
Torah Video and Songs

A collection of kid-friendly audio and video clips about the sanctity of the Torah Scroll.

Infinite Wisdom
Video | 14:44
Infinite Wisdom
The Torah... A Mitzvah that Unifies and Informs
G-d, who formed and created man and all that exists, shares His wisdom, understanding and knowledge with us through the Torah, enabling us to maximize our potential and fulfill our life's purpose.
The Sefer Torah
Video | 4:14
The Sefer Torah
The last commandment of the Torah is to write one’s own Sefer Torah. Today this is commonly done through buying a letter, chapter or portion in a joint Sefer Torah. It is written by a scribe who is specially ordained to write, and its laws are meticulous.
Torah Tzivah
The Torah was given to us through Moshe, G-d's most faithful servant. And every single Jew, boy or girl, inherits the torah for himself or herself. Whether they have studied Torah for years, or only know a very little bit, it is their inheritance - to learn and to keep, the very nicest present that G-d gave.
Torah tells our parents: "Daddy, Mommy teach ME to your children! I want them to know MY holy words!" We should tell our parents too: "Daddy, Mommy, wouldn't you like to do the greatest and best thing of all for me? Then please teach me Torah.
Torah Medley
Audio | 6:20
Torah Medley
1. Sisu V’simchu 2. Ma Yisron 3. Torah Tziva
Get Your Own Letter in the Children’s Sefer Torah
Have a letter in the kid’s Torah scroll is very special and connects you with the Torah and millions of Jewish children.