
Shavuot Videos

Be inspired with these exciting videos on Shavuot and the Giving of the Torah

Unpack layers of Biblical and rabbinic text to understand the inner mechanics of this sometimes-overlooked but super-important holiday.
Why celebrate the giving of the Torah at Sinai?
Participate in the Reading of the Ten Commandments
Every manufacturer creates a manual. What is the manual for life?
A 60-Second Clip
The Mitzvah ATM is about to dispense the Torah in honor of the holiday of Shavuot. One snag, though: It wants trustworthy guarantors...
The Torah... A Mitzvah that Unifies and Informs
G-d, who formed and created man and all that exists, shares His wisdom, understanding and knowledge with us through the Torah, enabling us to maximize our potential and fulfill our life's purpose.
Unity and differing opinions in Torah
Understanding the nature of differing opinions in Torah, and how the Halachic ruling does not favor one view and reject the other, but rather unites them both.
The Torah’s Great Omission
Ask any child what we celebrate on Shavuot, and the obvious answer is the giving of the Torah at Sinai; yet the Torah makes no mention of it. How do we make sense of this glaring omission?
A short overview of the customs and meaning of the holiday of Shavuot, celebrating the giving of the Torah.
Debunking the legal argument the angels used to try keep the Torah. (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 18 Shavuos)
Behar Parshah Report
Jono learns a lesson about being humble when he has to dress up in a very cute little mountain costume and sing an adorable little song. Oh, and no monologues this week.
Yitro Parshah Report
The Parshah Report this week has been preempted by an infomercial. Get your credit card ready.
Jono speaks to the American people about his "Moses '08" presidential campaign, which was first introduced in the Tzivos Hashem Kids! Magazine.
Two sages of the Talmud debate whether the Jews actually saw heavenly thunder at the giving of the Torah.
On Shavuot we celebrate the giving of the Torah through expressing our great appreciation of the Torah’s beauty.
Letters and Numbers of the Festivals
Each holiday has its special mitzvah that is unique to the respective festival (like shofar on Rosh Hashana, matzah on Passover etc.). Yet, it seems we don’t find in the Torah any particular mitzvah for Shavuot?!
Creating A Home for the First Sefer Torah in the State of Florida
The historical completion of the first sefer Torah ever written -- in its entirety -- in the state of Florida ...with a personal statement from Governor Jeb Bush of Florida
More Than a History Book
The Torah is more than a history book. It is G-d’s instructions to humanity. It tells us how to maximize our potential on this earth.
Customs of Shavuot
An overview of some the unique customs associated with the holiday of Shavuot, along with their practical reasons and spiritual explanations.
What We Heard and Saw at the Giving of the Torah
Gain insight into the transformative nature of the giving of the Torah at Sinai.
The Jewish people studied Torah and observed its precepts long before they actually became obligated in them at Sinai. Moreover, the Ten Commandments were composed largely of laws already commanded to the non-Jewish world. What, then, was so important about the giving of the Torah at Sinai?
Preparing for Shavuot
“G-d desired to bring merit upon the Jewish people; therefore He gave them Torah and Mitzvos in abundance.” G-d is certain that we will use the great opportunity He offers us to make Him proud. Thus laden with a treasure-load of good deeds, good words and good thoughts, we prepare ourselves to receive the Torah—in all its richness—on Shavuos.
The Rebbe’s annual pre-Shavuos address to women
In this day and age, women and girls–even very little girls–study parts of the Torah which in the past they’d rely on their husbands or brothers to know.
At the Giving of the Torah, G-d’s voice was heard throughout all of creation proclaiming, “I am the L-rd your G-d Who took you out of Egypt.” Is this really G-d’s greatest accomplishment? Why didn’t He say, “I have created heaven and earth?”
Shavuot and the Giving of the Torah
In the Talmud, there is a dispute between the sages as to what date the Torah was given at Sinai. According to one opinion, Moses added an extra day of preparation before the giving of the Torah. How could Moses depart from G-d's timeline?
The Haftorah of Shavuot
Why Ezekiel’s vision of the “divine chariot” is the chosen haftorah reading on Shavuos, when it would appear that other scriptural passages that refer directly to the giving of the Torah would make a more appropriate choice, inasmuch as Ezekiel makes no such reference at all! (Based on Likkutei Sichos, vol. 33, p. 18.)
Shavuos celebrates the Giving of the Torah at Sinai. Jews in every generation gather to hear the reading of the Ten Commandments, for on this day they receive renewed strength in their mission to brighten G-d’s world.
Many claim to know what happened millions of years ago. Yet regarding what took place only over 3320 years ago, the giving of the Torah by G‑d, doubt is raised. If you’re in doubt, here’s something to consider.
10 Videos
Understanding G-d’s Ten Proclamations at Sinai
A series of classes on the “Ten Commandments” that were given to the Jewish people at Sinai. Each class focuses on one of the “Ten Commandments.”
Explore the earliest sources for why we stay up all night on Shavuot to learn Torah, and discover the real reason for this seemingly misunderstood custom.
A Chassidic Perspective on Shavuot, Part 1
The giving of the Torah reconciles the dichotomy in everything and reveals the unifying essence in both the spiritual and the material.
A Chassidic Perspective on Shavuot, Part 2
Shavuot, when we received the Torah at Sinai, is the culmination of the Exodus on Passover. Yet, on Passover we stay clear of the smallest amount of chometz, but on Shavuot two loaves of leavened bread were offered in the Holy Temple.
