavitcher Rebbe published in the 39-volumes of “Likkutei Sichot”; and his Parsha articles are featured regularly on Chabad.org. His latest book is The Mystical Music of the Song of Songs. Menachem and his wife, Chani, serve as adult education directors for Chabad of Greenwich, Connecticut, under the leadership of Rabbi Yossi and Maryashie Deren.