
Updates From the Front

Rockets were falling on Northern Israel, and Chabad was mobilizing its resources to respond to the crisis....

Children From North Spent War in Chabad Camps
News in Brief
Children from northern Israel displaced by the month-long fighting in Lebanon have been attending day camps in the center of the country.
Celebrating Without a Father
A Haifa Youth Mourns Parent While Called to the Torah
It certainly wasn’t the special day 13-year-old Nadav Elharar had in mind for his bar mitzvah.
Haifa Rabbis Answer Missiles With Mitzvot
News in Brief
With Haifa neighborhoods in shatters, Chabad-Lubavitch outposts in the port city have come up with “mitzvot against missiles” campaign.
Chabad-Lubavitch Educators Convene in Shadow of Missiles
News in Brief
The impact of three missiles in the Hadera-Zichron Yaakov could well indeed target Israelis as far south as 30 kilometers from Tel Aviv. However it failed to detract more than 300 educators from holding their convention within range of the deadly Katyusha rockets that weekend.
Chabad Summer Programs Defy War
News in Brief
Camps operated by the Chabad-Lubavitch throughout the country are operating normally, with minor changes.
'At Least We're Not a Burden to Our Family'
Refugees Choose Dormitory Life Over Rockets, Imposition
Thousands of families, couples, and singles from Israel's north have left to stay with family or friends farther south. More than 400 residents of Safed have found their way to Kfar Chabad.
With a Steely Determination, American Jews Perform Mitzvot for Israel
Collective Show of Unity on Display From Coast to Coast
Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries and their congregants have responded to the call in particularly spiritual terms, in addition to giving speeches at rallies and running fund-raisers of their own.
Combating the Bitterness of War With Home-Baked Sweets
Home Front Women Add Their Contribution to Defense Effort
The idea of distributing fresh-baked goods to Israel Defense Force soldiers all along the Lebanese border has picked up steam with the participation of scores of women in Tel Aviv.
Deserted City Takes Advantage of a Pause to Regroup
Northern Israel a Picture of Devastation and Hope
Safed has become a virtual ghost town in the last three weeks. Streets normally full of children are now practically empty, save for the occasional cat or dog. “Listen to the quiet,” said Rachel Chitrik, “Normally it would be so noisy...”
Pausing from the Bullets to Pray
A Reserve Soldier Tends to the Spiritual Needs of His Comrades
Rabbi Ariel Goren, 30, who was called for reserve duty more than two weeks ago along with the rest of his Israel Defense Forces artillery unit, is no ordinary soldier.
Spending Summer Break Aiding Mitzvah Campaign
Hundreds of Chabad-Lubavitch yeshiva students in Israel have volunteered to spend their summer vacation, which begins after Tisha B’Av, helping Jews throughout Israel to fulfill the biblical commandment of putting on tefillin (phylacteries).
Chabad to Distribute One Million Psalm Books
The Chabad-Lubavitch Youth Organization in Israel is distributing one million books of Psalms around Israel, according to an announcement made this week.
Relief Can’t Come Too Soon
Sandwich Visits a Welcome Reprieve From Rockets
It’s an eerie feeling driving north these days from Tel Aviv. Traffic thins consistently on the coastal road, and by the time you get to Haifa there is nary a car on the road.
A Strategic Meeting of Spiritual Proportions
Besieged Emissaries Brave Threat of Attacks Just Miles From Border
Dr. Arnon speaking before a large group of Chabad emissaries made an emphatic case, that the emissaries’ visits to bomb shelters and its outpouring of support for bereaved families is a lifeline for the families
Students: Quill Mightier than Katyusha
Hundreds Already Immersed in Unity Torah Project
As Hezbollah missiles continue to rain down on Israeli cities, hundreds of college students have undertaken the challenge of sponsoring the writing of a Torah scroll
War Room - Chabad Style
Organizers Dispatch Network of Volunteers to Every Corner of Israel
As the Israel Defense Forces calls up its reserve troops and prepares for a protracted campaign in Lebanon, Chabad is similarly mobilizing forces
Jewish Angelenos Rally in Support of Israel
Crowd of thousands urged to don tefillin and light Shabbat candles
Braving a record-setting heat wave, 10,000 Jews of all ages and walks of life thronged into a half-mile-square area of Los Angeles’ famed Wilshire Boulevard
Bringing Joy to the Southwestern Front
Tefillin, music and cookies cheer Israel’s embattled soldiers
Words cannot begin to describe the amount of dust near the Israeli border with Gaza. Even without a lineup of tanks, armored bulldozers and other heavy equipment, one hour in leaves one brushing sand out of hair, ears, nose, pockets and everywhere else.
Synagogue Heavily Damaged in Nahariya
Torah Scrolls Safe and Sound After Rocket Attack
It's difficult to be positive when your shul has been destroyed, your neighbors are living in bomb shelters, and daily Katyusha attacks claim more and more casualties.
Ducking Rockets, Raising Spirits
Hot food and a smile for border town’s targeted residents
Katyusha rockets had been falling on Kiryat Shmona long before the arrival of Chabad-Lubavitch emissary Rabbi Yigal Tzippori in 1992. But that didn't stop him from moving to this town on the Lebanese border.
Children Unite In Prayer for Israeli Soldiers
More than 500 schoolchildren who are attending Chabad-Lubavitch institutions, and their teachers, took part in a special prayer service at the Kotel, The Western Wall
Helping Wounded, Bereaved Families In Israel
As Chabad Rabbi Menachem Kutner came to the aid of three members of the Mor family of Safed who were being released from the hospital Sunday, just one question crossed his mind: Where would they go?
Lubavitch Reaches Out to Victims
Life continuing against backdrop of terror
Amid the attacks and tragedies that have engulfed northern Israel in the last few days, signs of strength, compassion, and courage have been present as well
Escape from Lethal Barrage Called Miraculous
Chabad Takes Up Mantle of Relief
During the Thursday afternoon assault, another Katyusha rocket landed about five meters away from the Kaplans' home, with their children and mother inside.