
Shavuot Audio Classes

Discover more about Shavuot and the giving of the Torah in these fascinating classes and lectures.

Time for Torah: Shavuot
Shavuot: An Overview
Eating cheese cake; and staying up all night: Insight and explanations into some of the laws and customs pertaining to the festival of Shavuot.
The Five Names of Mt. Sinai
The five names of Har Sinai and how each of these names teaches us a profound lesson about the Torah.
Shavuot Insight
Audio | 5:44
Shavuot Insight
Five Minute Class
A five minute Shavuot insight based on the wellsprings of Torah and Chassidut.
Little Mountain - Part 1
Part 1 of 2
Torah brings peace to the world. More than a guide for social justice and personal morality, Torah brings harmony to nature itself making good and evil, light and darkness, serve a greater good - G-d's vast eternal plan.
Little Mountain - Part 2
Part 2 of 2
Torah brings peace to the world. More than a guide for social justice and personal morality, Torah brings harmony to nature itself making good and evil, light and darkness, serve a greater good - G-d's vast eternal plan.
Four Meditations on Sinai
Shavuot Class
An in-depth analysis of revelation at Sinai, which is celebrated on Shavuot.
The Two Sinais - Part 1
Audio | 1:04:05
The Two Sinais
Part 1: The Mountain of Sinai
You may already know that the giving of the Torah -- which we celebrate on the holiday of Shavuot -- took place at Sinai. But what is Sinai? The Torah speaks of a wilderness called Sinai as well as a mountain by the same name. What is the difference between the desert and the mountain? And how does that shape our understanding of what happened there years ago?
The Two Sinais - Part 2
Audio | 1:07:33
The Two Sinais
Part 2: The Desert of Sinai
You may already know that the giving of the Torah -- which we celebrate on the holiday of Shavuot -- took place at Sinai. But what is Sinai? The Torah speaks of a wilderness called Sinai as well as a mountain by the same name. What is the difference between the desert and the mountain? And how does that shape our understanding of what happened there years ago?
Weekly Story for Shavuot: Your Celebration
Shavuot is our wedding, our union with G-d. We don’t celebrate because we are participating in the joy of our brother or friend who may have studied Torah, rather it is our own personal Simcha and joy, because the Torah belongs to me as much as to Moses himself. This week’s story is about a 94 year old man who discovered this truth in a most profound way.
E Pluribus Unum
The giving of the Torah at Sinai is associated in many ways with the number three. How does this plurality lead us to true oneness?
Moses, King David and the Baal Shem Tov
On Shavuot, Moses as a baby was removed from the River Nile; King David and The Baal Shem Tov passed away -- the link between these events.
The Mystery of Shavuot
The Torah’s Great Omission
Ask any child what we celebrate on Shavuot, and the obvious answer is the giving of the Torah at Sinai; yet the Torah makes no mention of it. How do we make sense of this glaring omission?
Sinai, Shavuot and Today
The laws of studying Torah: An overview of Torah education through our history, and its current form today.
Torah: What's in It for G-d?
What do you get for the G-d who has everything? Does He really need us? Why is He so concerned whether or not we accept His Torah and do what He asks?
Shavuot: Giving of the Torah
Audio | 44:09
Shavuot: Giving of the Torah
This class examines the extraordinary transformative impact the giving of Torah accomplished.
Mattan Torah (1)
Audio | 29:48
Matan Torah: the Voice at Sinai
A profound insight into the inner reason to why G-d’s powerful voice at Mt. Sinai did not produce an echo.
Mattan Torah (2)
Audio | 49:29
Matan Torah: Rational Mitzvot
This class explains the significance of the logical and mundane laws of the Torah and the special connection of these mitzvot to the general theme of the giving of the Torah.
Receiving the Torah Anew
As we approach the holiday of Shavuot, we must prepare ourselves to receive the Torah anew. How is the Torah relevant in our modern world and what does it mean to us?
The Sinai Experience
What We Heard and Saw at the Giving of the Torah
Gain insight into the transformative nature of the giving of the Torah at Sinai.
Torah Gems: Bamidbar-Shavuot
Experience the gems of the Parsha with the classic commentaries, and a kabbalstic twist.
Sinai: A Conversion Primer
When Israel stood at Sinai they underwent a transformation which serves as the model for all future conversion. We will examine what they did and how this evolved into the criteria for conversion today.
Halacha - Shavout
Audio | 44:04
Halacha - Shavout
Some of the Halachik laws pertaining to the festival of Shavuot in-depth.
Halachot of Shavuot
Halachot of Shavuot
These classes discuss the halachot for the holiday of Shavuot.
Rabbi Schapiro on Shavuot
Two advanced classes that expound upon the central themes of Shavuot.
The Torah
G-d, who formed and created man and all that exists, shares His wisdom, understanding and knowledge with us through the Torah, enabling us to maximize our potential and fulfill our life's purpose.
When Was the Torah Given?
Shavuot and the Giving of the Torah
In the Talmud, there is a dispute between the sages as to what date the Torah was given at Sinai. According to one opinion, Moses added an extra day of preparation before the giving of the Torah. How could Moses depart from G-d's timeline?
A Vision for the Ages
The Haftorah of Shavuot
Why Ezekiel’s vision of the “divine chariot” is the chosen haftorah reading on Shavuos, when it would appear that other scriptural passages that refer directly to the giving of the Torah would make a more appropriate choice, inasmuch as Ezekiel makes no such reference at all! (Based on Likkutei Sichos, vol. 33, p. 18.)
Sinai: The Marriage Between Heaven and Earth
A Chassidic Perspective on Shavuot, Part 1
The giving of the Torah reconciles the dichotomy in everything and reveals the unifying essence in both the spiritual and the material.
Sinai: Total Transformation
A Chassidic Perspective on Shavuot, Part 2
Shavuot, when we received the Torah at Sinai, is the culmination of the Exodus on Passover. Yet, on Passover we stay clear of the smallest amount of chometz, but on Shavuot two loaves of leavened bread were offered in the Holy Temple.
Why We Stay Up Shavuot Night
Explore the earliest sources for why we stay up all night on Shavuot to learn Torah, and discover the real reason for this seemingly misunderstood custom.
The Milky Way
Audio | 1:03:41
The Milky Way
Customs of Shavuot
An overview of some the unique customs associated with the holiday of Shavuot, along with their practical reasons and spiritual explanations.
The Innovation of Shavuot
Letters and Numbers of the Festivals
Each holiday has its special mitzvah that is unique to the respective festival (like shofar on Rosh Hashana, matzah on Passover etc.). Yet, it seems we don’t find in the Torah any particular mitzvah for Shavuot?!
Dairy Delights
Audio | 55:34
Dairy Delights
Many reasons are suggested to explain why we eat dairy foods on Shavuot. Of all the classic reasons offered, the one that appears to be the simplest is strangely absent. This class will explain why, and in so do doing will address the great mission of the Jewish people that began at Sinai. (Based in part on Likutei Sichos vol. 8, Naso 3)
When the Angels Sued Us and Lost
Debunking the legal argument the angels used to try keep the Torah. (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 18 Shavuos)