
Guest Columnists

Jewels in the Walls
Choose your words wisely. Be bold and articulate, spreading good ideas and positive energy around you.
The Monthly Marriage
Marriages need separations. Sometimes a couple will get into arguments and be angry at each other just for the sake of creating a distance so that husband and wife can feel like they’re coming together . . . But there’s a better way.
Mikvah Time
The year is the same, the days are the same, but the months are different. It is a time quite individual—created by G‑d especially for me . . .
Like a Newborn Child
She wanted to convert, but when the rabbi informed her of the requirements and also mentioned immersion in a mikvah, she balked. She was ready to do everything except for the mikvah ritual, which she found difficult to comprehend . . .
Learning From the Gossiper How to Heal Relationships
Unresolved repetitive conflict ultimately prevents people from reaching their relationship potential.
Is It Wrong to Like a Lot of Stuff?
Is it OK to enjoy a good shopping spree and to delight in yet another Amazon box at your doorstep?
Does It Matter Which Words Rashi Quotes?
See how a nuance in a simple one-line Rashi can be examined, unpacked, and understood in an entirely new light.
The Inner Rhythm of Tumah
An Essay on Parshat Metzora
It can be said that the creation of tumah resembles the production of a magnetic field.
Watch Your Words!
Life Lessons From the Parshah - Metzora