
Not Alone

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Not Alone

12 Tammuz marks the anniversary of the Previous Rebbe’s release from Soviet prison where he was jailed for the “crime” of promoting Judaism. Far from retreating under pressure from the Communist regime, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak fought the Jews’ oppressors and with a small group of devoted Chassidim, succeeded in keeping Judaism alive in Russia. But his amazing and inspiring story raises a fundamental question: How is it that one solitary individual was able to stand against a tyrannical world power?
Tammuz 12-13, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Not Alone
Disc 168, Program 669

Event Date: 12 Tammuz 5737 - June 28, 1977

12 Tammuz marks the anniversary of the Previous Rebbe’s release from Soviet prison where he was jailed for the “crime” of promoting Judaism. Far from retreating under pressure from the Communist regime, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak fought the Jews’ oppressors and with a small group of devoted Chassidim, succeeded in keeping Judaism alive in Russia. But his amazing and inspiring story raises a fundamental question: How is it that one solitary individual was able to stand against a tyrannical world power?

The answer, however, is that he really couldn’t have--without the blessing of The Almighty. In fact, when we follow in the ways of The Creator, even we can achieve what seems to be impossible.

Living Torah

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