Life’s Journeys
A Mystical View on Life’s Greatest Milestones
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Life’s journeys through the lens of kabbalah
The moment of conception is powerful. How parents’ thoughts and actions can affect the “garments” of their child’s soul.
![]() Audio | 46:20
Life’s journeys through the lens of kabbalah
What is the significance of a Jewish name, and do our names define who we are? Why do we need to do a "brit" (circumcision) and what happens spiritually at that time?
![]() Audio | 49:10
Life’s journeys through the lens of kabbalah
A birthday can either be the day YOU were born, or the day G-d created you. Here's how to use the special energy of your birthday to accomplish great things.
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Life’s journeys through the lens of kabbalah
How to make your child's bar or bat mitzvah lasting, enduring and spiritually-charged.
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Life’s journeys through the lens of kabbalah
Tap into the energy of a Jewish marriage by understanding the meaning behind the special customs and traditions of the wedding ceremony.
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Life’s journeys through the lens of kabbalah
Why the color white plays such an important role; why the bride encircles the groom; why the imagery of circles is repeated throughout the ceremony; and the meaning behind so many other marriage customs.
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There are times when divorce is necessary in order to continue living a healthy lifestyle, but it is considered a very sad and painful event.
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We wish parents that they will have "nachas", Jewish pride, from their children. Yet, raising children today can be challenging. Here is some Torah guidance for parents.
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Torah perspectives on aging and retirement
What is the Torah's perspective to old age and retirement? Learn the Torah's secrets to not becoming old.
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- Life Cycles (1984)