Rosh Hashanah Videos
150 items in this section
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Preparing Ourselves Spiritually for the High Holidays
We are all familiar with the themes of regret, repentance and confession associated with this time of year, yet there’s a more integral element we must first embrace if we want these days to truly be meaningful. (Filmed at Aventura Chabad in Miami, Florida in 2015)

The Paradox of Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah is the day each year when we reaffirm and deepen our allegiance to G-d. The sounding of the shofar gives expression to our 'coronation' of G-d as our personal Monarch and as the Supreme King of Kings of all creation. This class will address the puzzling fact that nary a hint of this is to be found in Scripture where we are enjoined to observe this sacred day. (Based on various sources in Chassidic literature.)
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