40 Videos
Study the Book of Ruth
Explore in vivid detail the courageous story of Rut the convert who sacrificed everything to become part of the Jewish People. This text based study of the book of Ruth draws from the classical commentaries and presents its inspirational relevance.
14 Videos
Talmud Tractate Shabbat, Chapter 9
In this Talmud class we’re onto a Shavuot track with teachings from Tractate Shabbat that narrate the events surrounding the revelation at Sinai.
Unity and differing opinions in Torah
Understanding the nature of differing opinions in Torah, and how the Halachic ruling does not favor one view and reject the other, but rather unites them both.
The Shavuot Offerings on a Weekday?!
In explaining why the sacrifices that a Jew was obligated to offer in the Temple in honor of Shavuos were not offered on the holyday itself but during the weekdays which follow, this class offers insight into the nature of G-d’s choice of the Children of Israel.
The Essence of Shavuot
If one had a disturbingly ominous dream, Halachah allows one to fast even on a Sabbath or Festival – not withstanding the obligation to feast on these days – since the person is distressed over his dream, he would derive 'pleasure' from fasting and not from eating. The one exception to the rule is Shavuot—the Festival of the Giving of the Torah. On Shavuot one must eat! This appears strange, given that all the other festivals celebrate a physical, bodily salvation, whereas Shavuot marks the giving of the Torah—a profoundly spiritual event?! The answer explores the nature of pleasure and the essence of Shavuot. (Likutei Sichos vol. 23 pp. 27)
Preparing to Receive the Torah
Soon after the Jewish people arrived at Mount Sinai, the final stages to receive the Torah began to unfold in earnest. This talk explores two views on the nature of these special days and what exactly is required of us as we prepare to receive the Torah anew this year. (Sefer Hasichos 5750)
Making Sense of the "Ten Commandments"
How do you explain and make the Ten Commandments relevant to children? Watch how Rabbi Manis Friedman explains them in a fresh way so that even a puppet could understand.
Prior to the giving of the Torah, G-d instructs Moses: "Speak to the house of Jacob, and tell the sons of Israel" (Exodus 19:3). The "house of Jacob," our Sages explain, are the women; "the sons of Israel," the men. Explore this special feminine role on five levels of understanding.
Did the Jewish People see sounds at Sinai or hear them?
An analysis of the Sinai experience and its relevance to us today, based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Many reasons are suggested to explain why we eat dairy foods on Shavuot. Of all the classic reasons offered, the one that appears to be the simplest is strangely absent. This class will explain why, and in so do doing will address the great mission of the Jewish people that began at Sinai. (Based in part on Likutei Sichos vol. 8, Naso 3)
Associating dairy-delicacies with the annual celebratory observance of Matan Torah (giving of the Torah) seems as natural as blintzes and sour cream; yet the origins of this near ubiquitous custom appear artificial and even contradictory to the mandated holiday meat menu. Mixing medieval manuscripts with contemporary clarification, a sweet and fruitful medley of delightful insight, rhyme and reason emerges. See how a desire to flavor Shavuot with a taste of times bygone set “Milky Way” customs into orbit and how to best balance this curious minhag with the Halacha!
The custom of “going green” on Shavuot with displays of organic flowers and greenery is widespread and seems entirely natural, yet its oldest historic documentation is far more recent than most imagine. Tracing earliest written sources through to the Code of Jewish Law reveals significant nuance and variation within this seemingly time-honored practice, while ancient sources also seem to wink at this idea. Yet, despite its apparent deep history, an 18th-century luminary threw shade on this practice and many subsequently abandoned it. Here, you'll find out why!
Join together before the holiday, as we remember our loved ones in a traditional Yizkor memorial webcast. Featuring an inspiring memorial message by Rabbi Moshe Bryski and heartfelt tunes by cantor Aryeh Leib Hurwitz.
Discover the 6 steps of spiritual preparation the Jewish People observed at Mt. Siani, over a six-day period prior to the Giving of the Torah, and how you can take these spiritual steps today, as our ancestors did more than 3,300 years ago.
A special culinary presentation of favorite dairy recipes for the holiday of Shavuot.
A pre-Shavuot webinar on the real reason we stay up late, forgotten liturgical compositions, the right way to eat dairy and other Shavuot customs.
Rabbi Yosef, the Talmud relates, would celebrate Shavuot, the Festival of the Giving of the Torah, with a unique banquet. The puzzling statement he said in connection with the feast is the subject of this class. Probing the layers of the Sage’s words reveals startling new depth to our appreciation of G-d’s most precious gift. (Based on Likutei Sichos volume 16)
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 18, Shavuos (sicha 2)
Three people who empower us to live as Jews should—unconstrained by the struggles of life.
An hour-long excerpt from a 1982 farbrengen
Each year, the Rebbe would hold a Farbrengen the night before Shavuot, often touching on topics from Tractate Sotah in the Talmud, which is customarily studied during the Counting of the Omer period, as well as discussing the lessons of the approaching holiday.
A chassidic discourse on Shavuot
This text-based class on a Shavuot discourse focuses on our special relationship to G-d that is metaphorically described as a faith-infused “marriage.” It's a Ma'amar (formal Chasidic discourse) that was delivered by the Rebbe in 1988, on a Shabbat afternoon just hours before Shavuot. Based on the final verse in the Haftorah: “I will betroth you to me with Faith,” it provides remarkable insights into what happened at Mount Sinai and why it’s relevant to us today. A powerful, insightful, and timely teaching about the Giving of the Torah that’ll help you better appreciate and prepare for this special holiday.
Learn the symbolism in the 3 names of the holiday, which relate to the giving of the Torah, the weeks of counting the Omer, and the new harvest.