
Meet the Bruks

A Chabad bi-racial family in Montana with 5 adopted children

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Meet the Bruks: A Chabad bi-racial family in Montana with 5 adopted children

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Montana, Adoption

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Annie Engelson Chicago via October 10, 2024

WOW!! I am looking to adopt, and I was wondering if you could let me know a good place to find kids? Thank You! Reply

Chana Rot February 22, 2021

wow! I am so inspired from your story, and learned so much from both of you, I am so happy I listened to your story! thank you for sharing! May Hashem should give you the strength to always be able to inspire everyone!!
I have a question,(if I may ask) how are you managing with the boys and girls aspect of halacha? Like touching, yichud? Reply

Chaim Bruk Bozeman, MT February 22, 2021
in response to Chana:

Thanks Chana for your question! There are many laws connected to adoption, like everything else in life, and we invest time and thought in how to get it done properly without making it more complicated than it needs to be! We don't publicize these aspects of our life as they are very personal in nature and connected to each child individually, but they are certainly something that needs to be followed when adopting.

LChaim Reply

Boruch Leeds February 14, 2021

Very nice
So interesting Reply

Shana isreal August 6, 2020

wowowo wowowo absolutely amazing!
I have a question which concerns many couples dealing with infertility , after adopting do you give up on the chance of ever having your own children or is it something you keep trying to work on? Reply

Chaim Bruk August 6, 2020
in response to Shana :

One never gives up on possible medical developments, so we can enjoy our family and love our children and hope for a time when fertility doctors find a new cure for all types of infertility. Reply

Moshe Braun Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel August 3, 2020

What a tremendous example of positivity and healthy outlooks. You both are role models and sources of inspiration for all of Klal Yisrael and the entire world. Blessings and success in all realms, together with much nachas and good health! Reply

Ariella Israel August 2, 2020

I am totally blown away by this story. You are amazing people! It's clear that you have a beautiful loving family and a strong marriage. There is so much to learn from this story and your amazing attitude. Reply

Laura Virginia August 1, 2020

May G-d always bless the Bruks’ family with love and happiness! Reply

Rosa July 31, 2020

I watched this twice in the past few days. i cant wrap my brain around your story and positive attitude. Just plain wow. No ego or selfishness just simple genuine kindness to be a "Racheim al brioisav" by raising Hashems children. I am especially amazed by your lack of self centerdness with no apparent thoughts of wether the child in question is from an illustrious background or not and wether it will reflect poorly on you or not. I am amazed and would love to connect with you one day. So much to learn from you. I literally am kept up at night thinking about your story. Oh and I would also love to partner with Chavie in business too! Her amazing energy and both of your action oriented personalities... everything I am not and wish to make more a part of me. Thank You for sharing. P.S. Our family is very close to an adopted non Jewish/converted girl who already has a child of her own and all I can say is these things do work out better than expected many times! You are an inspiration! Reply

Miriam July 31, 2020

Thank you so much Rabbi and Mrs. This was so moving.

Your wisdom balanced with vulnerability and humor was so touching.

G-d bless you,
your wonderful family and community Reply

Mm July 31, 2020

All I can say is, WOW!
Rabbi Chaim and Chavie, you guys are amazing!!! No words!
Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring us all. Reply

B July 30, 2020

Just finished watching this amazing interview. Chaim and Chavie you are truly inspirational!! Reply

Esther Toronto July 30, 2020

You are an amazing, holy, heroic couple!
How did you choose names for them? Reply

Chaim Bruk Bozeman, MT July 30, 2020
in response to Esther:

One was named before we adopted her! One chose her own Jewish name as she was older and three were named by us, one for the Rebbe, one for my mom and one for my great grandmother! Reply

Uri Hirsch Jerusalem July 30, 2020

Today is Tisha B'Av here in Israel and I came home from shul after reading kinot. So what can one do on this day after that? I decided to listen to some Tisha B'Av lectures on the internet. While listening to some amazing lectures I saw your site and decided to take a break from those lectures and listen to the Bruk story. It's a long story but I couldn't interrupt it because it was so fascinating. But it hit me that that is not the only important thing. It reinforced my admiration for Chabad and all that it does irrespective of the hardship it might be for the Chabad people themselves. Frankly, I am an FFB myself and don't align myself with some of the religious policies of Chabad but I can't speak highly enough of them and their accomplishments. Montana?? Reply