
Life and Afterlife

Discussions and insights into life on this world and beyond

Angels, Heaven and Hell
What Really Happens?
Learn the real meaning of Heaven and Hell, the experience of the soul after a person passes on, and the concept of angels.
A Guide to the Afterlife
The way the soul will operate when it is not enclosed within the body. The different phases the soul goes through from when it departs the body until it reaches its place in the upper worlds.
Afterlife & Reincarnation - Part 1
What is the soul? Where was it before it entered our body? And where does the soul go after it leaves? Does Judaism believe in hell? Join a fantastic discussion of Judaism's view of afterlife.
Afterlife & Reincarnation - Part 2
A discussion of the soul's descent to the physical world for a second chance. Join us for a fascinating discussion on the soul's journey from heaven to earth to heaven and back again.
Afterlife & Reincarnation - Part 3
A discussion of the soul's descent to the physical world for a second chance. Join us for a fascinating discussion on the soul's journey from heaven to earth to heaven and back again.
Reincarnation: A Jewish Belief
Why is there a need for reincarnation? To whom does it occur? Can an entire generation be reincarnated?
Life After Death
Audio | 1:08:43
Life After Death
This stimulating talk presents the Jewish perspective on the soul, afterlife, reincarnation and resurrection.
Death – Another Dimension
Audio | 47:26
Death – Another Dimension
Judaism teaches about the reality of life after physical life; what is the nature of this after-life experience for the soul?
Resurrection of the Dead
The belief in the resurrection of the dead – one of the thirteen principals of faith – and why it’s so fundamental to our faith.
To Live Is To Give
Audio | 27:57
To Live Is To Give
A purposeful soul is not content to be, it wants to secure a purpose. Hence being alive is only a preparation for true life. True life begins when we give life to others. Through birth or inspiration we give life which can be given again to others at infinitum.
What Happens When I Die? 1
Part 1
Insights on the traditions of Jewish burial and the subsequent mourning period.
What Happens When I Die? 2
Part 2
A kabbalistic understanding of the soul/body relationship and the soul's existence after departing from its physical embodiment.
Journey of the Soul
Jewish Teachings on Reincarnation
An overview of traditional Jewish beliefs regarding past lives and the transmigration of souls, particularly as brought out in the teachings of kabbalah.
The Higher Life
Life on the Other Side
An exploration into the Jewish view of death, mourning, the soul's journey and the after-life.
Visiting the Resting Place of a Tzaddik
Why do we travel to the resting place of a tzaddik? What happens during our visit there? What kind of connection can one still have with one's teacher after the teacher has passed on?
The Brain and Soul Interface
Revisiting the nature of consciousness in light of the Rebbe’s teachings (in preparation to the anniversary of passing).