
Bamidbar (Numbers)

Don’t Women Count?
There are times when we must wage an external battle, and there are times when we must safeguard our internal treasures . . .
Do You Like Standing Out or Fitting In?
Seemingly, we have two opposing forces tugging at us: our need to stand out as individuals vs. our need for belonging.
Tasting Life's Bitter Waters
You are married, or intensely committed, to a vision, a goal, a dream. Then along comes life . . .
Have You Heard of the Term “Mansplaining”?
Let’s stop mansplaining, womansplaining, or peoplesplaining, and start seeing the inherent worth in all of G‑d’s creations.
Why Mistakes Can Be Good for You
Doesn’t it sometimes feel like life is full of mistakes? Guilt and more guilt. Falling and somehow pulling yourself back up. But could there be anything positive about that?
How to Light up Another…
Dina is sixteen years old, and it seems like everyone in her life is always trying to change her.
It is so easy to judge another by the prism of our own glasses.
Thoughts While Stuck in a Traffic Jam
How often do we want to make time go away?
When You Mess Up
No one is ever too lost to make amends in their lives. When we stray or mess up, if we recognize how far gone we are and we are shaken to our core, we can rebound.
What the Men of Distinction Couldn’t Fathom
What were the calculations of ten of the spies that caused them to err so profoundly? And what did the women of Israel intuitively understand that these great “men of distinction” failed to comprehend?
Why Are Children Better at Technology Than Adults?
We often get stuck with the familiar, afraid to make necessary changes outside our comfort zone.
A Tale of Two Wives
Two women played a prominent role in Korach’s revolt. Their different approaches in dealing with the material reality lead to two opposite outcomes . . .
What Coffee, Chicken Soup, Sorbet and Laundry Have in Common
So many different shapes, forms, flavors, and usages, but at the core is the same essential property—droplets of water.
Is Having Children a Logical Decision?
Rational decisions are based on outcomes, but having children is “an epistemically transformative experience.”
Wellsprings of Devotion
One day, Sara tried a different approach. "Honey," she said to her husband. "I know you this isn't the way you see it. But please, do it just for me!"
Do It Just For Me!
What works for me may not be optimal for you, so rationally trying to convince you to do things “my” way can be ineffective.
Spread the Love
While we sometimes might express frustration at our children’s behavior, it is obvious that our love for them is genuine. But difficult circumstances can unearth how deep this love really is.
How to Become Your Greatest Advocate
Why is it that just as we are about to reach a long sought-after goal, we falter in those final moments?
Aren't My Friends Just Awesome?
He would guzzle down my mother’s delicacies, spilling some on our pristine white tablecloth.
How to Become a Trailblazer
Trailblazers have the courage to take bold action and create positive change.
The Female Estate
Traditionally, the linear, male method of “conquering the land” has been perceived as superior and more effective. But the daughters of Tzelafchad realized that there will come a time when humanity will evolve to a more feminine mode of conquest . . .
The Parenting Rod
"One who spares the rod, hates his child" -- what is the parctical meaning in this adage for today's parent?
Personal journeys. Relationship journeys. Our national cosmic journey . . .