
At the Ohel

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At the Ohel

The Rebbe visits resting place of his predecessor, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn
Lubavitcher Rebbe, High Holidays, Erev Rosh Hashanah, Ohel

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Anonymous LA, USA November 15, 2006

Entertainment I am a recording artist in LA, in the entertainment business, and a teacher and voice coach. I was blessed to meet the Rebbe on numerous occasions BH. This video, seing the Rebbe weep and Daven at the OHEL, brought tears to my eyes too,a nd made me want to devote mt tefilla to Hashem, even deeper, for all of us...

One day I went to a recording session, telling an Israeli client that I had sent a note to the OHEL. The African American Producer who was the owner of the Studio, turned around, and with great reverence said "You mean Rabbi Shneerson" ( I hadn't known that the producer had grown up in Crown Heights, and used to be mesmerised as a child watching the Rebbe walk to Shul. Thank You for this Video. Reply

Joyce The Voice Somerville, MA via September 29, 2006

New Year Greetings Blessings for the priviledge of viewing the video clips of the Rebbe. I am sitting in the High School learning center and weeping as I view these clips. Although I never had the privilege of meeting the Rebbe, I am a Chasid of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (may his memory be for a blessing). I am the daughter of Rabbi Israel Shmuel Rokeach from the Belz dynasty. I pray that Hasem continue to give me wisdom and Koach to sing his praises and help to bring more Yidden to prepare for Moshiach. Shana Tova. Reply